
DNS Hata logları
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DNS Hata logları

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Merhaba arkadaşlar,


İşlerin yoğunluğu nedeniyle DNS loglarına daha doğrusu sunucu üzerinde hiç bir log a bakmayı unutmuştum, bugün loglara baktım, DNS loglarında sürekli Warning dönmüş, net üzerinde baktım bu hatalar ile karşılan var ise buraya da atmak isterim, 6 genel hata var bunlar net üzerinde araştırdım kaldırıp tekrar kurmaya kadar çözümler var ama pek yetkin kullanıcılardan gelen çözümlere benzemiyor, şu an kullanıcılarda her hangi bir sorun yok, bir başka çözüm ise tüm kullanıcıları domainden çıkartıp tekrardan sokmak 50 civarı kullanıcı var, emin olsam yapacağım ama o da pek gerçekçi gelmedi, vakti olan var ise bu hatalar ile karşılaştığı ise çözüm yolunda bana yardımcı olursa çok sevinirim.




Event Type: Warning
Event Source: DNS
Event Category: None
Event ID: 7062
Date:  20.09.2010
Time:  15:04:42
User:  N/A
Computer: ADYDK
The DNS server encountered a packet addressed to itself on IP address The packet is for the DNS name "". The packet will be discarded. This condition usually indicates a configuration error.
Check the following areas for possible self-send configuration errors:
  1) Forwarders list. (DNS servers should not forward to themselves).
  2) Master lists of secondary zones.
  3) Notify lists of primary zones.
  4) Delegations of subzones.  Must not contain NS record for this DNS server unless subzone is also on this server.
  5) Root hints.
Example of self-delegation:
  -> This DNS server is the primary for the zone
  -> The zone contains a delegation of to,
  ( NS
  -> BUT the zone is NOT on this server.
Note, you should make this delegation check (with nslookup or DNS manager) both on this DNS server and on the server(s) you delegated the subzone to. It is possible that the delegation was done correctly, but that the primary DNS for the subzone, has any incorrect NS record pointing back at this server. If this incorrect NS record is cached at this server, then the self-send could result.  If found, the subzone DNS server admin should remove the offending NS record.
You can use the DNS server debug logging facility to track down the cause of this problem.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at .
0000: 50 25 00 00               P%..   


Event Type: Warning
Event Source: DNS
Event Category: None
Event ID: 9999
Date:  20.09.2010
Time:  15:04:42
User:  N/A
Computer: ADYDK
The DNS server has encountered numerous run-time events. To determine the initial cause of these run-time events, examine the DNS server event log entries that preceded these run-time events. The data is the number of events that have been suppressed in the last 60 minute interval.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at .
0000: 57 00 00 00               W...   


Event Type: Warning
Event Source: DNS
Event Category: None
Event ID: 3000
Date:  20.09.2010
Time:  14:04:35
User:  N/A
Computer: ADYDK
The DNS server has encountered numerous run-time events. To determine the initial cause of these run-time events, examine the DNS server event log entries that precede this event. To prevent the DNS server from filling the event log too quickly, subsequent events with Event IDs higher than 3000 will be suppressed until events are no longer being generated at a high rate.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at .



Event Type: Warning
Event Source: DNS
Event Category: None
Event ID: 3000
Date:  20.09.2010
Time:  10:38:26
User:  N/A
Computer: ADYDK
The DNS server has encountered numerous run-time events. To determine the initial cause of these run-time events, examine the DNS server event log entries that precede this event. To prevent the DNS server from filling the event log too quickly, subsequent events with Event IDs higher than 3000 will be suppressed until events are no longer being generated at a high rate.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at .


Event Type: Error
Event Source: DNS
Event Category: None
Event ID: 6702
Date:  20.09.2010
Time:  04:16:50
User:  N/A
Computer: ADYDK
DNS server has updated its own host (A) records.  In order to ensure that its DS-integrated peer DNS servers are able to replicate with this server, an attempt was made to update them with the new records through dynamic update.  An error was encountered during this update, the record data is the error code.
If this DNS server does not have any DS-integrated peers, then this error
should be ignored.
If this DNS server's Active Directory replication partners do not have the correct IP address(es) for this server, they will be unable to replicate with it.
To ensure proper replication:
1) Find this server's Active Directory replication partners that run the DNS server.
2) Open DnsManager and connect in turn to each of the replication partners.
3) On each server, check the host (A record) registration for THIS server.
4) Delete any A records that do NOT correspond to IP addresses of this server.
5) If there are no A records for this server, add at least one A record corresponding to an address on this server, that the replication partner can contact.  (In other words, if there multiple IP addresses for this DNS server, add at least one that is on the same network as the Active Directory DNS server you are updating.)
6) Note, that is not necessary to update EVERY replication partner.  It is only necessary that the records are fixed up on enough replication partners so that every server that replicates with this server will receive (through replication) the new data.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at .
0000: b4 05 00 00               ´...   


Event Type: Warning
Event Source: DNS
Event Category: None
Event ID: 9999
Date:  16.09.2010
Time:  10:35:43
User:  N/A
Computer: ADYDK
The DNS server has encountered numerous run-time events. To determine the initial cause of these run-time events, examine the DNS server event log entries that preceded these run-time events. The data is the number of events that have been suppressed in the last 60 minute interval.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at .
0000: cd 00 00 00               Í...   

Gönderildi : 20/09/2010 19:21

Gönderiler: 530
Prominent Member
Konu başlatıcı

Bazı hataları yani aynı hataları 2 kere göndermişim kusura bakmayın .




Gönderildi : 20/09/2010 19:32

Gönderiler: 530
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Konu başlatıcı

Ufak bir sorum daha olacak, evt. logları nasıl açabilirim, notepad ile açamadım bir türlü.




Gönderildi : 20/09/2010 19:55

Gönderiler: 530
Prominent Member
Konu başlatıcı

Merhaba sorun bir arkadaşım tarafından çözülmüştür :


Event ID:          7062 IP adresli dns Sunucunun Forwader listesinde kendi IP adreşi bulunuyordu. Bunu kaldırdım

Event ID:          9999    event log detailini everythingten only errors e çektim




Gönderildi : 21/09/2010 15:08
