
MCSE 2003 upgrading...
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MCSE 2003 upgrading.. MCITP : Enterprise Administrator Window 2008 Server Certification

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Sertifikasyonla alakalı Live Meeting videosunun linki aşağıdaki gibidir. En altta yazı olarak her şekilde MCITP sertifikasyonu için gerekli sınav kodlarını bulabileceksiniz. Sınav kodları ve tüm bilgiler MS site'daki videolara göre verilmiştir.  

 Recorded on Wednesday, June 13, 2007 7:35:38 AM PDT

 Videodan yakaladığım görüntüleri(Slaytlarına erişemediğim için) Aşağıda paylaşıyorum. Bu bilgiler ışığında MCSE 2003 MCSA 2003 ve sıfırdan MCITP Enterprise veya Server Administrator ünvanları için neler gerektiği bilgilerini bulabileceksiniz.

MCTS sertifikaları :


AD configuring, Network Infrastructure configuring, Applications Platforms configuring Gibi Rollere göre uzmanlık sınavları ve ünvanlarını görüyorsunuz. (MCTS lerde Bir sınava girip  Bir ünvan elde etmiş oluyorsunuz. MSTS:Vista configuring gibi)

Sıfırdan MCITP Enterprise Administrator ünvanı için: 5 Sınav gerekmekte


Sıfırdan MCITP Server Administrator ünvanı için: 3 sınav gerekmekte

MCSA 2003 ve MCSE 2003 to 2008 Upgrade sınavları


MCSA 2003 olanlar için MCITP Sertifika yolu:


Görüldüğü gibi her sertifika için  648 MCSA to 2008 Upgrade sınavına girmeniz ve ilgili sınavlara girmeniz gerekmekte.

MCSE 2003 olanlar için MCITP Sertifika yolu:


Sık sorunlar Sorular:(tam okunamayabilir ama genel olarak anlaşılıyor. MS site da FAQ altında da bulabilirsiniz.)


 Yukarıdaki bahsettiğim MS site'daki video neticesi aşağıdaki gibi bir tablo oluşuyor.


  • MCSE 2003 olanların MCITP: Server Administrator  olabilmeleri için;

MCSE 2003 to MCITP: Server Administrator (2 Exams)
70-649 (Upgrade)
70-646 (IT Pro: Server Administrator)

  • MCSE 2003 olanların MCITP:Enterprise Administrator olabilmeleri için;

MCSE 2003 to MCITP: Enterprise Administrator (3 Exams)

70-649 (Upgrade)
70-620(Vista) veya 70-624(BDD)
70-647 (IT Pro: Enterprise Administrator)

  • MCSA 2003 olanların MCITP: Server Administrator ve Enterprise Administrator olabilmeleri için

MCSA 2003 to MCITP: Server Administrator  (2 exams)
70-648 (Upgrade)
70-646 (IT Pro: Server Administrator)

MCSA 2003 to MCITP: Enterprise Administrator (4 Exams)

70-648 (Upgrade)
70-620 (Vista veya 70-624 (Deploying and Maintaining Vista and 2007 Office System Desktops)
70-643 (MCTS: Applications Platform, Configuring)
70-647 (IT Pro: Enterprise Administrator)

  • Sıfırdan MCITP: Server & Enterprise Administrator olabilmek için

MCITP: Server Administrator  (3 Exams)

MCTS: 70-640: Active Directory, Configuring
MCTS: 70-642: Network Infrastructure, Configuring
MCITP: 70-646: Server Administrator

 MCITP: Enterprise Administrator (5 Exams)

MCTS: 70-620: Vista or 70-624: Vista and Office 2007 
MCTS: 70-640: Active Directory, Configuring
MCTS: 70-642: Network Infrastructure, Configuring
MCTS: 70-643: Applications Platform, Configuring
MCITP: 70-647: Enterprise Administrator

5 Aralık tarihli 2008 Live meeting Sertifikasyon linki aşağıdaki gibidir. Konuyla ilgili videoda ki  sık sorulan sorular ve cevapları aşağıdaki gibidir. 

 Recorded On:  Wednesday, Dec 5, 2007 7:36 AM (PST)  

Q:I passed 70-649 in November. I have never been able to order Welcome Kit. I have called and emailed several times and the mcp support doesn't seem to have a clue. They have even told me there isn't a certificate for this test. What is up with this? Is there a phone number we can call on this that doesn't goto India?

