
16 Eylül Windo...
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16 Eylül Windows Makaleleri

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638 Görüntüleme
Gönderiler: 2458
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Konu başlatıcı
Windows Server 2003

947738   MS08-052: Description of the security update for GDI+ for Visual Studio
2005 Service Pack 1: September 9, 2008
558119   Event ID 7000 appears in the System log while starting SQL 2005
952241   MS08-052: Description of the security update for GDI+ for Visual Studio
2008: September 9, 2008
938464   MS08-052: Description of the security update for GDI+ for all editions of
Windows XP, of Windows Vista, of Windows Server 2003, and of Windows Server 2008
and for Windows Server 2000 with Internet Explorer 6 SP1
957486   Detection and deployment guidance for the September 9, 2008 security
947736   MS08-052: Description of the security update for GDI+ for Visual Studio
.NET 2002 Service Pack 1: September 9, 2008
947737   MS08-052: Description of the security update for GDI+ for Visual Studio
.NET 2003 Service Pack 1: September 9, 2008
956625   After you run Internet Explorer 7 for a long time on a computer that is
running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, Internet Explorer becomes unstable or
957662   Recommended settings for event log sizes in Windows Server 2003 and in
Windows Server 2008
953663   Group Policy objects are removed from Windows Server 2003-based clients
if the WMI filter evaluation fails
956826   When you start the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in or the
Active Directory Sites and Services snap-in on a Windows Server 2003-based
computer, the snap-in closes unexpectedly the next time that you open it
957271   The Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service process may stop
unexpectedly on a Windows Server 2003-based computer

Windows Vista Enterprise

954593   MS08-052: Vulnerabilities in GDI+ could allow remote code
955561   Some removable USB cartridge disk drives are not recognized as available
backup destinations by the built-in backup application in Windows Vista or in
Windows Server 2008
954809   You cannot access a WebDAV site whose SSL setting for client certificates
is set to Accept if you cancel the Select Certificate dialog box on a computer
that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008
954154   MS08-054: Vulnerability in Windows Media Player could allow remote code
957405   An
access violation occurs during system startup when the pen service (Wisptis.exe)
is configured on a computer that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server
956554   A
hotfix is available that fixes certain media playback problems on a Windows
Vista-based computer
955688   The UpdateLayeredWindowIndirect function does not correctly display a
layered window when the prcDirty parameter is specified and when the DWM feature
is enabled in Windows Vista and in Windows Server 2008
956519   A
scheduled task may not run after it wakes a Windows Vista-based or a Windows
Server 2008-based computer from hibernation
957424   A
user name that contains Unicode characters is not handled correctly in Windows
Vista and Windows Server 2008 during EAP authentication
952584   The index of a 2007 Office offline file is removed from the Windows
Search index if you save the file while you are working offline on a Windows
Vista-based or Windows Server 2008-based computer
957295   System memory is quickly exhausted when you run a custom application that
uses the SetICMMode function on a Windows Vista-based or on a Windows Server
2008-based computer
957153   You cannot import an image file from an MFP device that supports the
tiff-single-g4 format to a Windows Vista-based or Windows Server 2008-based
955804   In
Windows Vista, Windows Meeting Space may be unable to detect the peer computer
and may be unable to establish the connection over a private ad hoc wireless
Gönderildi : 17/09/2008 11:04
