
Lync Front end serv...
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Lync Front end service hatasi

4 Yazılar
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907 Görüntüleme
Gönderiler: 174
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Soyle bir sorum olucakti Lync kurulumunu gerceklestirdim. Her sey success olarak gitdi kurulum asamasinda, hic bir hata ve ya uyari kodu almadim...

Ama simdi control p[aneli actigimda Lync control panel uzerinde iki servis UserServer ve Registrar servislerini kapali, UserDatabase servisinse N/A oldugunu gordum. Winserver 2008 r2 tarafinda servislere baktigimdaysa Front end servisinin automatic oldugunu ama kapali oldugunu gordum, Front end servisini acmaya calistigimdaysa hata veriyor. Bunun nedeni ne ola bilir? adresini actigimda meeting url is not valid hatasi var bunun nedeni ne ola bilir? ve normal olarak calisiyor

Gönderildi : 17/05/2011 23:11

Gönderiler: 5718
Illustrious Member

Vusal ;

Lync loglarını kontrol et. Service hata verdiğinde event'lara ne düşüyor buraya belirt lütfen.


Gönderildi : 18/05/2011 12:09

Gönderiler: 174
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The A/V Authentication Service cannot be contacted. Connections that require Firewall traversal will not be successful.

Exception: Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.ConnectionFailureException:Unable to establish a connection. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndConnect(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.Sip.TcpTransport.OnConnected(Object arg)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.SipAsyncResult2`1.ThrowIfFailed()
   at Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.SipAsyncResultBase2.EndAsyncOperation[TResult](Object owner, IAsyncResult result)
   at Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.RealTimeEndpoint.EndSendMessage(IAsyncResult result)
   at Microsoft.RTC.MediationServerCore.MrasCommunicator.SendMessageCallback(IAsyncResult result)
Detected at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
   at Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.ConnectionFailureException..ctor(String message, Exception innerException)
   at Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.ExceptionUtilities.TryMapS4Exception(Exception s4Exception, SecurityAssociationContext securityContext, Boolean isSipEndpoint, String traceId, Object parentObject, Object childObject, RealTimeException& ex)
   at Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.SipTransactionAsyncResult`1.ConnectionConnectCompleted(IAsyncResult result)
   at Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.SipAsyncResult2`1.MakeCallback()
   at Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.SipAsyncResult2`1.Complete(TEx ex, Boolean synchronousCompletion)
   at Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.SipAsyncResult2`1.Complete(TEx ex)
   at Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.RealTimeConnection.CompletePendingConnects(IEnumerable`1 results, RealTimeException exception)
   at Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.RealTimeConnection.<.ctor>b__0(SipConnection sender, Object reason)
   at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.Sip.SipConnection.FireDisconnectedEvent(Object reason)
   at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.Sip.SingleThreadedDispatcherQueue.DispatcherCallback(Object queue)
   at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallbackInternal(_ThreadPoolWaitCallback tpWaitCallBack)
   at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback(Object state)

Cause: Either the A/V Authentication Service or Lync Server is not reachable.
Verify that A/V Authentication Service is reachable from the computer running Lync Server.


There was no response from the Proxy peer to an OPTIONS request sent by the Mediation Server service.

The Proxy peer,, is not responding to an OPTIONS request sent by the Mediation Server service
Cause: The Mediation Server service cannot communicate with the Proxy peer Service over SIP due to network connectivity issues.
Please ensure network connectivity and availability of the Proxy Peer for the Mediation Server Service to be able to function correctly.






Bunlar aldigim hata loglari Ustad

Gönderildi : 18/05/2011 16:03

Gönderiler: 174
Reputable Member
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Isin en cok anlamadigim tarafi internal ve external site yaratiyor Lync IIS-de.. Eger Lync kurmadan once Default web siteyi stop edip port degistirmezsem IIS error veriyor "some port"... Default siteyi kapatip hatta portunu bile degistirdikten sonra kurulum yaptigimda hata almiyorum IIS tarafinda gibi gozukuyor ama Internal ve ya external uzerinde browe etmeye calistigima 403 hata geliyor. Bunula beraberse calisiyor ama oda hatali meeting url is not valid. ve sa normal calisiyor.


Almadigim hata nerdeyse kalmamis Lync-de :)... Lync client ile uye girisi yapamiyorum, Lync Control panelinde uyeleri enabled etmis olmama ragmen.. 🙂 Makalelerde yazildigi kadar kolay degilmis 🙂 bu Lync kurulumu, bire-bir yapsam bile hatalar cok..


Bu arada DNS/DC Tarafinda DNS 2003 seviyyesindedir...

Gönderildi : 18/05/2011 16:08
