Kolay gelsin ,
Vcenter kurulu makinen 2008R2, daha önce 5.5 kurulu idi kaldırdım 6.0 kurdum
sorun veeam backup 8.0 yedek alırken aşagıdaki hatayı veriyor, ne yapabilirim
10/18/2016 9:13:12 AM :: Processing SERVER Error: Failed to open VDDK disk [[datastore1 (1)] SERVER/SERVER-000003.vmdk] ( is read-only mode - [true] ) Failed to open VMDK. Logon attempt with parameters [VC/ESX: [];Port: 443;Login: [Tekstil\m.oncul];VMX Spec: [moref=vm-24];Snapshot mor: [snapshot-142];Transports: [nbd];Read Only: [true]] failed because of the following errors: Failed to open disk for read. Failed to upload disk. Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.SyncDisk}.
Kolay gelsin ,
Vcenter kurulu makinen 2008R2, daha önce 5.5 kurulu idi kaldırdım 6.0 kurdum
sorun veeam backup 8.0 yedek alırken aşagıdaki hatayı veriyor, ne yapabilirim
10/18/2016 9:13:12 AM :: Processing SERVER Error: Failed to open VDDK disk [[datastore1 (1)] SERVER/SERVER-000003.vmdk] ( is read-only mode - [true] ) Failed to open VMDK. Logon attempt with parameters [VC/ESX: [];Port: 443;Login: [Tekstil\m.oncul];VMX Spec: [moref=vm-24];Snapshot mor: [snapshot-142];Transports: [nbd];Read Only: [true]] failed because of the following errors: Failed to open disk for read. Failed to upload disk. Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.SyncDisk}.
Veeam üzerinde Managed Servers altına 6.0 ı ekleyip jobları düzeltir misiniz ?