
Global Infosec Ödülünü Kazananları RSA – IT Security Guru’da Açıklandı

Global Infosec Ödüllerinin kazananları San Francisco’da düzenlenen RSA konferansında açıklandı. Ödüller, en saygın bilgi güvenliği ürün ve hizmetlerini yöneten, yaratan ve sunan 4.300’den fazla şirketi altı ay boyunca araştıran Cyber ​​Defence Magazine (CDM) tarafından açıklandı. CDM, bunlardan 400’den fazlasını kazanan olarak adlandırdı.

Ödülün kazananları, yeniliklerinden dolayı onurlandırıldı ve yarının ihlallerini bugün durdurma girişimlerine odaklanıldı.

Dijital Dönüşüm, Akıllı Şehirler, Nesnelerin İnterneti, OT, SaaS, Bulut Bilişim ve yeni yapay zeka araçları ve teknolojilerinde patlayıcı bir büyümenin olduğu yeni bir hibrit iş gücü çağında, yeni tür fidye yazılımlarında, iş e-posta uzlaşması, Bulut, IoT ve OT istismarı, derin kimlik avı saldırıları, siber suçlar ve siber terörizm.

Cyber ​​Defence Magazine Genel Yayın Yönetmeni Yan Ross: yalnızca en yenilikçi ve ileri görüşlü siber güvenlik çözümleri bize savaşma şansı verecektir.

Ödüller, CISSP, FMDHS, CEH ve sertifikalı güvenlik uzmanları tarafından değerlendirildi ve şirket hakkındaki bağımsız incelemelerine dayanarak oy kullandılar. CDM, yeni ve benzersiz teknolojilere sahip yenilikçi şirketler bulmayı hedefliyor.

Kazananlar arasında, gecede birçok ödül kazanan Keeper Security, RiskLens (Editörün Seçimi Risk Yönetimi Ödülü), Salt Security (Hot Company) ve Centripetal (Hot Company) yer aldı. OT varlık güvenlik açığı yönetimi şirketi Armis, gecede En İyi Çözüm Kurumsal Güvenlik, Editörün Seçimi Sağlık Hizmetleri IoT Güvenliği ve En Yenilikçi OT Güvenliği dahil olmak üzere birçok ödül kazandı. Armis CEO’su Yevgeny Dibrov da En İyi İcra Kurulu Başkanı ödülünü kazandı. Deloitte ayrıca gecede 18 ödül alarak büyük kazanan oldu.

Ödül Alanların Listesi;

LenelS2Best Product PortfolioAccess Control
Keyless Technologies LTDCutting EdgeAccount Takeover Protection
SECUINFRA GmbHHot CompanyAdvanced Persistent Threat (APT) Detection and Response
BedRock Systems Inc.Most ComprehensiveAdvanced Persistent Threat (APT) Detection and Response
AcalvioPublisher’s ChoiceAdvanced Persistent Threat (APT) Detection and Response
HiddenLayerNext GenAdversarial ML Threat Mitigation
MicrosoftMarket LeaderAnti-Malware
CofenseBest ProductAnti-Phishing
Inspired eLearningBest SolutionAnti-Phishing
HoxhuntCutting EdgeAnti-Phishing
IRONSCALESHot CompanyAnti-Phishing
Identity DigitalMost ComprehensiveAnti-Phishing
SlashNextNext GenAnti-Phishing
VadeEditor’s ChoiceAnti-Phishing
MicrosoftBest ProductAnti-Virus
MutareMarket LeaderAnti-Vishing
CorshaBest ProductAPI Security
Data TheoremCutting EdgeAPI Security
Noname SecurityEditor’s ChoiceAPI Security
Salt SecurityHot CompanyAPI Security
ThreatXMarket LeaderAPI Security
ImpervaMost ComprehensiveAPI Security
Traceable AIMost InnovativeAPI Security
StackHawkNext GenAPI Security
Impart Security IncPublisher’s ChoiceAPI Security
ImmuniWebBest ProductApplication Security
ImpervaCutting EdgeApplication Security
Backslash SecurityEditor’s ChoiceApplication Security
ArmorCodeHot CompanyApplication Security
Spin.AIHot CompanyApplication Security
VMwareMarket LeaderApplication Security
Security CompassMost ComprehensiveApplication Security
SynopsysNext GenApplication Security
StrikeReadyMost InnovativeApplied Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity
Flexxon Pte. LtdEditor’s ChoiceArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
SilobreakerHot CompanyArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
DeloittePublisher’s ChoiceArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
ArmisBest ProductAttack Surface Management
ImmuniWebBest SolutionAttack Surface Management
IONIX Inc.Cutting EdgeAttack Surface Management
Forescout TechnologiesEditor’s ChoiceAttack Surface Management
CyCognitoHot CompanyAttack Surface Management
DetectifyMarket LeaderAttack Surface Management
CybleMost ComprehensiveAttack Surface Management
EncoreMost InnovativeAttack Surface Management
DeloitteNext GenAttack Surface Management
NetSPINext GenAttack Surface Management
Noetic CyberNext GenAttack Surface Management
GitGuardianPublisher’s ChoiceAttack Surface Management
CymulateVisionaryAttack Surface Management
Noname SecurityHot CompanyAttack Surface Management (RECON)
Trinity CyberCutting EdgeAutomated Threat Mitigation & Prevention
iProovEditor’s ChoiceBiometrics
Keyless Technologies LTDHot CompanyBiometrics
Incode TechnologiesMost ComprehensiveBiometrics
ReblazeMarket LeaderBot Management
ImpervaNext GenBot Management
