
3Com 3 SuperStack 3...
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3Com 3 SuperStack 3226 Switch nasil fabrika ayarlarina geri alinir ?

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Gönderiler: 88
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Elime 2.nci el 3Com 3 SuperStack 3226 Switch gecti. Bende ne CD si nede dokumani mevcut degil. Bu Switch in IP si ve consoldan baglanmak icin gerekli bilgileri de yok. Default User Name ile Password u ve IP adresi nedir ? Bu switchi nasil resetleyebilir default ayarina geri dondureblirim ?

Amacim aslinda mumkun ise browser uzerinden VLan tanimlamak. Bilgisi olan varsa bir yardim rica ediyorum.

Not : Ayrica mumkunse arsivinde 3Com Discovery Tool olan varsa paylasirsa sevinirim.

Gönderildi : 22/01/2011 21:13

Gönderiler: 1112
Noble Member

CLI arayüzüne bağlanarak resetleme yapabilirsiniz. dökümanı işinize yarayacaktır.

Gönderildi : 23/01/2011 07:45

Gönderiler: 88
Estimable Member
Konu başlatıcı

Kusura bakmayin biraz dil problemim var konsoldan fiziksel olarak bagladim sonra telnet i actim sonra ne diyecegim. Yada telnet imi acacagim ? Telnet le olacaksa IP sini bilmiyorum. Baglanmak icin Username ve Password u bilmiyırum. Bu ikinci el bir cihaz. MAC adresi var elimde oda asagida yazacagim .


Gönderildi : 23/01/2011 11:08

Gönderiler: 1112
Noble Member

Rs-232 seri port üzerinden bağlanmalısın cihaza, işletim sistemin XP ise hyper terminal ile bağlanabilirsin. Win7 varsa putty ile bağlanıp komut satırına düşersin. Komut satırına düştükden sonra linkini verdiğim belgede cihazı resetlemek için gerekli komut mevcut, kolay gelsin.

Gönderildi : 24/01/2011 01:39

Gönderiler: 88
Estimable Member
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IP adresini ve User Name ile Password bilmeden konsola nasil dusecegim ? Isletim sistemim Vista Business Hyper Terminal'i system32 copy paste yaptim. Hyper Terminal calisiyor. Ama orada TCP/IP (WinSock) seciyorum sonra karsima Host Address soruyor iste burada IP lazim oluyor. Switch 2.nci el ve elimde ne CD si var nede baglanmak icin gerekli bilgileri. Elimde MAC adresi var elimde oda asagida yazacagim .


Bu resetleme nasil mumkun olacak.

Gönderildi : 24/01/2011 12:38

Gönderiler: 3204
Illustrious Member Yönetici

cihaza konsol kablosu ile baglanmak için hyper-terminal de  tcp ip değil serial 1 seçilmeli. cihazın default ip adreside yok dhcp den ip alıyormuş . dhcp üzerinden aldıgı ip ye bakabilirsiniz eger almıyorsa manuel tanımlama yapılmıştır . default kullanıcı adıda admin şifresi boş...




Connecting the Workstation to the Switch
1 Connect the workstation to the console port using a standard null
modem cable as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8 Connecting a workstation to the Switch via the console port
To connect the cable:
a Attach the female connector on the cable to the male connector on
the console port of the Switch.
b Tighten the retaining screws on the cable to prevent it from being
c Connect the other end of the cable to one of the serial ports (also
known as a COM port) on your workstation.
2 Open your terminal emulation software and configure the COM port
settings to which you have connected the cable. The settings should be
set to match the default settings for the Switch, which are:
■ 19,200 baud
■ 8 data bits
■ no parity
■ 1 stop bit
■ no hardware flow control
Refer to the documentation that accompanies the terminal emulation
software for more information.
Setting Up the Switch with IP Information
You are now ready to manually set up the Switch with IP information
using the command line interface.
1 The command line interface login sequence begins as soon as the Switch
detects a connection to its console port.
If the login prompt does not begin immediately, press Return a few times
until it starts.
Console Port
Standard Null Modem Cable Connection
(with terminal emulation
software installed)
Manually Configuring IP Information 35
If you have not logged onto the Switch before, you will be prompted to
enter a new password. 3Com recommends that you change your
password from its default blank setting.
2 At the login and password prompts, enter admin as your user name and
enter your password at the password prompt (or just press Return if you
have not yet set a password). If you have logged on correctly, the
top-level menu of the command line interface is displayed as shown in
the example in Figure 9.
Figure 9 Example top-level command line interface menu
3 At the Select menu option prompt you can either:
■ enter the protocol ip basicConfig command. At the Enter
configuration method prompt enter manual. The screen
prompts you to enter IP information.
■ enter the gettingStarted command. At the Enter
configuration method prompt enter manual. The screen
prompts you to enter IP information.
4 Enter the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway IP address for the Switch.
The screen displays a summary of the information entered.
If using the gettingStarted command you will then be prompted to
enter system information, change passwords, and then given the option
to carry out advanced configuration.
The initial set up of your Switch is now complete and the Switch is ready
for you to set up your chosen management method. See “Methods of
Managing a Switch” on page 39.


Gönderildi : 25/01/2011 00:22

Gönderiler: 88
Estimable Member
Konu başlatıcı

tesekkur ederim deneyecegim

Gönderildi : 25/01/2011 16:43
