
Serverdan clientlar...
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Serverdan clientlara gelen screen saver kaldırılması.

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Öncelikle herkese günaydın bir konuda yardımınıza ihtiyacım var.

 Sistemimizde kullandımız serverlardan belirlediğimiz standart özellikler clientlara otomatik olarak uygulanıyor. ( screen saver,arka plan resmi saat ayarları vs )

İstisnayi bir durum yapıp bir makinede screen saver ve bekleme konumuna gecmesini istemiyoruz.

Nedeni o makine LCD TV bağlı ve  sürekli bilgi güncellemesi yapıp ekranı canlı tutması gerekmekte.Yaptığım işlere gelince Active directory bir OU oluşturdum ve makineyi oraya cektim daha sonra group policyde uygulaması gereken rolleri belirledim ancak hala makineye screen saver giriyor ve bekleme konumuna geçiyor.

yanlış yaptıgım bişimi var ? yada buna benzer bişi yaşayan oldumu ??

Bu konuda yardımlarınızı bekliyorum.

Gönderildi : 21/01/2011 14:14

Gönderiler: 1424
Noble Member

hem sunucuda hem de clientta gpupdate /force yapıp güncellemenizin hemen client üzerinde görünmesini sağladınız mı? bundan sonra hala çalışmıyorsa rsop ile client üzerine giden gp kontrolü yapabilirsiniz. belki inheritance gibi bir şey vardır.

Gönderildi : 21/01/2011 14:18

Gönderiler: 7
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 gpupdate /force yapıp updateleri güncelledim ama hala gelmedi uyguladıgım roller gelmedi.. değişik bir durum anlıyamadım acıkcası

 acaba gidip localden gpedit ile üzerine uygulasam sorunum çözülürmü ki ?,

yok sacma oldu otomatik serverdan geldiği için yine gelecektir sonucta domainde makine yani biraz karıstı ortalik :))

Gönderildi : 21/01/2011 14:21

Gönderiler: 7
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RSop tan da kontrol ettim su anda uygulanan bunlar



Policy Setting
<A class=explainlink onclick="javascript:showExplainText(this); return false;" href="javascript:void();" gpmc_settingName="Hide Screen Saver tab" gpmc_settingPath="User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Control Panel/Display" gpmc_settingDescription="Removes the Screen Saver tab from Display in Control Panel.

This setting prevents users from using Control Panel to add, configure, or change the screen saver on the computer." gpmc_supported="At least Microsoft Windows 2000">Hide Screen Saver tab
<A class=explainlink onclick="javascript:showExplainText(this); return false;" href="javascript:void();" gpmc_settingName="Password protect the screen saver" gpmc_settingPath="User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Control Panel/Display" gpmc_settingDescription="Determines whether screen savers used on the computer are password protected.

If you enable this setting, all screen savers are password protected. If you disable this setting, password protection cannot be set on any screen saver.

This setting also disables the &quot;Password protected&quot; check box on the Screen Saver tab in Display in Control Panel, preventing users from changing the password protection setting.

If you do not configure this setting, users can choose whether or not to set password protection on each screen saver.

To ensure that a computer will be password protected, also enable the &quot;Screen Saver&quot; setting and specify a timeout via the &quot;Screen Saver timeout&quot; setting.

Note: To remove the Screen Saver tab, use the &quot;Hide Screen Saver tab&quot; setting." gpmc_supported="At least Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 1">Password protect the screen saver

<A class=explainlink onclick="javascript:showExplainText(this); return false;" href="javascript:void();" gpmc_settingName="Screen Saver" gpmc_settingPath="User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Control Panel/Display" gpmc_settingDescription="Enables desktop screen savers.

If you disable this setting, screen savers do not run. Also, this setting disables the Screen Saver section of the Screen Saver tab in Display in Control Panel. As a result, users cannot change the screen saver options.

If you do not configure it, this setting has no effect on the system.

If you enable it, a screen saver runs, provided the following two conditions hold: First, a valid screensaver on the client is specified through the &quot;Screensaver executable name&quot; setting or through Control Panel on the client computer. Second, the screensaver timeout is set to a nonzero value through the setting or Control Panel.

Also, see the &quot;Hide Screen Saver tab&quot; setting." gpmc_supported="At least Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 1">Screen Saver

<A class=explainlink onclick="javascript:showExplainText(this); return false;" href="javascript:void();" gpmc_settingName="Screen Saver executable name" gpmc_settingPath="User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Control Panel/Display" gpmc_settingDescription="Specifies the screen saver for the user's desktop.

If you enable this setting, the system displays the specified screen saver on the user's desktop. Also, this setting disables the drop-down list of screen savers on the Screen Saver tab in Display in Control Panel, which prevents users from changing the screen saver.

