Merhaba arkadaslar elınde inceleyebılecegımız ornek c# programı olan varmı?
Program mı istyorsunuz yoksa örnek kod mu istiyorsunuz?
Tayfun DEĞER
Cisco Champions, vExpert, VCP4/5/6, VCP5-DT, VCP-Cloud
Mail: [email protected]
Program mı istyorsunuz yoksa örnek kod mu istiyorsunuz?
ornek kod ıstıyorum 🙂 yanı olayı ogrenmek ıcın ıstıyorum.umarım nette var demezsınız cunku elımde mevcut bı kactane var zaten ama olayı tam kavramak ıstıyorum kı gelıstırecegım uygulamada sıkıntı olmasın:)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
// This is the main form
namespace paint
public partial class Form1 : Form
//Main form(canvas)
Point startPoint = new Point(); // stores the starting point of the object to be drawn
Point currentPoint = new Point(); // stores the current position of the mouse cursor
bool drag = false; // drag identifies whether the mouse button is pressed or not
List<int> drawingshape = new List<int>(); //list to hold the shapes that have to be redrawn in onpaint
List<Point> startLocation = new List<Point>(); //list of starting points of shapes for onpaint
List<Point> endLocation = new List<Point>(); //list of end points of shapes for onpaint
List<Color> shapecolor = new List<Color>(); //list of colors holding the colors of the shapes for onPaint
List<float> brushwidth = new List<float>(); //list of brushwidth of shapes for onPaint
Color color; //Color type variable to determine the color of the shape to be drawn
// enum for determining which tool is selected by assigning a value to the tool instance of this enum
// and for determining which shape to be drawn in onpaint by assigning a value to drawingshape list
enum ToolSelect
eLine, eFreeHand, eRectangle, eElipse,
eSlinky, eSelectionRectangle, eABC, eErarser, eBrush, eTextureBrush
ToolSelect tool; // instance of toolselect enum
// enum to determine which color is selectedfor onpaint by assigning a value to shapecolor list
enum shapeColor
eBlack, eFireBrick, eRed, eBlue, eYellow, eGreen, eGray,
eBrown, eOrange, eAqua, eMaroon, eViolet, eLime, eOlive, eKhake
//shapeColor shpCol; // instance of shapecolor enum
// enum to determine which shape is drawn for onpaint by assigning its value to the drawing shape list
enum shapeList { e_Rectangle, e_Line, e_Ellipse };
//shapeList shpLst;
public Form1()
color = Color.Black; //default color of pen
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// mouse down event of drawing area
private void panel1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
// set the position of startPoint to the point where mouse is clicked
startPoint.X = e.X;
startPoint.Y = e.Y;
drag = true; // sets the value of drag to true to tell that the mouse button is pressed
// mouse up event of drawing area
private void panel1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
//{ // set drag to false to tell the program that mouse button is released
drag = false;
//storing the position,colors,brushwidth and the shapes to be redrawn in onpaint maethod using lists
switch (tool)
// switch is used to identify which tool is being used and hence which shape has to be redrawn
case ToolSelect.eLine:
case ToolSelect.eRectangle:
case ToolSelect.eElipse:
case ToolSelect.eErarser:
case ToolSelect.eBrush:
case ToolSelect.eFreeHand:
//catch (System.NullReferenceException eaa)
// mouse move handler for drawing area
private void panel1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
label1.Text = e.X.ToString();
label2.Text = e.Y.ToString();
//sets the position of the currentPoint to the mouse position
currentPoint.X = e.X;
currentPoint.Y = e.Y;
//Point ptOriginal = new Point(x, y);
//Point ptLast = new Point(newX, newY);
if (drag == true) // checks whether the mouse button is pressed or not
// if it is then create a grphics object for panel
Graphics g = this.panel1.CreateGraphics();
// switch to determin which tool is selected and hence which shape is to be drawn
switch (tool)
case ToolSelect.eLine: //if the tool is line
line l = new line(); //create an object of class line
Pen Pn = new Pen(color); //create an object of user specified color from pallete
//call the drawline function of class line and pass it the graphics object,pen and starting and ending point
l.drawLine(g, Pn, startPoint, currentPoint);
// even though i have made onpaint and i am storing the shapes and theri atribs in lists i am unable
// to figure out why it is not working
//uncomment out this and onpaaint to see that the lines are being drawn but vanish once mouse is release
//this.panel1.Invalidate(); //call invalidate so that multiple lines are not generated
case ToolSelect.eRectangle: //if the tool is rectangle
rectangle r = new rectangle(); // create an object of class rectangle
Brush brr = new SolidBrush(color); // create a brush of specified color from pallete
Pen Penn = new Pen(brr); // create the pen of specified brush and width
