arkadaslar server 2008 r2 kurdum her internet e girisimde ``content from the website listed below is being blocked by the internet explorer enhanced security configration disabled`` bu eklentiyi eklememi istiyor. bunu nasil kaldirabilirim ayrica birde sanki ekran kartini tanimlamasim gibi mouse takilarak ilerliyor driverleri tanitildi eksik yok. bunun sebebi nedir acaba
arkadaslar asagidaki yolu izledigimde my computer sag tus manege server manege ama sonrasinda "Security Information" yok bulamiyorum. o yuzden de soyleneni yapamiyorum bunu nasil cozebilirim.
Turn off "Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration" on Windows 2008 Server or Windows 2003 Server
When trying to use the web browser , several actions are being blocked, hindering the download of important files. The error message reads "Content from the Web site listed below is being blocked by the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration." How can the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration be disabled on Windows 2008 Server? (See "Blocked_Content.png" below)
On Windows Server 2008
1. Go to Server Manager
2. Click the top item in the tree labeled "Server Manager"
3. On the page that appears, go to "Security Information"
4. Look for "Configure IE ESC" on the right and disable the feature
5. Close all Internet Explorer browsers.
6. Open a new browser to attempt the download again.
Server manager penceresini açınca sağ alt kısımda işaretli yere tıklayın. Açılan pencereden enable ya da disable edebilirsiniz.