
Netdiag Test!
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Netdiag Test!

6 Yazılar
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1,856 Görüntüleme
Gönderiler: 40
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Netdiag ile aldığım sonuçlar aşağıda, ancak böyle olmasına rağmen herhangi bir sorun yaşamıyorum Domain'de... Yine de öneriler vardır diye düşünüyorum...

DC discovery test. . . . . . . . . : Failed
        [FATAL] Cannot find DC in domain 'SIRKET'. [ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN]

DC list test . . . . . . . . . . . : Failed
        'SIRKET': Cannot find DC to get DC list from [test skipped].

Trust relationship test. . . . . . : Failed
    'SIRKET': Cannot find DC to get DC list from [test skipped].
    Secure channel for domain 'SIRKET' is to '\\SIRKETDC'.

Kerberos test. . . . . . . . . . . : Skipped
        'SIRKET': Cannot find DC to get DC list from [test skipped].

LDAP test. . . . . . . . . . . . . : Failed
    Cannot find DC to run LDAP tests on. The error occurred was: The specified d
omain either does not exist or could not be contacted.

        [WARNING] Cannot find DC in domain 'SIRKET'. [ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN]

Gönderildi : 09/05/2008 14:38

Gönderiler: 5088
Illustrious Member


DNS de problem olabilir

dcdiag /fix yazarak dener misin 

Gönderildi : 09/05/2008 14:51

Gönderiler: 114
Estimable Member

Dns server olarak dc nin ip ile konfigure edip testin sonucunu tekrar alabilirmisiniz?

Gönderildi : 09/05/2008 15:10

Gönderiler: 16307
Illustrious Member Yönetici

Selam  netdiag /fix denermisiniz ?  


Gönderildi : 09/05/2008 15:15

Gönderiler: 40
Trusted Member
Konu başlatıcı

Netdiag ı denediğim server bir member server, DC olmadığı için sanırım Dcdiag /fix deneyemiyorum... Onun yerine

Dcdiag /s:sirketdc şeklinde bir komutla...



Domain Controller Diagnosis


Performing initial setup:

   Done gathering
initial info.


Doing initial required tests


   Testing server:

      Starting test:

         The host
88f1432c-18d1-4979-ac4f-0e6ccd69183f._msdcs.SIRKET.local coul

d not be resolved to an

address.  Check the DNS server, DHCP,
server name, etc

         Although the
Guid DNS name

(88f1432c-18d1-4979-ac4f-0e6ccd69183f._msdcs.SIRKET.local) couldn't

         be resolved,
the server name (SIRKETdc.SIRKET.local) resolved to the

         IP address ( and was
pingable.  Check that the IP

         address is
registered correctly with the DNS server.

SIRKETDC failed test Connectivity


Doing primary tests


   Testing server:

      Skipping all
tests, because server SIRKETDC is

      not responding
to directory service requests


   Running partition
tests on : ForestDnsZones

      Starting test:

......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CrossRefValidation


      Starting test:

......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom


   Running partition
tests on : DomainDnsZones

      Starting test:

......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CrossRefValidation


      Starting test:

......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom


   Running partition
tests on : Schema

      Starting test:

......................... Schema passed test CrossRefValidation

      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom

......................... Schema passed test CheckSDRefDom


   Running partition
tests on : Configuration

      Starting test:

......................... Configuration passed test CrossRefValidation

      Starting test:

......................... Configuration passed test CheckSDRefDom


   Running partition
tests on : SIRKET

      Starting test:

......................... SIRKET passed test CrossRefValidation

      Starting test:

......................... SIRKET passed test CheckSDRefDom


   Running enterprise
tests on : SIRKET.local

      Starting test:

......................... SIRKET.local passed test Intersite

      Starting test:

......................... SIRKET.local passed test FsmoCheck


Gönderildi : 09/05/2008 17:05

Gönderiler: 3204
Illustrious Member Yönetici

aldıgınız eventlar nedir ??

DNS de problem varmı ??


Gönderildi : 09/05/2008 18:17
