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Dpm Sql Hatası

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 Sistemim de bulunan Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 yüklü serverım da Netsis adlı Muhasebe programı kullanılmakta. Netsis tarafı Sql yedeklemesi için kendi taskını oluşturmuş fakat ben de bu task da adı geçen sql datalarının yedeklerini dpm(2010) ile almak istiyorum ama 30 tane data nın için de 3 tane sql datasını dpm alamıyor hata veriyor verdiği hata logu da aşşağıda ki gibi. Yadım,öneri veya fikir ne olursa benim için yeterlidir bekliyorum herkese teşekkürler.

 Affected area: NETSIS\master

Occurred since: 10/17/2012 10:04:02 AM

Description: The replica of SQL Server 2008 database NETSIS\master on is inconsistent with the protected data source. All protection activities for data source will fail until the replica is synchronized with consistency check. You can recover data from existing recovery points, but new recovery points cannot be created until the replica is consistent. 

For SharePoint farm, recovery points will continue getting created with the databases that are consistent. To backup inconsistent databases, run a consistency check on the farm. (ID 3106)

The VSS application writer or the VSS provider is in a bad state. Either it was already in a bad state or it entered a bad state during the current operation. (ID 30111 Details: VssError:The shadow copy provider had an unexpected error while trying to process the specified operation.


More information

Recommended action: Please check that the Event Service, the VSS service and the shadow copy provider service is running, and check for errors associated with these services in the Application Event Log on the server Please allow 10 minutes for VSS to repair itself and then retry the operation.

For more information on this error, go to

Synchronize with consistency check.

Run a synchronization job with consistency check...

Resolution: To dismiss the alert, click below

Inactivate alert

Gönderildi : 17/10/2012 14:10

Gönderiler: 3039
Illustrious Member


ilk önce consistency check yapın ve işlem tamamlanınca el ile Recovery point oluştururmusunuz.

Gönderildi : 17/10/2012 17:33