// call the drawrectangle function of class rectangle and pass it graphics object,pen and start and endpoints
r.drawRectangle(g, Penn, startPoint, currentPoint);
// even though i have made onpaint and i am storing the shapes and theri atribs in lists i am unable
// to figure out why it is not working
//uncomment out this and onpaint to see that the lines are being drawn but vanish once mouse is release
//this.panel1.Invalidate(); //call invalidate so that multiple rectangles are not generated
case ToolSelect.eElipse: //if the tool is ellipse
ellipse e1 = new ellipse(); //then create an ellipse object
Pen pn = new Pen(color); //create a pen with specified color
e1.drawEllipse(g, pn, startPoint, currentPoint);
// even though i have made onpaint and i am storing the shapes and theri atribs in lists i am unable
// to figure out why it is not working
// the only difference between slinky and ellipses is that ellipses call the onpaint but slinky does not
//uncomment out and onpaint to see that the lines are being drawn but vanish once mouse is released
//this.panel1.Invalidate(); //call invalidate so that multiple ellipses are not generated
case ToolSelect.eFreeHand: // if the tool is freehand
freeHand fh = new freeHand(); // create its object
Pen pnn = new Pen(color); // create a pen of specified color
//calls the draw function of freehand and passes it graphic obj,pen and start and end points
fh.drawFreeHand(g, pnn, startPoint, currentPoint);
//sets the new start points as the current points of mouse since freehand is a no of lines joined together
startPoint.X = currentPoint.X;
startPoint.Y = currentPoint.Y;
//since multiple lines are drawn here they need to be stored simultaneously in the list for use in onpaint
case ToolSelect.eABC: //if tool is ABC(text)
textLabel tL = new textLabel(); // then create textLabels obj
// call the objects function to draw the text box passing necessary arguments
tL.drawTextBox(g, textBox.Text, startPoint, currentPoint);
case ToolSelect.eErarser: // if tool is erasr
eraser er = new eraser(); // create its object
//call the erase function passing graphics object,width specified of eraser and start and endpoints
er.erase(g, (float)brushWidth.Value, startPoint, currentPoint);
//sets the new start points as the current points of mouse since freehand is a no of lines joined together
startPoint.X = currentPoint.X;
startPoint.Y = currentPoint.Y;
//since multiple lines are drawn here they need to be stored simultaneously in the list for use in onpaint
case ToolSelect.eBrush: //if the tool is brush
//create its object passing its width and color to the constructor as specified by the user
brush br = new brush((float)(brushWidth.Value), color);
//call its draw function passing required arguments
br.paintBrush(g, startPoint, currentPoint);
//sets the new start points as the current points of mouse since freehand is a no of lines joined together
startPoint.X = currentPoint.X;
startPoint.Y = currentPoint.Y;
//since multiple lines are drawn here they need to be stored simultaneously in the list for use in onpaint
case ToolSelect.eTextureBrush:
//short of time and too tired
case ToolSelect.eSelectionRectangle:
// short of time and too tired
case ToolSelect.eSlinky:
ellipse s1 = new ellipse(); //then create an ellipse object
Pen spn = new Pen(color); //create a pen with specified color
s1.drawEllipse(g, spn, startPoint, currentPoint);
//since multiple ellipses are drawn here they need to be stored simultaneously in the list for use in onpaint
private void panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
// click events of the toolbar to select the tool and assign it to the tool (instance) of toolselct enum
private void bLine_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
tool = ToolSelect.eLine;
private void bBrush_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
tool = ToolSelect.eBrush;
private void bTextureBrush_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
tool = ToolSelect.eTextureBrush;
private void bFreeHand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
tool = ToolSelect.eFreeHand;
private void bRectangle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
tool = ToolSelect.eRectangle;
private void bElispse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
tool = ToolSelect.eElipse;
private void bSlinky_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
tool = ToolSelect.eSlinky;
private void bText_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
tool = ToolSelect.eABC;
textBox.Enabled = true;
private void bEraser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
tool = ToolSelect.eErarser;
private void bSelection_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
tool = ToolSelect.eSelectionRectangle;
//sets the background color as specified by the user in the pallete
