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[Çözüldü] Skype aramalarında görünmeme

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bir gruba üye kişilerin skype search'de çıkmaması için birşey yapılabilir mi? Bu yapılabiliyorsa outlook aramalarında sorun yaşar mıyız?

Gönderildi : 14/10/2022 08:58

Hakan Uzuner
Gönderiler: 33442
Illustrious Member Yönetici


Evet gizleyebilirsiniz ama bu outlook aramalarında da gizlenmesi demektir.

SfB On-Premise is making use of the Exchange GAL.

If you don't want users or other resources to appear in address book / GAL search in the Skype for Business client there is an easy way. Hiding contacts from GAL, by changing an AD related attribute. This could be e.g. hiding Helpdesk Team Members


This is the Exchange attribute for hiding users from the Global Address List (GAL). If this is set to TRUE, which indicates it doesn’t need to appear on the GAL, Lync will also ignore this user for the Address Book.

This sets the attribute "msExchHideFromAddressLists" to True.

It also clears the attribute "ShowinAddressBook" 

This is the Script:

$users = Get-CsAdUser -Filter {name -Like "*HelpDesk*"}

foreach ($object in $users)


      Set-ADObject -Add @{msExchHideFromAddressLists=$true} -Identity $object.DistinguishedName

      Set-ADObject –clear ShowinAddressBook -Identity $object.DistinguishedName



In this example i hide all the "HelpDesk" users from showing up in address book search.

You can change the filter to an OU too.


After running the script the objects will no longer show when you do an address book search in your Skype4B or Lync client.


Alternative ABSConfig.exe (SfB Resource Kit):


Alternative 2:


You could move users into a different OU, which should be hidden and force the CsUserReplicatorConfiguration to run only on specific OUs (DN).

Set-CsUserReplicatorConfiguration -Identity global -ADDomainNamingContextList @{Add="dc=fabrikam,dc=com"}


Thomas Poett

Web sitesi eski olduğu için muhtemel bir iki yıl sonra bu linke bakın dediğim link çalışmayacağı için içeriği kopyaladım.

Danışman - ITSTACK Bilgi Sistemleri
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Gönderildi : 14/10/2022 13:11