DataDomeMost InnovativeBot Mitigation
Picus SecurityCutting EdgeBreach & Attack Simulation
SCYTHEHot CompanyBreach & Attack Simulation
SafeBreachMost ComprehensiveBreach & Attack Simulation
CymulateBest ProductBreach & Attack Simulation (BAS)
Ericom SoftwareNext GenBrowser Isolation
Talon Cyber SecurityMarket LeaderBrowser Security
AppViewXMost InnovativeCertificate Lifecycle Management
ManageEngineEditor’s ChoiceCloud Access Security Broker
OpenText CybersecurityPublisher’s ChoiceCloud Backup
Gem SecurityHot CompanyCloud Detection and Response
MoreSecBest ProductCloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP)
Ermetic Ltd.Best SolutionCloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP)
WizMost InnovativeCloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP)
Gem SecurityEditor’s ChoiceCloud Security
Forward NetworksHot CompanyCloud Security
ShardSecure, IncHot CompanyCloud Security
Dig SecurityMost ComprehensiveCloud Security
WizMost InnovativeCloud Security
ImpervaNext GenCloud Security
DeloittePublisher’s ChoiceCloud Security
CoreStackMarket LeaderCloud Security Automation
ManageEngineEditor’s ChoiceCloud Security Monitoring
CoreStackMost InnovativeCloud Security Monitoring
ProficioPublisher’s ChoiceCloud Security Monitoring
CoreStackBest SolutionCloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
Data TheoremNext GenCloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
HYAS Infosec Inc.Hot CompanyCloud Workload Protection
Ridge Security Technology Inc.Most InnovativeCloud Workload Protection
Hillstone NetworksNext GenCloud Workload Protection
Skyhigh SecurityMost InnovativeCloud-Native Security
EC-CouncilCybersecurity TrainingCompany of the Year
A-LIGNHot CompanyCompliance
CoreStackBest ProductCompliance Automation
VantaCutting EdgeCompliance Automation
Evolven SoftwareHot CompanyConfiguration Risk Intelligence
ColorTokensBest ProductContainer Security
TigeraHot CompanyContainer Security
ResecHot CompanyContent Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR)
VotiroMost ComprehensiveContent Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR)
Noetic CyberHot CompanyContinuous Controls Monitoring Platform
CardinalOpsNext GenContinuous Detection Posture Management
1KosmosMarket LeaderCredential Service Provider
DedroneEditor’s ChoiceCritical Infrastructure Protection
HYAS Infosec Inc.Hot CompanyCritical Infrastructure Protection
BedRock Systems Inc.Most InnovativeCritical Infrastructure Protection
Resecurity, Inc.Publisher’s ChoiceCritical Infrastructure Protection
KrollCutting EdgeCrypto Security
RangeForceMost ComprehensiveCyber Defense Readiness Platform
Cowbell CyberHot CompanyCyber Insurance
Safe SecurityNext GenCyber Insurance
IronSDN, Corp.Best ProductCyber InsureTech
Optiv SecurityMarket LeaderCyber Recovery Solution
OpenText CybersecurityMost InnovativeCyber Resilience
Absolute SoftwareNext GenCyber Resilience
DeloitteEditor’s ChoiceCybersecurity as a Service (CaaS)
Sangfor TechnologiesVisionaryCybersecurity Company
ULTRA-REDPublisher’s ChoiceCyber Security Research
DeloitteBest SolutionCyber Security Training
CoroCutting EdgeCybersecurity Artificial Intelligence
DeloitteHot CompanyCybersecurity Artificial Intelligence
Deep InstinctMost ComprehensiveCybersecurity Artificial Intelligence
BlackBerryNext GenCybersecurity Blog
Wing SecurityMarket LeaderCybersecurity Company
Noname SecurityNext GenCybersecurity Company
Inspired eLearningPublisher’s ChoiceCybersecurity Content
Noname SecurityMost InnovativeCybersecurity Content – Noname Academy
Noname SecurityMost InnovativeCybersecurity Discovery
INEEditor’s ChoiceCybersecurity Education – for Enterprises
Inspired eLearningMost ComprehensiveCybersecurity Education – for Enterprises
Bank of AmericaMost InnovativeCybersecurity Education – for Enterprises
ConnectWiseMarket LeaderCybersecurity Education – for Small to Medium Size Businesses (SMBs)
Bank of AmericaMost InnovativeCybersecurity Education – for Small to Medium Size Businesses (SMBs)
INEPublisher’s ChoiceCybersecurity Education – for Small to Medium Size Businesses (SMBs)
Atlantic.NetBest SolutionCybersecurity Healthcare Practices
CUJO LLCNext GenCybersecurity Internet of Things (IoT)
VentureScopeHot CompanyCybersecurity Investor
In-Q-TelMost InnovativeCybersecurity Investor
AllegisCyber CapitalVisionaryCybersecurity Investor
SeeMetricsNext GenCybersecurity Performance Management
SacumenBest SolutionCybersecurity Product Engineering Services
BlackBerryCutting EdgeCybersecurity Research
MicrosoftEditor’s ChoiceCybersecurity Research
