
Microsoft Fax even...
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Microsoft Fax event id 32083

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Gönderiler: 19
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Merhaba , şirketimizde microsoft fax  server var. Fax manager da bütün yapılandırmalar doğru.Smtp portları da açık  kullanıcı adı ve şifre ayarlarıda doğru olduğu halde sırasıyla aşağıdaki hata kodlarını alıyorum .Yardımcı olabilirseniz sevinirim.

  Event id 32083

Unable to route fax C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\MSFax\Queue\1CC94B710A9EF.tif to the requested e-mail address.

The following error occurred: 0x80040213

This error code indicates the cause of the error.

Check the SMTP server configuration, and correct any anomalies.


EVENT ID 32089

The Fax Service failed to execute a specific routing method. The service will retry to route the fax according to the retries configuration. If the retries fail, verify routing method configuration.

Job ID: 0x0401cc94b710a9ef.

Received on Device: 'SoftV92 Data Fax Modem'

Sent from: ''

Received file name: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\MSFax\Queue\1CC94B710A9EF.tif'.

Routing extension name: 'Microsoft Routing Extension'

Routing method name: 'Route through e-mail'


Gönderildi : 27/10/2011 21:18

Gönderiler: 826
Prominent Member



Sisteminizde SMTP portunu(25 nolu portu) engelleyecek herhangi bir firewall varsa öncelikle bunu kontrol ediniz.Bundan sonra newsgroup 'dan alınmıştır.


1. Open Server Management.
2. Right-click on Fax (Local) container.
3. Select "Properties".
4. Select "Receipts" tab.
5. In the Message Box, enable the "Enable Message Boxes as receipts" checkbox.
6. In SMTP E-mail, check the following:
a. "Enable SMTP Receipts e-mail receipts delivery" is enabled.
b. "Use these SMTP Settings for the Route through E-mail incoming routing method" is enabled.
c. Under Authentication, try setting to Anonymous access if not set already". 

bu ayarları kontrol ediniz.



Gönderildi : 28/10/2011 04:32