A:Hey, hi. You are not alone - those welcome kits are not available yet. I'm so sorry you have been getting bad information from the support team about it. There certainly will be a certiifcate - I anticpiate it will be availabe to order in about one month. I'm sorry we haven't communicated this better - because the upgrade exams came out so early and because we hvae this model of one exam = many certs, we aren't set up to deliver yet. That does not excuse it... but want you to know what is going on. No helpdesk that isn't india - but you can call me, if you need to confirm! +1 425 703 9198. (Trika).

Q:will there be a seperate webcast for upgrading MCSE 2003 skills to the new 2008 ones?

A:We will cover that here--in about 10 minutes.

Q:Trika announced on her blog a few weeks ago that one of the Win2k8 MCTS certifications has had a name change. On the transcript the wrong name shows up, when is this going to change? (The change is: MCTS: Applications Platform, Configuring has been finalized as MCTS: Applications Infrastructure, Configuring, to tie in better with Windows Server terminology. )

A:We are updating that in our next drop (hopefully before the end of the year)

Q:Is that at the end of mainstream support, or extended support? (When certifications are expired)

A:MCTS retires at end of mainstream support.

Q:I just want to say that I have had a lot of problems with the India-based MCP help line too; it is very difficult to get them to understand what I ask.

A:Hi. It has not been too long since we moved our helpdesk for some parts of the world, so we did anticipate some growing pains. Hopefully, we'll be seeing things improve quite a bit now that we have some history. In the meantime, though, I know it can be frustrating! Feel free to send feedback to [email protected] and we'll pass it along. It's good to hear what you guys are experiencing so we can try and improve it.

Q:How someone can get certified on a product that was not yet relased?

A:Rob will answer that.

Q:as for the MCA there's very little information available on the internet, and i was able to get very little info as well from Tech-Ed. Where can we get some more news about it?

A:Hi. Have you looked at the web content: We also held a Live Meeting in June, you can find that here:

Q:Transcript of MCSE/MCSA 2000 exams would be removed from my MCP profile after the W2K exams retires ?

A:No exams will be removed from transcripts, even after they retire. MCSA and MCSE will also stay on your transcript, even if underlying exams retire.

Q:This slide is messed up, can I download the slide?

A:To print a PDF copy of the slides, select the Printer icon in the context bar, in the lower right portion of the client.

Q:maybe you mean "will NOT be removed"?

A:I meant what I said 🙂 "No exams will be removed from transcripts,"

Q:Can we take any 2 of the 3 MCTS exams to be eligible for Server admin MCITP?

A:No, you have to take the two on the path: 640 and 642.

Q:When will 646 & 647 be in Beta?

A:Late December, most likely.

Q:Is there a number I can call to get my current certification status? I dont know my MCSE ID anymore.

A:You need to contact the helpdesk, please:

Q:Is 292 and 296 retiring?

A:Yes, March 31, 2008.

Q:any upgrade exams for MCSE 2003 to MCITP

A:We are covering that right now.

Q:how do I print the presentation

A:To print a PDF copy of the slides, select the Printer icon in the context bar, in the lower right portion of the client.

Q:I'm MCSE 2003 and I want to become Microsoft certified architect: what's my path to success? 🙂

A:Look at the screen right now> RIGHT NOW!! DO IT!!! 🙂

Q:How can I open communication ports in Windows 2008 Server

A:Hmm. That seems like a question for the WIndows Server 2008 product team. Try starting here!

Q:When will 649 be available in italy?

A:Coming next...

Q:I passed the 649 (just wanna tell you guys 🙂 )....

A:Awesome. That is great news! Congratulations.

Q:people who upgrade from MCSA/MCSE 2000 to MCSA/MCSE 2003 can upgrade to windows 2008?

A:Yes, exactly. Will cover that in just a moment.

Q:I missed the 1st 30min - will this be available on demand later?

A:Yes. - look for the recording tomorrow and the transcribed deck on the MCP site within two weeks.

Q:Does 70-621 cover 70-620 in the upgrade path as well?

A:Yes. Anywhere you are asked to take 620, you can use 621 in its place.

Q:I hold an MCSE and an MCSA in Server 2K3. I want to upgrade both. How many exams am i looking at. Will the path be discussed here?

A:To both MCITP = 649 + 620 or 624 + 646 + 647 = four exams total from MCSE 2003.

Q:Can exam 70-649 be retaken if failed the first time? Does 2nd shot apply?