Forescout TechnologiesHot CompanyCybersecurity Research
TrellixMarket LeaderCybersecurity Research
CybleMost ComprehensiveCybersecurity Research
WatchGuard TechnologiesMost InnovativeCybersecurity Research
MITRENext GenCybersecurity Research
Bank of AmericaPublisher’s ChoiceCybersecurity Research
NuData SecurityCutting EdgeCybersecurity Service Provider
NisosEditor’s ChoiceCybersecurity Service Provider
ConnectWiseMarket LeaderCybersecurity Service Provider
Digital SilenceMost InnovativeCybersecurity Service Provider
DeloitteEditor’s ChoiceCybersecurity Service Provider of the Year
NtiretyMost InnovativeCybersecurity Service Provider of the Year
Immersive LabsPublisher’s ChoiceCybersecurity Service Provider of the Year
BedRock Systems Inc.Cutting EdgeCybersecurity Startup
CybleEditor’s ChoiceCybersecurity Startup
HolistiCyberHot CompanyCybersecurity Startup
Dig SecurityMost ComprehensiveCybersecurity Startup
Noetic CyberNext GenCybersecurity Startup
Astrix SecurityMost InnovativeCybersecurity Startup of the Year
FortinetBest SolutionCybersecurity Training
CybeReadyEditor’s ChoiceCybersecurity Training
Global Learning SystemsEditor’s ChoiceCybersecurity Training
PECBHot CompanyCybersecurity Training
Inspired eLearningMost ComprehensiveCybersecurity Training
Immersive LabsMost InnovativeCybersecurity Training
INENext GenCybersecurity Training
CyberVistaPublisher’s ChoiceCybersecurity Training
NowSecurePublisher’s ChoiceCybersecurity Training
Noname SecurityMost InnovativeCybersecurity Training – API Security Workshop
INEBest ProductCybersecurity Training Videos
ITPro by ACI LearningCutting EdgeCybersecurity Training Videos
NINJIOMost ComprehensiveCybersecurity Training Videos
RackTop SystemsEditor’s ChoiceCybersecurity Visionary
CentripetalHot CompanyCybersecurity Visionary
NightDragonMarket LeaderCybersecurity Visionary
Intelligent WavesNext GenCybersecurity Visionary
Critical InsightEditor’s ChoiceCybersecurity-as-a-Service (CaaS)
AllotMost InnovativeCybersecurity-as-a-Service (CaaS)
SharkStrikerPublisher’s ChoiceCybersecurity-as-a-Service (CaaS)
EgnyteBest SolutionData Governance
ImpervaMarket LeaderData Governance
DTEX SystemsBest ProductData Loss Prevention (DLP)
Endpoint Protector by CoSoSysCutting EdgeData Loss Prevention (DLP)
Spin.AIHot CompanyData Loss Prevention (DLP)
Next DLPMost ComprehensiveData Loss Prevention (DLP)
CloudriseBest ProductData Security
CyeraCutting EdgeData Security
SentraEditor’s ChoiceData Security
EgnyteHot CompanyData Security
Guangdong Yizhi Security Technology Co., Ltd.Hot CompanyData Security
ImpervaMarket LeaderData Security
Dig SecurityMost ComprehensiveData Security
Rubrik Inc.Most InnovativeData Security
FortanixNext GenData Security
SatoriNext GenData Security
BigIDMarket LeaderData Security Posture Management (DSPM)
LaminarNext GenData Security Posture Management (DSPM)
Concentric.aiPublisher’s ChoiceData Security Posture Management (DSPM)
A10 NetworksMarket LeaderDDoS Protection for Data Centers
MITREMarket LeaderDeception-Based Security
Ericom SoftwareNext GenDeep Sea Phishing Email Security
ArnicaBest ProductDevSecOps
GraylogCutting EdgeDevSecOps
WabbiEditor’s ChoiceDevSecOps
KrollHot CompanyDevSecOps
NowSecureMarket LeaderDevSecOps
JFrogMost ComprehensiveDevSecOps
Security CompassMost InnovativeDevSecOps
MoreSecNext GenDevSecOps
Evolven SoftwarePublisher’s ChoiceDevSecOps
NisosHot CompanyDigital Executive Protection
BlackCloakMarket LeaderDigital Executive Protection
DigiCertBest SolutionDigital Footprint Security
Resecurity, Inc.Next GenDigital Footprint Security
UnknownCyberNext GenDigital Intelligence
CybleBest ProductDigital Risk Protection
NisosCutting EdgeDigital Risk Protection
ZeroFoxMost ComprehensiveDigital Risk Protection
1KosmosHot CompanyDistributed Digital Identity Platform
HYAS Infosec Inc.Hot CompanyDNS Security
MicrosoftEditor’s ChoiceEmail Security
HornetsecurityNext GenEmail Security
TrellixBest SolutionEmail Security and Management
Red SiftEditor’s ChoiceEmail Security and Management
ArmorbloxMarket LeaderEmail Security and Management
OpenText CybersecurityMost InnovativeEmail Security and Management
SlashNextPublisher’s ChoiceEmail Security and Management
EneaBest ProductEmbedded Security
GrammaTechCutting EdgeEmbedded Security
BedRock Systems Inc.Next GenEmbedded Security
VaultreeEditor’s ChoiceEncryption Expert
QAX Technology Group IncHot CompanyEndpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
Cynet Inc.Best ProductEndpoint Security
WatchGuard TechnologiesBest SolutionEndpoint Security
Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.Cutting EdgeEndpoint Security
TXOne Networks Inc.Editor’s ChoiceEndpoint Security
PKWARE, Inc.Hot CompanyEndpoint Security
VIPRE Security GroupHot CompanyEndpoint Security
MicrosoftMarket LeaderEndpoint Security
TaniumMarket LeaderEndpoint Security
Lattice SemiconductorMost ComprehensiveEndpoint Security
TrellixMost InnovativeEndpoint Security
SyxsenseNext GenEndpoint Security
VMwarePublisher’s ChoiceEndpoint Security
ArmisBest SolutionEnterprise Security
WithSecureCutting EdgeEnterprise Security
SpyCloudHot CompanyEnterprise Security
Sectigo LimitedNext GenEnterprise Security
ZeroFoxCutting EdgeExecutive Protection
MicrosoftBest SolutionExtended Detection and Response (XDR)
TrellixEditor’s ChoiceExtended Detection and Response (XDR)
NetsurionHot CompanyExtended Detection and Response (XDR)
Sangfor TechnologiesHot CompanyExtended Detection and Response (XDR)
ThreatQuotientMarket LeaderExtended Detection and Response (XDR)
Cynet Inc.Most ComprehensiveExtended Detection and Response (XDR)
Stellar CyberMost InnovativeExtended Detection and Response (XDR)
Red PiranhaNext GenExtended Detection and Response (XDR)
DeloittePublisher’s ChoiceExtended Detection and Response (XDR)
VMwareBest SolutionFirewall
EclypsiumBest ProductFirmware
NetRise, Inc.Cutting EdgeFirmware
RegulaMost ComprehensiveForensics
nSure.aiEditor’s ChoiceFraud Prevention
Resecurity, Inc.Hot CompanyFraud Prevention
UnknownCyberNext GenFuture Day Malware Protection
ImprivataMarket LeaderGovernance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
Lynx Technology Partners LLC.Most InnovativeGovernance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
ClarotyBest SolutionHealthcare IoT Security
ArmisEditor’s ChoiceHealthcare IoT Security
ImprivataNext GenHealthcare IoT security
AsimilyPublisher’s ChoiceHealthcare IoT Security
A10 NetworksMarket LeaderHybrid Cloud Application Security
Red AccessNext GenHybrid Work Security
SIGA OT SolutionsBest ProductICS/SCADA Security
SynSaberCutting EdgeICS/SCADA Security
SCADAfenceMarket LeaderICS/SCADA Security
TXOne Networks Inc.Most ComprehensiveICS/SCADA Security
Ping IdentityBest SolutionIdentity & Access Management
Grip SecurityCutting EdgeIdentity & Access Management
ManageEngineEditor’s ChoiceIdentity & Access Management
AppViewXHot CompanyIdentity & Access Management
FronteggHot CompanyIdentity & Access Management
ImprivataMarket LeaderIdentity & Access Management
MicrosoftMarket LeaderIdentity & Access Management
EnzoicNext GenIdentity & Access Management
SecureAuth CorporationNext GenIdentity & Access Management
SimeioNext GenIdentity & Access Management
OmadaPublisher’s ChoiceIdentity & Access Management
CyoloCutting EdgeIdentity Access Management (IAM)
SPHEREEditor’s ChoiceIdentity Access Management (IAM)
CyderesHot CompanyIdentity Access Management (IAM)
Radiant LogicBest ProductIdentity Data
SimeioCutting EdgeIdentity Orchestration
Strata IdentityMost ComprehensiveIdentity Orchestration
IDShieldHot CompanyIdentity Protection
SemperisBest SolutionIdentity Security
ManageEngineCutting EdgeIdentity Security
OortEditor’s ChoiceIdentity Security
AuthMind Inc.Hot CompanyIdentity Security
SilverfortHot CompanyIdentity Security
Grip SecurityMost InnovativeIdentity Security
CyberArkNext GenIdentity Security
SaviyntPublisher’s ChoiceIdentity Security
RegulaCutting EdgeIdentity Verification
PersonaEditor’s ChoiceIdentity Verification
Incode TechnologiesNext GenIdentity Verification
TelesignPublisher’s ChoiceIdentity Verification
DeloitteBest SolutionIncident Response
CybleEditor’s ChoiceIncident Response
SygniaHot CompanyIncident Response
ConnectWiseMarket LeaderIncident Response
KrollMost ComprehensiveIncident Response
Resecurity, Inc.Market LeaderIndustrial Cybersecurity
DragosMost ComprehensiveIndustrial Cybersecurity
Forescout TechnologiesNext GenIndustrial Cybersecurity
BedRock Systems Inc.Cutting EdgeInfoSec Startup
Valence SecurityEditor’s ChoiceInfoSec Startup of the Year
innerActivBest SolutionInsider Threat Detection
RackTop SystemsHot CompanyInsider Threat Detection
Code42Publisher’s ChoiceInsider Threat Detection
DeloitteCutting EdgeInsider Threat Prevention
MicrosoftEditor’s ChoiceInsider Threat Prevention
ImpervaHot CompanyInsider Threat Prevention
DTEX SystemsMost ComprehensiveInsider Threat Prevention
Advanced Onion, Inc.Next GenInsider Threat Prevention
DeloitteNext GenInsider Threat Protection
DNSFilterMarket LeaderInternet Filtering
DomainToolsCutting EdgeInternet Intelligence
Forescout TechnologiesBest SolutionInternet of Things (IoT) Security
