
domainde master bro...
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domainde master browser sorunu

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754 Görüntüleme
Gönderiler: 130
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iyi gunler.1 hafta 10 gunluk zaman dilimi icinde soyle bir sorunla karsilastim.kullanilari domain ortaminda logon olamiyordu ve internet kesiliyordu.gecen hafta ayni sorun yasandi sabah geldigimde servere restart yaptim duzeldi.bugun sabah yine geldigimde ayni sorun yasandi yeniden restart yaptim duzeldi.verilen hata kodlari win2003 server rusca kurulu oldugu icin sizinle paylasimimda pek sonuc cikmayacagi icin cevrimi konusunda bilgi vereyim.isa servere (isa 2006) master browser rolu atanmis domain tarafindan.bende su islemi yaptim


Bu adresteki  MaintainServerList parametresi “no”  yaptim. bu yaptigim islemi sonucu gormem icin beklemem gerekiyor .ama yaptigim islem dogrumu yani isa serverin master browser rolu almamasi icin bu islem bu islemin bana ne gibi sakincali sonuclar cikabilir....diger hata kodlarininda tam cevirisini yapinca size iletecem belki sorunun kaynagi farkli olabilir.

not:sistem win 2003 enterprise ile ayri ayri kurulu  domain server ,isa 2006 server,sql server,terminal server,ve file serverden ibaret....



Gönderildi : 22/05/2009 18:36

Gönderiler: 130
Estimable Member
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aldigim hatalarin ruscadan ingilizceye cevrimi su sekilde


DNS-server was unable to open Active Directory. Without this, it would not be able to load the zone. This DNS-server is configured to obtain and use information from the directory for this zone. Check that the Active Directory is functioning properly and reload the zone. The event data contains the error code.

Additional information can be found in the Help and Support Center, in .




This section of the catalog are not archived for at least the specified number of days.
  Section Directory:
DC = ForestDnsZones, DC = tplast, DC = loc
  Backup interval delay (days):
  We recommend that you create a backup copy as often as possible to allow for recovery in case of an emergency loss of data. However, if the backup copy is not created within the specified as the delay interval backup "number of days this message will be written to the log every day until then, until a backup copy. You can make a backup copy of any replica that contains this section.
  The default delay interval is set to back up half the time interval of life disposal. To change the backup interval of delay, you can add the following registry key.
  Section roster for the delay interval Backup:
System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ NTDS \ Parameters \ Backup Latency Threshold (days)



A malformed packet driver from I / O subsystem. The data represent the package.

Additional information can be found in the Help and Support Center, in "".

Gönderildi : 22/05/2009 18:56
