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Data protection manager 2010 fail

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Gönderiler: 13
Eminent Member
Konu başlatıcı
DPM Setup could not access Active Directory Domain Services. You cannot proceed with the DPM Installation.Verify that the computer is joined to a domain, that DNS is correctly configured, and that you are logged on as a domain user with administrator user rights.

DPM Setup has detected that the Single Instance Store (SIS) component is not installed. Setup will install this as part of DPM installation. You must restart the computer after installation is complete.

 Sanal windows 2008 R2 üzerine DPM 2010 kurmaya çalışrken bu hatayı veriyor?!?! Çözüm olarak?!


Gönderildi : 26/07/2011 18:40

Gönderiler: 327
Reputable Member


DPM kurmaya calistiginiz sunucuya DOMAINADI\KullaniciAdi  formatinda domaine logon olacak şekilde denermisiniz? Muhtemelen server'in lokal'ine logon oldugunuz icin bu hatayi aliyorsunuz.

iyi calismalar,

Mesut Aladag.
Microsoft MVP, MCT

Gönderildi : 26/07/2011 20:00
