You should also start looking at getting ready for the
certifications. Currently on our plan are two new SQL Server TS level
exams. Exam 70-432 will be the SQL 2008 equivalent to 70-431 for SQL
2005 and 70-448 will be the equivalent to 70-445, again on SQL 2008.
can you do to prepare for them? Take a look at the prep guides for
70-431 and 70-445 at this time to get a good start. The design session
for 70-432 is taking place tomorrow through to Friday which means the
exam outline won't be decided until that is complete. This shouldn't
stop you from preparing now however as you can concentrate on the items
in the prep guide for 70-431, as the features across 2005 and 2008 are
relatively the same except for new additions.
Aşağıdaki gibi 3 adet sınavı olması planlanıyor. Şu an 71-xxx kodları ile beta testleri bulunuyor. 70-432 70-448 70-450
Teşekkürler Rahmi Hocam.