
NEtbios name ile DN...
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NEtbios name ile DNS domain name farklı olması

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Gönderiler: 47
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 Netbios name ile DNS domain name farklı olan bir sistemde, yedek imaj geri döndük sonrasında domaine bağlı tüm kullanıcılar, isim çözüyor fakat domaine login olamıyor. Yerel kullanıcı ile açıp workgroup sonra etki alanına alarak domaine tekrar tanıtılınca kullanıcı login olabiliyor. Etki alanı denetleyicisi bozulmuş,güvenlik ilişkisi sağlanamıyor gibi bir hata veriyordu.

Sorun netbios name ile domain name farklı olması olabilir mi?


Gönderildi : 23/08/2011 12:00

Gönderiler: 199
Estimable Member


 Öncelikle sorunu anlaya bilmeniz için bir kaç test yapmanız gerekiyor.Şu komutları DC üzerinde çalıştırıp çıktılarını bir inceleyin umarım size yardımcı olur. Çıktı içinde aldığınız hataları paylaşırsanız yardımcı olmaya çalışırız.

start / run / cmd > enter

dcdiag /test:dns >> c:\dnstest.txt

dcdiag /v /e >> c:\dctest.txt

 çıktılara c:\ altından ulaşabilirsiniz.


Gönderildi : 23/08/2011 20:28

Gönderiler: 47
Trusted Member
Konu başlatıcı


Geri dönüşünüz için teşekkür ederim.

DNStest aşağıdaki gibidir.


Directory Server Diagnosis

Performing initial setup:

   Trying to find home server...

   Home Server = DCEXCH

   * Identified AD Forest.
   Done gathering initial info.

Doing initial required tests

   Testing server: Sahinkul-Site\DCEXCH

      Starting test: Connectivity

         ......................... DCEXCH passed test Connectivity

Doing primary tests

   Testing server: Sahinkul-Site\DCEXCH

      Starting test: DNS


         DNS Tests are running and not hung. Please wait a few minutes...

         ......................... DCEXCH passed test DNS

   Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones

   Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones

   Running partition tests on : Schema

   Running partition tests on : Configuration

   Running partition tests on : sahinkul

   Running enterprise tests on : sahinkul.local

      Starting test: DNS

         Test results for domain controllers:

            DC: DCEXCH.sahinkul.local

            Domain: sahinkul.local


               TEST: Basic (Basc)
                  Warning: adapter

                  [00000012] Broadcom BCM5709C NetXtreme II GigE (NDIS VBD Client)

                  has invalid DNS server: (SIMONE)

                  Warning: adapter

                  [00000012] Broadcom BCM5709C NetXtreme II GigE (NDIS VBD Client)

                  has invalid DNS server: (<name unavailable>)

                  Warning: The A record for this DC was not found
                  No host records (A or AAAA) were found for this DC

               TEST: Dynamic update (Dyn)
                  Warning: Failed to delete the test record dcdiag-test-record in zone sahinkul.local
               TEST: Records registration (RReg)
                  Network Adapter

                  [00000012] Broadcom BCM5709C NetXtreme II GigE (NDIS VBD Client):


                     Missing CNAME record at DNS server
                     Missing A record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing A record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing CNAME record at DNS server
                     Missing A record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing A record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
                     Missing SRV record at DNS server
               Error: Record registrations cannot be found for all the network


         Summary of test results for DNS servers used by the above domain



            DNS server: (<name unavailable>)

               2 test failure on this DNS server

               Name resolution is not functional. _ldap._tcp.sahinkul.local. failed on the DNS server
            DNS server: (SIMONE)

               1 test failure on this DNS server

               Name resolution is not functional. _ldap._tcp.sahinkul.local. failed on the DNS server
         Summary of DNS test results:

                                            Auth Basc Forw Del  Dyn  RReg Ext
            Domain: sahinkul.local

               DCEXCH                       PASS FAIL PASS PASS WARN FAIL n/a 
         ......................... sahinkul.local failed test DNS

Gönderildi : 25/08/2011 12:06

Gönderiler: 47
Trusted Member
Konu başlatıcı

Burda da dcdiag sonucu bulunuyor. Teşekkürler.

Directory Server Diagnosis

Performing initial setup:

   Trying to find home server...

   * Verifying that the local machine DCEXCH, is a Directory Server.
   Home Server = DCEXCH

   * Connecting to directory service on server DCEXCH.

   * Identified AD Forest.
   Collecting AD specific global data
   * Collecting site info.

