
NT,2000,2003 migrat...
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NT,2000,2003 migration yapmak

10 Yazılar
4 Üyeler
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765 Görüntüleme
Gönderiler: 923
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merhaba NT Domainden ben 2003 gecis yapmak istiyorum bildigm bir işlem var oda upgrade nt üzerine 2003 çakmak ama ben bunu istemiyorum daha saglıklı olan ve microsoftun destekledigi 2000 işletim sistemini köprü olarak kullanın diyor ama Grin Grin Grin Grin ;Dnt den 2003 gecerken önce nt den 2000 gecis yapıcam 2000 den 2003 gecis yapıcam ama nasıl yapıcam Smiley Grin Grin çok yerde yazı okudum ama tam öyle ayrıntılı birsey yazmıyor kabaca gecmisler hesapta makale yazmıslar o makalelerle is yapsak patlarız bana burda yardımcı olacak birileri cıkarmı bana yardımcı olurmusunuz tesekkürler

Gönderildi : 17/06/2008 21:52

Gönderiler: 51
Trusted Member

Bu konuda yeteri kadar makale var. Bende 2000-2003-2008 migration işlemi yaparken bu makalelerden fazlasıyla yararlandım. Daha dikkatli incelemeni tavsiye ederim.

Gönderildi : 17/06/2008 22:04

Gönderiler: 923
Noble Member
Konu başlatıcı

peki nerde bana bir link verebilirmisin ben bulamamdımda

Gönderildi : 17/06/2008 23:18

Gönderiler: 16309
Illustrious Member Yönetici

peki nerde bana bir link verebilirmisin ben bulamamdımda

Merhaba , konu daha önce forum üzerinde detaylı olarak konuşuldu  


Gönderildi : 18/06/2008 00:58

Gönderiler: 4117
Famed Member


windows nt 4.0'ı windows server 2003'e migrate ile ilgili aşağıdaki guide'ı kullanabilirsiniz.

Gönderildi : 18/06/2008 01:10

Gönderiler: 923
Noble Member
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peki bir sorum daha upgrade işlemini güzelce anlatmıs aslında 2 sorum ben bunu yaptım çalıstı bunun yanin nt nin üzerinde birde exchange varsa ben birde exchange 2007 kurarsam mail boxları tasıyabilirmiyim peki birde upgrade sonucunda hala eski domainin ismi gözüküyor clientlerde neden gözüküyor ben yeni kurdugum domain isminin görünmesini istiyorum

Gönderildi : 18/06/2008 01:58

Gönderiler: 923
Noble Member
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birsey daha yakaladım arkadaslar sorun buldumda acaba sizinde dikkatinizi cektimi herseyi düzgünce yaptım upgrade işlemini gerceklestirdim.daha adititonal kurmadım nt nin üzerine 2003 kuruldu dns testlerini yaparken fail veriyor 




 [img src= ]


DNS server has updated its own host (A) records.  In order to ensure that its DS-integrated peer DNS servers are able to replicate with this server, an attempt was made to update them with the new records through dynamic update.  An error was encountered during this update, the record data is the error code.
If this DNS server does not have any DS-integrated peers, then this error
should be ignored.
If this DNS server's Active Directory replication partners do not have the correct IP address(es) for this server, they will be unable to replicate with it.
To ensure proper replication:
1) Find this server's Active Directory replication partners that run the DNS server.
2) Open DnsManager and connect in turn to each of the replication partners.
3) On each server, check the host (A record) registration for THIS server.
4) Delete any A records that do NOT correspond to IP addresses of this server.
5) If there are no A records for this server, add at least one A record corresponding to an address on this server, that the replication partner can contact.  (In other words, if there multiple IP addresses for this DNS server, add at least one that is on the same network as the Active Directory DNS server you are updating.)
6) Note, that is not necessary to update EVERY replication partner.  It is only necessary that the records are fixed up on enough replication partners so that every server that replicates with this server will receive (through replication) the new data.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Gönderildi : 18/06/2008 03:42

Gönderiler: 923
Noble Member
Konu başlatıcı

loglarlad bunu gördüm beyler biraz yardımcı olabilirmisiniz 

DNS server has updated its own host (A) records.  In order to ensure that its DS-integrated peer DNS servers are able to replicate with this server, an attempt was made to update them with the new records through dynamic update.  An error was encountered during this update, the record data is the error code.
If this DNS server does not have any DS-integrated peers, then this error
should be ignored.
If this DNS server's Active Directory replication partners do not have the correct IP address(es) for this server, they will be unable to replicate with it.
To ensure proper replication:
1) Find this server's Active Directory replication partners that run the DNS server.
2) Open DnsManager and connect in turn to each of the replication partners.
3) On each server, check the host (A record) registration for THIS server.
4) Delete any A records that do NOT correspond to IP addresses of this server.
5) If there are no A records for this server, add at least one A record corresponding to an address on this server, that the replication partner can contact.  (In other words, if there multiple IP addresses for this DNS server, add at least one that is on the same network as the Active Directory DNS server you are updating.)
6) Note, that is not necessary to update EVERY replication partner.  It is only necessary that the records are fixed up on enough replication partners so that every server that replicates with this server will receive (through replication) the new data.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Gönderildi : 18/06/2008 15:40

Gönderiler: 923
Noble Member
Konu başlatıcı

sorunu çözdüm arkadaslar çok tesekkür ederim

Gönderildi : 19/06/2008 17:31

Gönderiler: 4117
Famed Member

Geçmiş olsun diyelim. Çözümü de paylaşırsak daha şık olur

Gönderildi : 19/06/2008 18:39