private void bBackColor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
panel1.BackColor = color;
//clears the text box
private void textBox_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
textBox.Text = "";
// uncomment out onpaint and invalidate calls to see the effect
/*protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
base.OnPaint(e); // calls the base onpaint method
Graphics g = this.panel1.CreateGraphics(); //creates graphics object
int count; // count to store the no of objects to be drawn
count = drawingshape.Count; // gets the no of shapes to be drawn and stores them in count
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) // loop as many times as the no of shapes
if (drawingshape[i] == (int)(shapeList.e_Ellipse)) //if shape is ellipse
ellipse elp = new ellipse(); // create graphics object
//call its drawing function and pass it graphics object,pen color and drawing points
elp.drawEllipse(g, new Pen(shapecolor[i]), startLocation[i], endLocation[i]);
if (drawingshape[i] == (int)shapeList.e_Line) // if shape is line
line l1 = new line(); // create graphics object
//call its drawing function and pass it graphics object,pen color and drawing points
//l1.drawLine(g, new Pen(shapecolor[i], brushwidth[i]), startLocation[i], endLocation[i]);
if (drawingshape[i] == (int)shapeList.e_Rectangle) // if shape is rectangle
rectangle rc = new rectangle(); // create graphics object
//call its drawing function and pass it graphics object,pen color and drawing points
rc.drawRectangle(g, new Pen(shapecolor[i]), startLocation[i], endLocation[i]);
// refreshes the canvas
private void newToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void openToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Graphics g = this.panel1.CreateGraphics(); // Create a graphics object
OpenFileDialog dlgFile = new OpenFileDialog(); // Open a dialog box to open files
Stream stm; // Variable of type stream to read file
String strImgName; // Variable to read File Name
dlgFile.Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*|All files (*.*)|*.*"; // Filter to specify file types
dlgFile.FilterIndex = 2; // which are to be opened
if (dlgFile.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) // if dialog box is opened correctly
if ((stm = dlgFile.OpenFile()) != null) // and a file is opened
strImgName = dlgFile.FileName; // get the file name
stm.Close(); // Close file
Point pt1 = new Point(0, 0);
g.DrawImage(Image.FromFile(strImgName), pt1); // draw image from file on to the panel
// says it all!!!!!!!!
private void aboutCanvasToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Canvas 2008.\n\nVersion 0.3 Beta.\n\nA feeble attempt, of C# beginners, at making a professional software in just five days.\nHoping against hope that our efforts will outweigh the bugs in the program.\n\nHowever, all rights reserved!!!", "About Canvas");
// click events of colorpallete assigns the chosen color to the variable color
private void Black_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
color = Color.Black;
private void Red_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
color = Color.Red;
private void Blue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
color = Color.Blue;
private void Yellow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
color = Color.Yellow;
private void Green_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
color = Color.Green;
private void Gray_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
color = Color.Gray;
private void Brown_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
color = Color.Brown;
private void Orange_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
color = Color.Orange;
private void White_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
color = Color.White;
private void Navy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
color = Color.Navy;
private void Maroon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
color = Color.Maroon;
private void Violet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
color = Color.Violet;
private void Lime_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
color = Color.Lime;
private void Khaki_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
color = Color.Khaki;
private void Olive_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
color = Color.Olive;
private void FireBrick_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
color = Color.Firebrick;
İşinize yararmı?
Tayfun DEĞER
Cisco Champions, vExpert, VCP4/5/6, VCP5-DT, VCP-Cloud
Mail: [email protected]
tesekkur ederım:) formda gormek daha hos olurdu aslnda
Rica ederim:)
Kolay gelsin.
Tayfun DEĞER
Cisco Champions, vExpert, VCP4/5/6, VCP5-DT, VCP-Cloud
Mail: [email protected]
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