A:Second shot will apply if you register in advance. The retake policy is the same as for any exam - you MAY retake the upgrade exams.

Q:Is it needed to do both the 646 and 647 ?

A:No. Not unless you want to earn both MCITP certifications.

Q:MCSE who upgrade to windows 2008 will get 3 paper certificates or just one?

A:I'm not sure. What do you guys think it should be?

Q:I think it should be 3 paper certs

A:ok good to know

Q:What exams does a MCSE 2003/MCDST take to get both mcitp's

A:1. Take 621 to upgrade your MCDST - then you cover your 620 requirement. 2. Take 649. 3. Take 646. 4. Take 647. Four exams and you'll have your MCITP: Enterprise Support as well.

Q:Am I the only one thinking that almost all the speakers are really, really soft? I have my speakers blaring right now and can barely hear a thing.

A:Sorry, we will try and speak up!

Q:I agree, the more certs on the wall, the cooler I look 🙂

A:OK, cool guys.

Q:What is the specific reason for removing older certifications from the Transcript? They show to employers a history of maintaining one's credentials.

A:We are not removing older credentials (MCSA/MCSE) from transcripts. In the future, we will remove MCTS and MCITP/MCPD credentials once the technology is no longer supported by Microsoft (MCTS) or the three year recertification period is not met (MCITP or MCPD) but the exams will stay on your trascript so you will be able to show progression throught the program.

Q:Rob said in order to get the Server Admin certification, you should take exam 70-640 first, then 70-642, but it looked to me that the slide showed the opposite sequence. Is the sequence Rob mentioned correct?

A:Rob's sequence is better 🙂 but either way you are fine.

Q:Is 70-643 is required for Enterprise Admin?


Q:Engineers also drive trains!

A:We love trains.

Q:Since MCTS doesn't provide MCP, it sounds like the MCP count on will no longer reflect the total number of people with any MCP-program certs. If this is correct, please add a real 'total of all certified people' number to that page.

A:We will add MCTS, MCITP, and MCPD credentials to the count page...

Q:How many questions in the upgrade exams must be answered corretly to pass?

A:Sorry, we do not make publis exactly how many questions are required for a pass, but I can tell you a 700 or higher is passing.

Q:why do you call those exams 70-xxx, are those only logically incremental numbers or there is some other reason?

A:The "70" prefix identifies the exam as a Microsoft exam at our exam delivery partners...that is its only use...

Q:Is there going to be any discussion on the requirements for the Architect certification?

A:Not in this call...Trika has previously done a Architect LM and is likely to do another in the near future...

Q:When will exam objectives be published for 70-640, 642, 643?

A:The prep guides are live now, go to and 642, 643...

Q:Which certification will be considered "premium" with regards to maintaining MCT? Currently, MCSE and MCSD were needed to maintain it - will this be similarly matched to MCITP / MCPD?

A:Yes...although the final decision rests with the MCT Program Manager...

Q:sorry if this is slightly off topic... will the Exchange 2007 exams (and courses) be updated to reflect the new product functionality in SP1?

A:We will refresh the exchange exams next year, and when we do that questions on SP1 will be added as appropriate.

Q:I have a windows 2000 MCDBA. Is there an upgrade path for that cert or is this the latest cert available for DBA's?

A:Exam 70-447 will upgrade your MCDBA to a MCITP: Database Administrator certification for SQL Server 2005...

Q:What are TS/MCITP recertification requirements?

A:No recertifications are required for TS credentials. The credential is good as long as the product is supported.

Q:You say that the exams have to be retaken every 3 years. So if I become MCITP how many retests will be required every three years?

A:That has not been completly decided yet, but I don't see more than a single exam for recert will be required.

Q:So, the combination of 649+620(624)+646+647 gives me MCITP:Server Admin AND Enterprise Admin?

A:That's correct!

Q:Hi, what happens if you don't pass 70-649? Is your MCSE 2003 gone?

A:No, your credential is safe 🙂

Q:Sorry to ask, but I didn’t hear. Which Exam will expire next March?

A:The Windows 2000 Server to Windows Server 2003 Upgrade exams will retire on March 31, 2008. Also, all the Windows 2000 Server exams will also retire on 3/31/08.

Q:thank you!

A:Thank YIOU

Q:Where is the course syllabus for 6426A?

A:The Windows Server 2008 courses syllabi are being posted over the next few weeks.

Q:Can I get a copy of the biref?

A:Print to PDF or check tomorrow

Gönderildi : 23/02/2008 03:17
