C:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\bin>SetDpmServer.exe -DPM
DPM -IsNonDomainServer -dpmuser
SetDpmServer.exe -dpmServerName <serverName>
SetDpmServer.exe -Add -dpmServerName <serverName>
SetDpmServer.exe -dpmServerName <serverName> -isNonDomainServer [-userName <use
rName> [-productionServerDnsSuffix <DnsSuffix>]] | [-updatePassword]
SetDPMServer.exe -dpmCredential CertificateConfiguration_<DPMServerFqdn>.bin -O
utputFilePath <Output File Path> -Thumbprint <Certificate Thumbprint> [-AuthCATh
umbprint <authorized CA thumbprint>]
SetDPMServer.exe -Add -dpmCredential CertificateConfiguration_<DPMServerFqdn>.b
SetDpmServer.exe -help
-help : Shows this help message.
-dpmServerName : Configures permissions for the specified ServerNam
e to allow a DPM installation on that computer to backup this server. Also confi
gures the firewall to enable DPM agent to interact with the DPM server.
-Add : Adds the specified ServerName or DPMCredential to
the authorized list of DPM servers. Used for scale out scenarios
-isNonDomainServer : Specifies whether this server is in a workgroup or
an untrusted domain.
-userName : Creates an NT user account with the specified user
name for this server to communicate with DPM server. This option should be used
along with -IsNonDomainServer.
-productionServerDnsSuffix : In case there are multiple DNS suffixes configured
for this server, ProductionServerDnsSuffix represents the DNS suffix which DPM
server will use to communicate with this server.
-updatePassword : Allows changing the password for the NT user accou
nt created earlier. This option should be used along with -IsNonDomainServer.
-dpmCredential : Configures credentials using the data from the spe
cified file and the specified Thumbprint.
-OutputFilePath : Specifies the path where the output certificate me
tadata file is to be generated. This should be used with -dpmCredential
-Thumbprint : Configures the machine to use the certificate with
specified Thumbprint provided for communicating to DPM server. This should be u
sed with -dpmCredential
-AuthCAThumbprint : Configures the machine to use the certificate with
specified Thumbprint provided as authorizing CA. This should be used with -dpmC
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\bin>
Merhabalar dpm2012 ortamda bir workgruoup makinaya agent yuklemek istediğimde yukarıdaki gibi bir hata almaktayım yardımlarınızı rica edebilirmiyim
Şimdiden teşekkürler
Acaba komutu nerede calıştıracağız.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\bin>SetDpmServer.exe -DPM
DPM -IsNonDomainServer -dpmuser
komutu elevated şekilde yedeğini almak istediğiniz makinada çalıştırmalısınız. daha sonra ister management console üzerinden > management menüsünden > attach workgroup olarak isterseniz attachagents script ile shell üzerinden attach etmelisiniz.