   Calling ldap_search_init_page(hld,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=sahinkul,DC=local,LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,(objectCategory=ntDSSiteSettings),.......
   The previous call succeeded
   Iterating through the sites
   Looking at base site object: CN=NTDS Site Settings,CN=Sahinkul-Site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=sahinkul,DC=local
   Getting ISTG and options for the site
   * Identifying all servers.

   Calling ldap_search_init_page(hld,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=sahinkul,DC=local,LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,(objectClass=ntDSDsa),.......
   The previous call succeeded....
   The previous call succeeded
   Iterating through the list of servers
   Getting information for the server CN=NTDS Settings,CN=ATALANTE,CN=Servers,CN=Sahinkul-Site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=sahinkul,DC=local
   objectGuid obtained
   InvocationID obtained
   dnsHostname obtained
   site info obtained
   All the info for the server collected
   Getting information for the server CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DCEXCH,CN=Servers,CN=Sahinkul-Site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=sahinkul,DC=local
   objectGuid obtained
   InvocationID obtained
   dnsHostname obtained
   site info obtained
   All the info for the server collected
   * Identifying all NC cross-refs.

   * Found 2 DC(s). Testing 1 of them.

   Done gathering initial info.

Doing initial required tests

   Testing server: Sahinkul-Site\DCEXCH

      Starting test: Connectivity

         * Active Directory LDAP Services Check
         Determining IP4 connectivity
         * Active Directory RPC Services Check
         ......................... DCEXCH passed test Connectivity

Doing primary tests

   Testing server: Sahinkul-Site\DCEXCH

      Starting test: Advertising

         The DC DCEXCH is advertising itself as a DC and having a DS.
         The DC DCEXCH is advertising as an LDAP server
         The DC DCEXCH is advertising as having a writeable directory
         The DC DCEXCH is advertising as a Key Distribution Center
         The DC DCEXCH is advertising as a time server
         The DS DCEXCH is advertising as a GC.
         ......................... DCEXCH passed test Advertising

      Test omitted by user request: CheckSecurityError

      Test omitted by user request: CutoffServers

      Starting test: FrsEvent

         * The File Replication Service Event log test
         There are warning or error events within the last 24 hours after the

         SYSVOL has been shared.  Failing SYSVOL replication problems may cause

         Group Policy problems.
         A warning event occurred.  EventID: 0x800034C4

            Time Generated: 08/23/2011   18:09:07

            Event String:

            The File Replication Service is having trouble enabling replication from ATALANTE to DCEXCH for c:\windows\sysvol\domain using the DNS name atalante.sahinkul.local. FRS will keep retrying.

             Following are some of the reasons you would see this warning.


             [1] FRS can not correctly resolve the DNS name atalante.sahinkul.local from this computer.

             [2] FRS is not running on atalante.sahinkul.local.

             [3] The topology information in the Active Directory Domain Services for this replica has not yet replicated to all the Domain Controllers.


             This event log message will appear once per connection, After the problem is fixed you will see another event log message indicating that the connection has been established.

         ......................... DCEXCH passed test FrsEvent

      Starting test: DFSREvent

         The DFS Replication Event Log.
         Skip the test because the server is running FRS.

         ......................... DCEXCH passed test DFSREvent

      Starting test: SysVolCheck

         * The File Replication Service SYSVOL ready test
         File Replication Service's SYSVOL is ready
         ......................... DCEXCH passed test SysVolCheck

      Starting test: KccEvent

         * The KCC Event log test
         Found no KCC errors in "Directory Service" Event log in the last 15 minutes.
         ......................... DCEXCH passed test KccEvent

      Starting test: KnowsOfRoleHolders

         Role Schema Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DCEXCH,CN=Servers,CN=Sahinkul-Site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=sahinkul,DC=local
         Role Domain Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DCEXCH,CN=Servers,CN=Sahinkul-Site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=sahinkul,DC=local
         Role PDC Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DCEXCH,CN=Servers,CN=Sahinkul-Site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=sahinkul,DC=local
         Role Rid Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DCEXCH,CN=Servers,CN=Sahinkul-Site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=sahinkul,DC=local
         Role Infrastructure Update Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DCEXCH,CN=Servers,CN=Sahinkul-Site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=sahinkul,DC=local
         ......................... DCEXCH passed test KnowsOfRoleHolders