SAM Seamless NetworkEditor’s ChoiceInternet of Things (IoT) Security
ViakooNext GenInternet of Things (IoT) Security
ArmisPublisher’s ChoiceInternet of Things (IoT) Security
ZenityMost InnovativeLow-Code/No-Code Security
VenafiBest ProductMachine Identity Management
CybleCutting EdgeMalware Analysis
GhostWatchNext GenManaged Compliance
NetsurionBest SolutionManaged Detection and Response (MDR)
DeloitteCutting EdgeManaged Detection and Response (MDR)
AdluminEditor’s ChoiceManaged Detection and Response (MDR)
BlackBerryHot CompanyManaged Detection and Response (MDR)
CyderesMarket LeaderManaged Detection and Response (MDR)
WithSecureMost ComprehensiveManaged Detection and Response (MDR)
CRITICALSTARTNext GenManaged Detection and Response (MDR)
eSentirePublisher’s ChoiceManaged Detection and Response (MDR)
VercaraBest SolutionManaged Detection and Response (MDR) Service Provider
AvertiumCutting EdgeManaged Detection and Response (MDR) Service Provider
ProficioCutting EdgeManaged Detection and Response (MDR) Service Provider
TrustwaveEditor’s ChoiceManaged Detection and Response (MDR) Service Provider
KrollHot CompanyManaged Detection and Response (MDR) Service Provider
ConnectWiseMarket LeaderManaged Detection and Response (MDR) Service Provider
CyberProofMost ComprehensiveManaged Detection and Response (MDR) Service Provider
NetsurionNext GenManaged Detection and Response (MDR) Service Provider
OntinuePublisher’s ChoiceManaged Detection and Response (MDR) Service Provider
DifendaEditor’s ChoiceManaged Extended Detection and Response (MxDR)
ClearDATABest SolutionManaged Security Service Provider (MSSP)
VercaraBest SolutionManaged Security Service Provider (MSSP)
SCADAfenceHot CompanyManaged Security Service Provider (MSSP)
DeloitteMarket LeaderManaged Security Service Provider (MSSP)
ProficioMost InnovativeManaged Security Service Provider (MSSP)
GhostWatchNext GenManaged Security Service Provider (MSSP)
AvertiumPublisher’s ChoiceManaged Security Service Provider (MSSP)
GM SectecHot CompanyManaged Security Service Provider (MSSP)
GM SectecHot CompanyMDR Service Provider
SafeGuard CyberCutting EdgeMessaging Security
ColorTokensEditor’s ChoiceMicro-Segmentation
BedRock Systems Inc.Hot CompanyMicro-Segmentation
Airgap NetworksMost ComprehensiveMicro-Segmentation
TrueFortNext GenMicro-Segmentation
DifendaMarket LeaderMicrosoft Security Professional Services
Data TheoremBest ProductMobile App Security
ZimperiumBest SolutionMobile App Security
GuardsquareCutting EdgeMobile App Security
NowSecureEditor’s ChoiceMobile App Security
VerimatrixHot CompanyMobile App Security
LastPassMost InnovativeMobile App Security
QuokkaPublisher’s ChoiceMobile App Security
SlashNextHot CompanyMobile Device Security
BedRock Systems Inc.Most ComprehensiveMobile Device Security
ZimperiumNext GenMobile Endpoint Security
WatchGuard TechnologiesMarket LeaderMultifactor Authentication
Beijing ThreatBook Technology Co., LtdCutting EdgeNetwork Access Control (NAC)
Forescout TechnologiesEditor’s ChoiceNetwork Access Control (NAC)
Beijing ThreatBook Technology Co., LtdBest SolutionNetwork Detection and Response
VercaraCutting EdgeNetwork Detection and Response
TXOne Networks Inc.Most ComprehensiveNetwork Detection and Response
LiveActionMost InnovativeNetwork Detection and Response
CorelightNext GenNetwork Detection and Response
ArmisPublisher’s ChoiceNetwork Detection and Response
Timus Networks, IncCutting EdgeNetwork Security and Management
WatchGuard TechnologiesEditor’s ChoiceNetwork Security and Management
CalixHot CompanyNetwork Security and Management
VercaraMarket LeaderNetwork Security and Management
EndaceNext GenNetwork Security and Management
TXOne Networks Inc.Editor’s ChoiceNext Generation Firewall
TXOne Networks Inc.Editor’s ChoiceOperational Technology (OT) Security
Nozomi NetworksPublisher’s ChoiceOT and IoT Endpoint Security
OPSWATBest SolutionOT Asset Visibility
SCADAfenceMarket LeaderOT Asset Visibility
DifendaCutting EdgeOT Security
HYAS Infosec Inc.Hot CompanyOT Security
DragosMarket LeaderOT Security
RadiflowMost ComprehensiveOT Security
ArmisMost InnovativeOT Security
Airgap NetworksNext GenOT Security
Inspira Enterprise, Inc.Hot CompanyOutcome-Based Security Solutions
DelineaNext GenPAM for Cloud
SaviyntMarket LeaderPAM for Cloud Infrastructure
Keyless Technologies LTDBest SolutionPasswordless Authentication
ImprivataEditor’s ChoicePasswordless Authentication
MicrosoftEditor’s ChoicePasswordless Authentication
AxiadMost InnovativePasswordless Authentication
