Active directory üzerinden son logon name'i 60 günden fazla olan computer objelerini otomatik olarak silmek istiyorum.
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Merhaba, aşağıdaki PS komutlarını kullanabilirsin.
Function Get-StaleComputers { <# .SYNOPSIS This Function searches Active Directory for stale computer objects. .DESCRIPTION This Function searches Active Directory for stale computer objects based on the NumberOfDays parameter. It checks both the LastLogonDate and PasswordLastSet attributes against NumberOfDays. .PARAMETER NumberOfDays The number of days old a computer object is to be considered stale. Default is 120 days. .PARAMETER ExportToCSV If specified location and CSV file to output the results. Default is the script directory location and a file named StaleComputers_yyyyMMss.csv. .EXAMPLE Get-StaleComputers Returns Stale computers using the default values of 120 Days and writes a csv file to the scripts execution location. Number Of Days: 120 Export To CSV : C:\Scripts\StaleComputers_20200106.csv .EXAMPLE Get-StaleComputers -NumberOfDays 180 Returns Stale computers using the value of 180 Days and writes a csv file to the scripts execution location. Number Of Days: 180 Export To CSV : C:\Scripts\StaleComputers_20200106.csv .EXAMPLE Get-StaleComputers -NumberOfDays 180 Returns Stale computers using the value of 180 Days and writes a csv file to the scripts execution location. Number Of Days: 180 Export To CSV : C:\Scripts\StaleComputers_20200106.csv .EXAMPLE Get-StaleComputers -NumberOfDays 180 -ExportToCSV c:\Reports\StaleComputers.csv Returns Stale computers using the value of 180 Days and writes a csv file to C:\Reports\StaleComputers.csv. Number Of Days: 180 Export To CSV : c:\Reports\StaleComputers.csv #> [CmdletBinding()] param( # # of days ago to purge [int] $NumberOfDays = 120, # Specifies to export to the specified csv file [String] $ExportToCSV = $($PSScriptRoot + "\StaleComputers_" + $(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd) +".csv") ) # Computer Variable Initializations Write-Verbose -Message "Initializing Variables." $DaysAgo = 0 - $NumberOfDays $AllADComputerObjects = $null Write-Output "Number Of Days: $NumberOfDays" Write-Output "Export To CSV : $ExportToCSV" # Computer Properties List Write-Verbose -Message "Set Property Variables." $ComputerPropsAll = $("Name","SamAccountName","Enabled","OperatingSystem","OperatingSystemServicePack","IPv4Address","LastLogonDate","PasswordLastSet","Modified","canonicalname","DistinguishedName","whenChanged","whenCreated") $ComputerPropsPlusCreator = $("Name","SamAccountName","Enabled","OperatingSystem","OperatingSystemServicePack","IPv4Address","LastLogonDate","PasswordLastSet","Modified","canonicalname","DistinguishedName","whenChanged","whenCreated",@{Name="CreatedBy";Expression={$(([ADSI]"LDAP://$($_.DistinguishedName)").psbase.ObjectSecurity.Owner)}}) # Gather Computer Data from Active Directory and Analyze Write-Verbose -Message "Querying Active Directory for Computer Objects..." $AllADComputerObjects = (Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties $ComputerPropsAll) Write-Verbose -Message "Searching Active Directory for Stale ($DaysAgo Days) Computers." $StaleDate = (Get-Date).AddDays($DaysAgo) $StaleComputers = ($AllADComputerObjects | ? {$_.PasswordLastSet -le $StaleDate -and $_.LastLogonDate -le $StaleDate}) | Select-Object $ComputerPropsPlusCreator If ($StaleComputers) { $StaleComputers | Export-Csv -Path $ExportToCSV -NoTypeInformation -Force Write-Output "Stale Computers Found: $($StaleComputers.count)" Write-Output "Output was sent to $ExportToCSV" } Else { Write-Output "No Stale Computers Found." } } cls Get-Help Get-StaleComputers -Full
Örnek kullanım aşağıdaki gibidir;
# Below are some examples of script execution .EXAMPLE Get-StaleComputers Returns Stale computers using the default values of 120 Days and writes a csv file to the scripts execution location. Number Of Days: 120 Export To CSV : C:\Scripts\StaleComputers_20200106.csv .EXAMPLE Get-StaleComputers -NumberOfDays 180 Returns Stale computers using the value of 180 Days and writes a csv file to the scripts execution location. Number Of Days: 180 Export To CSV : C:\Scripts\StaleComputers_20200106.csv .EXAMPLE Get-StaleComputers -NumberOfDays 180 Returns Stale computers using the value of 180 Days and writes a csv file to the scripts execution location. Number Of Days: 180 Export To CSV : C:\Scripts\StaleComputers_20200106.csv .EXAMPLE Get-StaleComputers -NumberOfDays 180 -ExportToCSV c:\Reports\StaleComputers.csv Returns Stale computers using the value of 180 Days and writes a csv file to C:\Reports\StaleComputers.csv. Number Of Days: 180 Export To CSV : c:\Reports\StaleComputers.csv
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