      Starting test: MachineAccount

         Checking machine account for DC DCEXCH on DC DCEXCH.
         * SPN found :LDAP/DCEXCH.sahinkul.local/sahinkul.local
         * SPN found :LDAP/DCEXCH.sahinkul.local
         * SPN found :LDAP/DCEXCH
         * SPN found :LDAP/DCEXCH.sahinkul.local/SMAKINA
         * SPN found :LDAP/ad74fcff-0950-4651-b4e1-f4754dd25e90._msdcs.sahinkul.local
         * SPN found :E3514235-4B06-11D1-AB04-00C04FC2DCD2/ad74fcff-0950-4651-b4e1-f4754dd25e90/sahinkul.local
         * SPN found :HOST/DCEXCH.sahinkul.local/sahinkul.local
         * SPN found :HOST/DCEXCH.sahinkul.local
         * SPN found :HOST/DCEXCH
         * SPN found :HOST/DCEXCH.sahinkul.local/SMAKINA
         * SPN found :GC/DCEXCH.sahinkul.local/sahinkul.local
         ......................... DCEXCH passed test MachineAccount

      Starting test: NCSecDesc

         * Security Permissions check for all NC's on DC DCEXCH.
         The forest is not ready for RODC. Will skip checking ERODC ACEs.
         * Security Permissions Check for

            (NDNC,Version 3)
         * Security Permissions Check for

            (NDNC,Version 3)
         * Security Permissions Check for

            (Schema,Version 3)
         * Security Permissions Check for

            (Configuration,Version 3)
         * Security Permissions Check for

            (Domain,Version 3)
         ......................... DCEXCH passed test NCSecDesc

      Starting test: NetLogons

         * Network Logons Privileges Check
         Verified share \\DCEXCH\netlogon
         Verified share \\DCEXCH\sysvol
         ......................... DCEXCH passed test NetLogons

      Starting test: ObjectsReplicated

         DCEXCH is in domain DC=sahinkul,DC=local
         Checking for CN=DCEXCH,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=sahinkul,DC=local in domain DC=sahinkul,DC=local on 1 servers
            Object is up-to-date on all servers.
         Checking for CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DCEXCH,CN=Servers,CN=Sahinkul-Site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=sahinkul,DC=local in domain CN=Configuration,DC=sahinkul,DC=local on 1 servers
            Object is up-to-date on all servers.
         ......................... DCEXCH passed test ObjectsReplicated

      Test omitted by user request: OutboundSecureChannels

      Starting test: Replications

         * Replications Check
         [Replications Check,DCEXCH] A recent replication attempt failed:

            From ATALANTE to DCEXCH

            Naming Context: CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=sahinkul,DC=local

            The replication generated an error (1722):

            The RPC server is unavailable.

            The failure occurred at 2011-08-24 10:48:19.

            The last success occurred at 2011-01-01 15:48:02.

            151 failures have occurred since the last success.

            [ATALANTE] DsBindWithSpnEx() failed with error 1722,

            The RPC server is unavailable..
            Printing RPC Extended Error Info:

            Error Record 1, ProcessID is 22864
               System Time is: 8/24/2011 8:46:36:702

               Generating component is 2 (RPC runtime)
               Status is 1722 The RPC server is unavailable.

               Detection location is 501

               NumberOfParameters is 4

               Unicode string: ncacn_ip_tcp

               Unicode string:


               Long val: -481213899

               Long val: 1722

            Error Record 2, ProcessID is 22864
               System Time is: 8/24/2011 8:46:36:702

               Generating component is 18 (unknown)
               Status is 1722 The RPC server is unavailable.

               Detection location is 1442

               NumberOfParameters is 1

               Unicode string:


            Error Record 3, ProcessID is 22864
               System Time is: 8/24/2011 8:46:36:702

               Generating component is 18 (unknown)
               Status is 1722 The RPC server is unavailable.

               Detection location is 323

            Error Record 4, ProcessID is 22864
               System Time is: 8/24/2011 8:46:36:702

               Generating component is 18 (unknown)
               Status is 1237

               The operation could not be completed. A retry should be performed.

               Detection location is 313

            Error Record 5, ProcessID is 22864
               System Time is: 8/24/2011 8:46:36:702

               Generating component is 18 (unknown)
               Status is 10060

               A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

               Detection location is 311

               NumberOfParameters is 3

               Long val: 135

               Pointer val: 0

               Pointer val: 0

            Error Record 6, ProcessID is 22864
               System Time is: 8/24/2011 8:46:36:702

               Generating component is 18 (unknown)
               Status is 10060

               A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

               Detection location is 318

            The source remains down. Please check the machine.