SecureAuth CorporationNext GenPasswordless Authentication
Keeper SecurityPublisher’s ChoicePasswordless Authentication
Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.Cutting EdgePenetration Testing
CoalfireEditor’s ChoicePenetration Testing
BugcrowdHot CompanyPenetration Testing
NowSecureHot CompanyPenetration Testing
TrustwaveMarket LeaderPenetration Testing
NetSPIMost ComprehensivePenetration Testing
Bishop FoxNext GenPenetration Testing
CymulateMost InnovativePentesting
CobaltNext GenPentesting
AxiadMost InnovativePhishing-Resistant MFA
AppViewXEditor’s ChoicePKI-as-a-Service
KeyfactorPublisher’s ChoicePKI-as-a-Service
Madison Alexander PRBest SolutionPR Firm for InfoSec
DelineaCutting EdgePrivilege Access Management (PAM)
SENHASEGURA USA LLCHot CompanyPrivilege Access Management (PAM)
StrongDMMarket LeaderPrivilege Access Management (PAM)
Keeper SecurityMost ComprehensivePrivilege Access Management (PAM)
HYAS Infosec Inc.Hot CompanyProtective DNS
QuSecure, Inc.Next GenQuantum Computing
SandboxAQMost InnovativeQuantum Encryption
Aliro QuantumHot CompanyQuantum Resilient Encryption
Cylus Cybersecurity LtdEditor’s ChoiceRail Cybersecurity
CervelloPublisher’s ChoiceRailway Cybersecurity
Ericom SoftwareBest SolutionRansomless Ransomware Protection
Flexxon Pte. LtdBest ProductRansomware Data Security Solution
Absolute SoftwareEditor’s ChoiceRansomware Data Security Solution
ThreatBlockrHot CompanyRansomware Data Security Solution
CalamuNext GenRansomware Data Security Solution
RackTop SystemsPublisher’s ChoiceRansomware Data Security Solution
Spin.AICutting EdgeRansomware Protection of SaaS Data
VennHot CompanyRemote Work Security
Airgap NetworksMost ComprehensiveRemote Work Security
RiskLensEditor’s ChoiceRisk Management
CybleMarket LeaderRisk Management
RadiflowMost InnovativeRisk Management
Safe SecurityPublisher’s ChoiceRisk Management
Forescout TechnologiesBest SolutionRisk-based Vulnerability Management
FortifyDataEditor’s ChoiceRisk-based Vulnerability Management
Nucleus SecurityNext GenRisk-based Vulnerability Management
BrinqaPublisher’s ChoiceRisk-based Vulnerability Management
BetterCloudCutting EdgeSaaS Security
Obsidian SecurityBest SolutionSaaS/Cloud Security
Grip SecurityEditor’s ChoiceSaaS/Cloud Security
AppOmniHot CompanySaaS/Cloud Security
RhymetecHot CompanySaaS/Cloud Security
Valence SecurityHot CompanySaaS/Cloud security
Wing SecurityHot CompanySaaS/Cloud Security
Astrix SecurityMarket LeaderSaaS/Cloud Security
Adaptive Shield LtdMost ComprehensiveSaaS/Cloud Security
DoControlMost InnovativeSaaS/Cloud Security
ArmisNext GenSaaS/Cloud Security
Spin.AINext GenSaaS/Cloud Security
SuridataNext GenSaaS/Cloud Security
InfobloxPublisher’s ChoiceSaaS/Cloud Security
CoreStackMost InnovativeSecOps-As-A-Service
Ericom SoftwareBest ProductSecure Access Service Edge (SASE)
NetskopeCutting EdgeSecure Access Service Edge (SASE)
VMwareMost ComprehensiveSecure Access Service Edge (SASE)
Open SystemsPublisher’s ChoiceSecure Access Service Edge (SASE)
Noname SecurityHot CompanySecure Coding Tools
GitGuardianNext GenSecure Coding Tools
Coviant SoftwareMarket LeaderSecure Low Code/No Code Process Automation
Coviant SoftwareMost InnovativeSecure Managed File Transfer
Spin.AIEditor’s ChoiceSecure SaaS Backups
Dope.SecurityPublisher’s ChoiceSecure Web Gateway (SWG)
MITREBest SolutionSecurity Abstraction
FortinetCutting EdgeSecurity Awareness Training
Deloitte Service LLPEditor’s ChoiceSecurity Awareness Training
NINJIOHot CompanySecurity Awareness Training
HornetsecurityMost ComprehensiveSecurity Awareness Training
Inspired eLearningPublisher’s ChoiceSecurity Awareness Training
ImpervaEditor’s ChoiceSecurity Company
BlackBerryMarket LeaderSecurity Company
Forescout TechnologiesMost InnovativeSecurity Company
Bishop FoxNext GenSecurity Company
SyxsensePublisher’s ChoiceSecurity Company
Sectigo LimitedCutting EdgeSecurity Company of the Year
WatchGuard TechnologiesMarket LeaderSecurity Company of the Year
CyderesMost InnovativeSecurity Company of the Year
Raytheon Intelligence & SpaceNext GenSecurity Company of the Year
GraylogBest SolutionSecurity Information and Event Management (SIEM)
GuruculCutting EdgeSecurity Information and Event Management (SIEM)
ManageEngineHot CompanySecurity Information and Event Management (SIEM)
QAX Technology Group Inc.Hot CompanySecurity Information and Event Management (SIEM)
SECUINFRA GmbHMarket LeaderSecurity Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Devo Technology Inc.Most ComprehensiveSecurity Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Panther LabsNext GenSecurity Information and Event Management (SIEM)
