
Event İd 9267 hatas...
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Event İd 9267 hatası

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1,231 Görüntüleme
Gönderiler: 19
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herkese merhaba,

server 2012 r2 x64 sunucumda aşağıdaki hatayı vermekte.internette araştırdım ancak çözüm bulamadım,bu sorunu daha önce yaşayanınız varmıdır?

Log write failed for device \Device\HarddiskVolume1 (drive ?:). The failure status code is the last word of the data.




Gönderildi : 09/11/2022 13:28

Hakan Uzuner
Gönderiler: 33501
Illustrious Member Yönetici

Selam, aslında bilinen bir sorun, buradaki adımları deneyebilirsiniz,


To resolve the issue, complete the following steps.
1.Assign a drive letter to the SRP in diskmgmt.msc 
2.Make Folders in this newly assigned drive letter visible in Explorer Folder Options (unhide hidden and system folders) 
3.Grant your current login account full access to the System Volume Information folder through Explorer Security Tab 
4.Confirm the existence of excessive AALOG files or file sizes in System Volume Information Folder 
5.There should only be 1 AALOG… file, usually only a few KB in size 
6.If you do not see excessive or oversized AALOGS, do not proceed 
7.Issue “fltmc unload aafsflt” command in elevated Command Prompt to release all of the AALOGs 
8.In elevated command prompt change to the disk assigned above in Step 1 and “cd System Volume Information” 
9. “del aalog*.*” to delete them 
10. “fltmc load aafsflt” will reload the filter driver and re-create clean new AALOGs 

11.Snapshot the machine again (you should see a Base and incrementals thereafter.) 

CMD script to resolve this issue. 
PSEXEC should be in the same folder.
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NoProfile -Command "$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; . %0.ps1; Remove-Item %0.ps1"

rem powershell /f .\MountSystemVolume.PS1 "Q:"
powershell /c {$drive=gwmi win32_volume -Filter "Label = 'System Reserved'"
Set-WmiInstance -input $drive -Arguments @{DriveLetter="Q:"} 
fltmc unload aafsflt
c:\temp\PSEXEC -i -s -w "q:\system volume information"  cmd /C del aalog*.log -accepteula
fltmc load aafsflt
mountvol q: /D




  1. Identify the volume that has 0% free space.
  2. Make free space on the volume. 
  3. If the volume without space is the System Reserver Partition (SRP) follow KB 118402 ( ) to clear out the aalog files from the System Reserved Partition.

Once there is free space on the volume and the AppAssure filter driver is able to write to the log files, the error messages will stop.

If free space is not a concern, but the error is still present then the protected machine should be removed from the Core console and added back to protection.  This will force a new base image.  For Replay, removing the machine from protection will delete the recovery points from the tevorepository.

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Gönderildi : 09/11/2022 13:59