         [Replications Check,DCEXCH] A recent replication attempt failed:

            From ATALANTE to DCEXCH

            Naming Context: CN=Configuration,DC=sahinkul,DC=local

            The replication generated an error (1722):

            The RPC server is unavailable.

            The failure occurred at 2011-08-24 10:47:58.

            The last success occurred at 2011-01-01 15:55:51.

            151 failures have occurred since the last success.

            The source remains down. Please check the machine.

         [Replications Check,DCEXCH] A recent replication attempt failed:

            From ATALANTE to DCEXCH

            Naming Context: DC=sahinkul,DC=local

            The replication generated an error (1722):

            The RPC server is unavailable.

            The failure occurred at 2011-08-24 10:47:37.

            The last success occurred at 2011-01-01 15:56:52.

            151 failures have occurred since the last success.

            The source remains down. Please check the machine.

         ......................... DCEXCH failed test Replications

      Starting test: RidManager

         * Available RID Pool for the Domain is 2611 to 1073741823
         * DCEXCH.sahinkul.local is the RID Master
         * DsBind with RID Master was successful
         * rIDAllocationPool is 2111 to 2610
         * rIDPreviousAllocationPool is 2111 to 2610
         * rIDNextRID: 2211
         ......................... DCEXCH passed test RidManager

      Starting test: Services

         * Checking Service: EventSystem
         * Checking Service: RpcSs
         * Checking Service: NTDS
         * Checking Service: DnsCache
         * Checking Service: NtFrs
         * Checking Service: IsmServ
         * Checking Service: kdc
         * Checking Service: SamSs
         * Checking Service: LanmanServer
         * Checking Service: LanmanWorkstation
         * Checking Service: w32time
         * Checking Service: NETLOGON
         ......................... DCEXCH passed test Services

      Starting test: SystemLog

         * The System Event log test
         A warning event occurred.  EventID: 0x8000001D

            Time Generated: 08/24/2011   11:17:17

            Event String:

            The Key Distribution Center (KDC) cannot find a suitable certificate to use for smart card logons, or the KDC certificate could not be verified. Smart card logon may not function correctly if this problem is not resolved. To correct this problem, either verify the existing KDC certificate using certutil.exe or enroll for a new KDC certificate.

         An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x00000457

            Time Generated: 08/24/2011   11:37:25

            Event String:

            Driver Send To Microsoft OneNote 2010 Driver required for printer Send To OneNote 2010 is unknown. Contact the administrator to install the driver before you log in again.

         An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x00000457

            Time Generated: 08/24/2011   11:37:25

            Event String:

            Driver Send To Microsoft OneNote 2010 Driver required for printer OneNote 2010 Uygulamasna Gnder is unknown. Contact the administrator to install the driver before you log in again.

         An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x00000457

            Time Generated: 08/24/2011   11:37:26

            Event String:

            Driver HP LaserJet 1020 required for printer !!IDRIS-6E2EE1478!HP LaserJet 1020 is unknown. Contact the administrator to install the driver before you log in again.

         An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x00000457

            Time Generated: 08/24/2011   11:39:12

            Event String:

            Driver HP LaserJet 1020 required for printer !!IDRIS-6E2EE1478!HP LaserJet 1020 is unknown. Contact the administrator to install the driver before you log in again.

         An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x00000457

            Time Generated: 08/24/2011   11:39:12

            Event String:

            Driver Send To Microsoft OneNote 2010 Driver required for printer Send To OneNote 2010 is unknown. Contact the administrator to install the driver before you log in again.

         An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x00000457

            Time Generated: 08/24/2011   11:39:14

            Event String:

            Driver Send To Microsoft OneNote 2010 Driver required for printer OneNote 2010 Uygulamasna Gnder is unknown. Contact the administrator to install the driver before you log in again.

         An error event occurred.  EventID: 0xC0002719

            Time Generated: 08/24/2011   11:41:44

            Event String:

            DCOM was unable to communicate with the computer using any of the configured protocols.

         An error event occurred.  EventID: 0xC0002719

            Time Generated: 08/24/2011   11:41:45

            Event String:

            DCOM was unable to communicate with the computer using any of the configured protocols.