HYAS Infosec Inc.Hot CompanySecurity Investigation Platform
EndaceMost InnovativeSecurity Investigation Platform
NightDragonMarket LeaderSecurity Investor
ManageEngineCutting EdgeSecurity Orchestration, Automation & Response (SOAR)
SIRP Labs LimitedEditor’s ChoiceSecurity Orchestration, Automation & Response (SOAR)
StrikeReadyHot CompanySecurity Orchestration, Automation & Response (SOAR)
Revelstoke SecurityMost ComprehensiveSecurity Orchestration, Automation & Response (SOAR)
DeloittePublisher’s ChoiceSecurity Orchestration, Automation & Response (SOAR)
Viettel Cyber Security CompanyNext GenSecurity Penetration Testing
SCYTHEMost InnovativeSecurity Software
DFINCutting EdgeSecurity Solutions
SygniaHot CompanySecurity Team
SecurityMetricsMost ComprehensiveSecurity Team
Bank of AmericaMost InnovativeSecurity Team
Zoom Video Communications, Inc.Next GenSecurity Team
Breakthru Beverage GroupTopSecurity Team
Bank of AmericaMost InnovativeSecurity Training
TrueFortMarket LeaderService Account Protection
A10 NetworksMarket LeaderService Provider Infrastructure Security
Resecurity, Inc.Most InnovativeSmart City Cybersecurity
DefendifyBest SolutionSMB Cybersecurity
CoroEditor’s ChoiceSMB Cybersecurity
SAM Seamless NetworkHot CompanySMB Cybersecurity
TPxHot CompanySMB Cybersecurity
WatchGuard TechnologiesMarket LeaderSMB Cybersecurity
A-LIGNMost InnovativeSMB Cybersecurity
JumpCloudNext GenSMB Cybersecurity
Timus Networks, IncNext GenSMB Cybersecurity
CYREBROPublisher’s ChoiceSMB Cybersecurity
Timus Networks, IncMost ComprehensiveSMB Zero Trust
ConnectWiseMarket LeaderSOC-as-a-Service
Scribe SecurityBest SolutionSoftware Supply Chain Security
MoreSecEditor’s ChoiceSoftware Supply Chain Security
ArnicaHot CompanySoftware Supply Chain Security
Legit SecurityMarket LeaderSoftware Supply Chain Security
LineajeMost InnovativeSoftware Supply Chain Security
GrammaTechNext GenSoftware Supply Chain Security
SonatypeNext GenSoftware Supply Chain Security
ReversingLabsPublisher’s ChoiceSoftware Supply Chain Security
Momentum Cybersecurity GroupVisionaryStrategic Advisor
Advanced Onion, Inc.Most InnovativeSupply Chain Risk
Astrix SecurityCutting EdgeThird-Party Cyber Risk
Black KiteHot CompanyThird-Party Cyber Risk
JscramblerMost ComprehensiveThird-Party Cyber Risk
CyberGRXHot CompanyThird-Party Cyber Risk Management (TPCRM)
Resecurity, Inc.Market LeaderThird-Party Cyber Risk Management (TPCRM)
FortifyDataNext GenThird-Party Cyber Risk Management (TPCRM)
ImprivataMost InnovativeThird-Party Risk
CyberGRXEditor’s ChoiceThird-Party Risk Management (TPRM)
AuditBoardHot CompanyThird-Party Risk Management (TPRM)
Resecurity, Inc.Publisher’s ChoiceThird-Party Risk Management (TPRM)
HYAS Infosec Inc.Hot CompanyThreat Actor Infrastructure Mapping
HoxhuntBest SolutionThreat Detection
AnomaliCutting EdgeThreat Detection, Incident Response, Hunting and Triage Platform
MicrosoftEditor’s ChoiceThreat Detection, Incident Response, Hunting and Triage Platform
CybleHot CompanyThreat Detection, Incident Response, Hunting and Triage Platform
Resecurity, Inc.Market LeaderThreat Detection, Incident Response, Hunting and Triage Platform
AnvilogicMost ComprehensiveThreat Detection, Incident Response, Hunting and Triage Platform
EndaceNext GenThreat Detection, Incident Response, Hunting and Triage Platform
Noetic CyberEditor’s ChoiceThreat Exposure Management
AnomaliMost InnovativeThreat Exposure Management
DeloittePublisher’s ChoiceThreat Hunting
OpenText CybersecurityBest SolutionThreat Intelligence
VMwareBest SolutionThreat Intelligence
Cobwebs TechnologiesCutting EdgeThreat Intelligence
Resecurity, Inc.Cutting EdgeThreat Intelligence
Intel 471Editor’s ChoiceThreat Intelligence
CybleHot CompanyThreat Intelligence
HYAS Infosec Inc.Hot CompanyThreat Intelligence
MicrosoftHot CompanyThreat Intelligence
SEIHot CompanyThreat Intelligence
SilobreakerHot CompanyThreat Intelligence
DeloitteMarket LeaderThreat Intelligence
ThreatQuotientMarket LeaderThreat Intelligence
CybersixgillMost ComprehensiveThreat Intelligence
SCYTHEMost ComprehensiveThreat Intelligence
Forescout TechnologiesMost InnovativeThreat Intelligence
TrellixMost InnovativeThreat Intelligence
CYFIRMANext GenThreat Intelligence
Panther LabsNext GenThreat Intelligence
ThreatConnectNext GenThreat Intelligence
ZeroFoxNext GenThreat Intelligence
NisosPublisher’s ChoiceThreat Intelligence
StrikeReadyPublisher’s ChoiceThreat Intelligence Management
Resecurity, Inc.Best ProductThreat Modeling
