Elimde Dpm2007 x86 makina var ve dogal olarak migration yapamiyorum. Bunun yerine ayri bir makinaya Dpm2010 kurulumu yapip ikisi de ayni ortamdayken 2007deki yedeklenen makinalari sirayla durdurup Dpm2010 agent ini kurup yedek almayi saglayabilir miyim?
DPM Upg Advisorun Örnek Güncelleştirme adımları aşağıdadır.
yukarıdaki adresten advisoruindirip, kendi ortamınıza göre düzenleyebilirsiniz.
1. Migrate DPM server to Windows Server 2008 x64 or Windows Server 2008 R2 ( )
2. Close DPM administrator console and DPM management shell if opened.
3. Launch DPM 2010 RTM Retail setup and proceed by clicking on Install DPM
4. Complete the installation wizard and restart the computer to complete the upgrade
5. Upgrade agents on production servers
Note: If rollup KB976542 (version 2.0.8861.0) or later is installed, you can upgrade the agent from the DPM Administrator Console. If this rollup is not installed, you should upgrade the agents manually by running the DPMAgentInstaller.
6. Run consistency check for all the protected Datasources
7. Uninstall DPM 2007 SQL instance (Optional) if there are no issues after upgrade.However, if you're looking for downgrade then DPM 2007 DPMDB is required.
Bilgiler icin tesekkurler ancak DPM2007 32 bit makina uzerinde ve 32 bit app olarak calisiyor onun icin migration/upgrade pek mumkun gorunmuyor. DPM 2010 sisteme kurdum ve DPM 2007 ile birlikte ayni makinayi protect etmiyor.Bunu merak etmistm tesekkurler.