If you disable this setting or do not configure it, users can select any screen saver.

If you enable this setting, type the name of the file that contains the screen saver, including the .scr file name extension. If the screen saver file is not in the %Systemroot%\System32 directory, type the fully qualified path to the file.

If the specified screen saver is not installed on a computer to which this setting applies, the setting is ignored.

Note: This setting can be superseded by the &quot;Screen Saver&quot; setting. If the &quot;Screen Saver&quot; setting is disabled, this setting is ignored, and screen savers do not run." gpmc_supported="At least Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 1">Screen Saver executable name

<A class=explainlink onclick="javascript:showExplainText(this); return false;" href="javascript:void();" gpmc_settingName="Screen Saver timeout" gpmc_settingPath="User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Control Panel/Display" gpmc_settingDescription="Specifies how much user idle time must elapse before the screen saver is launched.

When configured, this idle time can be set from a minimum of 1 second to a maximum of 86,400 seconds, or 24 hours. If set to zero, the screen saver will not be started.

This setting has no effect under any of the following circumstances:

- The setting is disabled or not configured.

- The wait time is set to zero.

- The &quot;No screen saver&quot; setting is enabled.

- Neither the &quot;Screen saver executable name&quot; setting nor the Screen Saver tab of the client computer's Display Properties dialog box specifies a valid existing screensaver program on the client.

When not configured, whatever wait time is set on the client through the Screen Saver tab of the Display Properties dialog box is used. The default is 15 minutes." gpmc_supported="At least Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 1">Screen Saver timeout


Desktop/Active Desktophide

Policy Setting
<A class=explainlink onclick="javascript:showExplainText(this); return false;" href="javascript:void();" gpmc_settingName="Active Desktop Wallpaper" gpmc_settingPath="User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Desktop/Active Desktop" gpmc_settingDescription="Specifies the desktop background (&quot;wallpaper&quot;) displayed on all users' desktops.

This setting lets you specify the wallpaper on users' desktops and prevents users from changing the image or its presentation. The wallpaper you specify can be stored in a bitmap (*.bmp), JPEG (*.jpg), or HTML (*.htm, *.html) file.

To use this setting, type the fully qualified path and name of the file that stores the wallpaper image. You can type a local path, such as C:\Windows\web\wallpaper\home.jpg or a UNC path, such as \\Server\Share\Corp.jpg. If the specified file is not available when the user logs on, no wallpaper is displayed. Users cannot specify alternative wallpaper. You can also use this setting to specify that the wallpaper image be centered, tiled, or stretched. Users cannot change this specification.

If you disable this setting or do not configure it, no wallpaper is displayed. However, users can select the wallpaper of their choice.

Also, see the &quot;Allow only bitmapped wallpaper&quot; in the same location, and the &quot;Prevent changing wallpaper&quot; setting in User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Control Panel.

Note: You need to enable the Active Desktop to use this setting.

Note: This setting does not apply to Terminal Server sessions." gpmc_supported="At least Microsoft Windows 2000">Active Desktop Wallpaper

<A class=explainlink onclick="javascript:showExplainText(this); return false;" href="javascript:void();" gpmc_settingName="Allow only bitmapped wallpaper" gpmc_settingPath="User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Desktop/Active Desktop" gpmc_settingDescription="Permits only bitmap images for wallpaper. This setting limits the desktop background (&quot;wallpaper&quot;) to bitmap (.bmp) files. If users select files with other image formats, such as JPEG, GIF, PNG, or HTML, through the Browse button on the Desktop tab, the wallpaper does not load. Files that are autoconverted to a .bmp format, such as JPEG, GIF, and PNG, can be set as Wallpaper by right-clicking the image and selecting &quot;Set as Wallpaper&quot;.

Also, see the &quot;Active Desktop Wallpaper&quot; and the &quot;Prevent changing wallpaper&quot; (in User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Control Panel\Display) settings." gpmc_supported="At least Microsoft Windows 2000">Allow only bitmapped wallpaper

Gönderildi : 21/01/2011 14:36

Gönderiler: 1424
Noble Member

rsop komutu ile makinaya gelen ayarları kontrol ettinizmi? belki düşünmediğiniz bir yerden başka bir kısıtlama geliyordur. deny her zaman allowa üstün. böyle bir sorun olmalı.

Gönderildi : 21/01/2011 14:38

Gönderiler: 7
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walla acıkcası kontrol ettim ama dediğim gibi gözümden bişi kacıyor ama nerde nedir anlamış değilim ama izlediğim yol sanırsam dogru gibi gözüküyor bakalım bir daha kontrol edeceğim acıkcası ama hala makineye ekran koruyucu giriyor ve beklemeye geçior..

Gönderildi : 21/01/2011 14:44