ThreatModelerCutting EdgeThreat Modeling
CervelloMost ComprehensiveTransportation Cybersecurity
SecuritiHot CompanyUnified Data Controls
DeloitteEditor’s ChoiceUnified Threat Management
XTN Cognitive SecurityMarket LeaderUser Behavior Analytics
ManageEngineMost InnovativeUser Behavior Analytics
StrikeReadyEditor’s ChoiceVirtual Assistant for Cybersecurity
DFINPublisher’s ChoiceVirtual Directory Services
Intelligent WavesBest SolutionVirtual Private Network (VPN)
ClearVPNEditor’s ChoiceVirtual Private Network (VPN)
CoalfireMost InnovativeVulnerability Assessment, Remediation and Management
Autobahn SecurityNext GenVulnerability Assessment, Remediation and Management
SilobreakerHot CompanyVulnerability Intelligence
OnapsisEditor’s ChoiceVulnerability Management
CoalfireHot CompanyVulnerability Management
TuxCareMarket LeaderVulnerability Management as a Service
DifendaNext GenVulnerability Management as a Service
JscramblerEditor’s ChoiceWeb Application Security
EdgioHot CompanyWeb Application Security
ImpervaMost InnovativeWeb Application Security
ReblazePublisher’s ChoiceWeb Application Security
Ridge Security Technology Inc.Best SolutionWeb Penetration Testing
ibossBest SolutionZero Trust
Keeper SecurityCutting EdgeZero Trust
Ericom SoftwareEditor’s ChoiceZero Trust
ColorTokensHot CompanyZero Trust
SyxsenseHot CompanyZero Trust
BedRock Systems Inc.Market LeaderZero Trust
ManageEngineMost ComprehensiveZero Trust
CyoloMost InnovativeZero Trust
TresoritNext GenZero Trust
VotiroNext GenZero Trust
Forescout TechnologiesPublisher’s ChoiceZero Trust
Xage SecurityHot CompanyZero Trust
BedRock Systems Inc.Hot CompanyZero Trust Application Protection
CorshaNext GenZero Trust Application Protection
HyporiEditor’s ChoiceZero Trust BYOD
VennPublisher’s ChoiceZero Trust BYOD
A10 NetworksMarket LeaderZero Trust ETM (Encrypted Traffic Management)
ColorTokensEditor’s ChoiceZero Trust Platform
RackTop SystemsHot CompanyZero Trust Platform
Axis SecurityPublisher’s ChoiceZero Trust Platform
Hillstone NetworksBest SolutionZTNA Solution

Personal Awards:

Yevgeny DibrovTop Chief Executive OfficerArmis
Nikhil GuptaTop Chief Executive OfficerArmorCode
Camellia ChanTop Chief Executive OfficerFlexxon Pte. Ltd
Tony CrescenzoTop Chief Executive OfficerIntelligent Waves
Geoff HaydonTop Chief Executive OfficerOntinue
Kevin LynchTop Chief Executive OfficerOptiv Security
Gee RittenhouseTop Chief Executive OfficerSkyhigh Security
Jeff BussTop Chief Information OfficerNordic Consulting
Samir SherifTop Chief Information Security OfficerAbsolute Software
Christopher PorterTop Chief Information Security OfficerFannie Mae
Chris LanzilottaTop Chief Information Security OfficerHome Depot
Bret ArsenaultTop Chief Information Security OfficerMicrosoft
Oleg KhudiakovTop Chief Information Security OfficerMiratech
Cory BraselTop Chief Information Security OfficerNordic Consulting
Charles BlaunerTop Chief Information Security OfficerTeam8
Yiyi MiaoTop Chief Product OfficerOPSWAT
Aparna RayasamTop Chief Product OfficerTrellix
Malcolm HarkinsTop Chief Security & Trust OfficerEpiphany Systems
George GerchowTop Chief Security OfficerSumo Logic
Osman IsmaelTop Chief Technology OfficerBedRock Systems
Anthony PierceTop Chief Technology OfficerSplunk
Pat McGarryTop Chief Technology OfficerThreatBlockr
Thomas KranzTop Cybersecurity AuthorMaking Sense of Cybersecurity
Dana TorgersonTop Cybersecurity Product ExpertSumo Logic
Joseph CarsonTop Security ExpertDelinea
Anuj Gargeya MalkapuramTop Security ExpertSalesforce
Erin CassellTop Women in CybersecurityBank of America
Jen EasterlyTop Women in CybersecurityCybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Simone PetrellaTop Women in CybersecurityCyberVista
Jennifer EibenTop Women in CybersecurityCyberWire
Carolyn CrandallTop Women in CybersecurityCymulate
Julie GianniniTop Women in CybersecurityEgnyte
Camellia ChanTop Women in CybersecurityFlexxon Pte. Ltd
Ellen SundraTop Women in CybersecurityForescout Technologies
Robyn Yaniero MarsiTop Women in CybersecurityLynx Technology Partners LLC.
Anne GengeTop Women in CybersecurityMyla Training Co.
Amy De SalvatoreTop Women in CybersecurityNightDragon
Hila Zigman ZinshteinTop Women in CybersecurityNoname Security
Larissa SchneiderTop Women in CybersecurityNoname Security
Eva ChenTop Women in CybersecurityTrendMicro
Michelle WelchTop Women in CybersecurityWatchGuard Technologies
Dave BurgVisionary Cybersecurity LeaderEY Americas
Kylie AmisonWinnerYoung Women in Cybersecurity

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