
ou lar silinmiyor
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ou lar silinmiyor

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w2008 de oluşturduğumuz organization unitları silemiyoruz.

You do not have sufficient privileges to delete deneme, or this object is protected from accidental deletion

hatası veriyor. ne yapabiliriz acaba

Gönderildi : 19/04/2011 18:00

Gönderiler: 5718
Illustrious Member

In Windows 2008 Active Directory Users and Computers Microsoft activated new feature “Protect Container from accidential deletion”
During OU creation you have the ability to mark OU as protected from
accidental deletion , and if you try to delete OU you will receive the
following error “You do not have sufficient privileges to delete “OU Name” , or this object is protected from accidential deletion”
you dont-have

To unlock OU from accidential deleting protection do the following actions

  • Open Active Directory Users and Computers
  • Go to View
  • Mark with “V”  ” Advanced Features”
  • Right click protected OU
  • Go to  Properties
  • Navigate to “Object” Tab
  • Remove the “V” from “Protect object from accidental deletion “

Protect Ou from accidential deletion

Gönderildi : 19/04/2011 18:14

Gönderiler: 1056
Noble Member

Teşekkürler hocam 

Gönderildi : 23/12/2012 23:08

Gönderiler: 388
Honorable Member

Teşekkürler paylaşım için.

Gönderildi : 31/05/2017 13:55
