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[Çözüldü] MCP ID

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Gönderiler: 114
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3543953 mcp id vardır, exchange 2010 sınavına girmek için kendime ait başka bir mail adresinden kayıt olmuştum, sınav sonunda bu adresime aşağıdaki şekilde bir mail geldi, ve girip işlemleri yaptıktan sonra bana yeni bir MCP id geldi ve burada Exchange 2010 sertifkamı gördüm, bu durumda 2 tane mcp id'm oldu. Bu durum normalmidir. Yoksa ben farklı bir adresten sınav kayıdı yaptırdığım için mi oldu. Gerçi benden kayıt sırasında mcp id sormuştu ve bunu girmiştim. Acaba exchange 2010 sertifikamı 3543953  no'lu id'ye aktarabilirmiyim.



Congratulations on passing your recent Microsoft Certification exam. Now it is time to start taking advantage the benefits and resources available to you. On the MCP member site, you will be able to download your certificate and logo associated with your credential, view and share your transcript, plan future certifications, and access additional resources. FOLLOW THESE STEPS TO ACCESS YOUR BENEFITS: 1.ACCESS THE MCP MEMBER SITE WITHIN 90 DAYS OF RECEIVING THIS E-MAIL. To access the MCP member site (, you will need your Windows Live ID, your Microsoft Certification ID (below), and a temporary access code (below). If you need assistance contact your Regional Service Center ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------- YOUR MICROSOFT CERTIFICATION ID IS: 7785747 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS CODE: 607CDA10-A362-48D7-A4F1-7B1FDE8C996D ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.CONFIRM YOUR PROFILE INFORMATION. After accessing the MCP member site, you will want to confirm your profile to ensure you get your benefits, offers, and program news. 3.DOWNLOAD YOUR DIGITAL CERTIFICATE. Certificates are not shipped automatically. After accessing the MCP member site, click on the ‘Download certificate’ button on the main page. 4.EXPLORE THE COMMUNITY! Start to get familiar with the resources now available to you from If you are in Japan, access support for the MCP member site is at Welcome to Microsoft Certification! Thank you, The Microsoft Certification Program Team ************************************************************************ Please do not reply to this e-mail message. If you have comments or questions or need help, contact your Regional Service Center: 

Gönderildi : 09/09/2010 03:17

Gönderiler: 341
Reputable Member

sakın kaldırmayın id nizi.Arkadaşın dediği gibi tek çözüm mail atmak.3-4 güne hallederler.



Gönderildi : 16/09/2010 01:24