         ......................... DCEXCH failed test SystemLog

      Test omitted by user request: Topology

      Test omitted by user request: VerifyEnterpriseReferences

      Starting test: VerifyReferences

         The system object reference (serverReference)

         CN=DCEXCH,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=sahinkul,DC=local and backlink on


         are correct.
         The system object reference (serverReferenceBL)

         CN=DCEXCH,CN=Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share),CN=File Replication Service,CN=System,DC=sahinkul,DC=local

         and backlink on

         CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DCEXCH,CN=Servers,CN=Sahinkul-Site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=sahinkul,DC=local

         are correct.
         The system object reference (frsComputerReferenceBL)

         CN=DCEXCH,CN=Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share),CN=File Replication Service,CN=System,DC=sahinkul,DC=local

         and backlink on CN=DCEXCH,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=sahinkul,DC=local

         are correct.
         ......................... DCEXCH passed test VerifyReferences

      Test omitted by user request: VerifyReplicas

      Test omitted by user request: DNS

      Test omitted by user request: DNS

   Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones

      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom

         ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom

      Starting test: CrossRefValidation

         ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test


   Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones

      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom

         ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom

      Starting test: CrossRefValidation

         ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test


   Running partition tests on : Schema

      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom

         ......................... Schema passed test CheckSDRefDom

      Starting test: CrossRefValidation

         ......................... Schema passed test CrossRefValidation

   Running partition tests on : Configuration

      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom

         ......................... Configuration passed test CheckSDRefDom

      Starting test: CrossRefValidation

         ......................... Configuration passed test CrossRefValidation

   Running partition tests on : sahinkul

      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom

         ......................... sahinkul passed test CheckSDRefDom

      Starting test: CrossRefValidation

         ......................... sahinkul passed test CrossRefValidation

   Running enterprise tests on : sahinkul.local

      Test omitted by user request: DNS

      Test omitted by user request: DNS

      Starting test: LocatorCheck

         GC Name: \\DCEXCH.sahinkul.local

         Locator Flags: 0xe00033fd
         PDC Name: \\DCEXCH.sahinkul.local
         Locator Flags: 0xe00033fd
         Time Server Name: \\DCEXCH.sahinkul.local
         Locator Flags: 0xe00033fd
         Preferred Time Server Name: \\DCEXCH.sahinkul.local
         Locator Flags: 0xe00033fd
         KDC Name: \\DCEXCH.sahinkul.local
         Locator Flags: 0xe00033fd
         ......................... sahinkul.local passed test LocatorCheck

      Starting test: Intersite

         Skipping site Sahinkul-Site, this site is outside the scope provided

         by the command line arguments provided.
         ......................... sahinkul.local passed test Intersite

Gönderildi : 25/08/2011 12:08

Gönderiler: 199
Estimable Member

Tarık bey,

Sorun DNS sunucunun düzgün çalışmaması raporda gördüğünüz gibi srv record vs.. düzgün oluşmamış veya hatalı olması.DNS Sunucunuz içinde eğer yoksa yeni forward lookup zone oluştur deyin _msdcs.domainname.local şeklinde forward lookup zone oluşturun ve ardından netlogon servisini restart edin mümkünse sunucuyu restart edin. Eğer _msdcs.domainname.local oluşmuş ise silip tekrar ekleyin DNS sunucu içerisinde kayıtların oluştuğundan emin olun.

Gönderildi : 25/08/2011 12:41

Gönderiler: 47
Trusted Member
Konu başlatıcı

Tarık bey,

Sorun DNS sunucunun düzgün çalışmaması raporda gördüğünüz gibi srv record vs.. düzgün oluşmamış veya hatalı olması.DNS Sunucunuz içinde eğer yoksa yeni forward lookup zone oluştur deyin _msdcs.domainname.local şeklinde forward lookup zone oluşturun ve ardından netlogon servisini restart edin mümkünse sunucuyu restart edin. Eğer _msdcs.domainname.local oluşmuş ise silip tekrar ekleyin DNS sunucu içerisinde kayıtların oluştuğundan emin olun.


Kamer bey,


İlginiz ve hızlı geri dönüşünüz için teşekkür ederim.Dediklerinizi yapıp sonucunu geri dönüş olarak size bildiricem. İyi çalışmalar

Gönderildi : 25/08/2011 13:35

Gönderiler: 75
Estimable Member

Merhabalar. Aynı problem bende de var. srv kayıtları yok dns de nasıl oluşturabilirim. Ayrıca clienti domaine almak icin etki alanına yc.local yazdıgımda görmüyor ancak yc (netbios adı olarak belirledim ad kurulumunda) yazdıgımda kullanıcı adı şifre soruyor ve sonrasında hata veriyor. teşekkürler

Gönderildi : 01/10/2011 13:54

Gönderiler: 9886
Illustrious Member


Dnste kayıtlar görünmüyorsa,  burdaki adımları uygulayınız.

Keyifli çalışmalar. 

Gönderildi : 03/10/2011 01:00
