
SSG & Active Di...
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SSG & Active Directory integrasyonu

15 Yazılar
7 Üyeler
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556 Görüntüleme
Gönderiler: 23
Eminent Member
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SSG 140 üzerinde farklı kullanıcı gruplarına farklı policy ler uygulayabilmek için, hali hazırda tüm kullanıcıların bulunduğu AD üzerinden nasıl authentikasyon yapabiliriz acaba? Böyle bir şey mümkünmüdür, mümkünse bununla ilgili bir link veya dökümana nasıl ulaşabilirim?

çok teşekkürler.

Gönderildi : 05/07/2010 19:42

Gönderiler: 3061
Illustrious Member


aşağıdaki makaleyi inceleyebilirmisiniz?


To configure an Active Directory or Windows NT domain server instance:

  1. In the NSM navigation tree, select Device Manager > Devices.

  2. Click the Device Tree tab, and then double-click the Secure Access device for which you want to configure an Active Directory or NT domain instance.

  3. Click the Configuration tab and select Authentication > Auth Servers. The corresponding workspace appears.


    Note: If you want to update an existing server instance, click the appropriate link in the Auth Server Name box, and perform the steps 5 through 8.


  4. Click the New button. The New dialog box appears.

  5. In the Auth Server Name list, specify a name to identify the server instance.

  6. Select AD/NT Server from the Auth Server Type list.

    • Configure the server using the settings described in Table 1.

    • Click one:

      • OK—Saves the changes.

      • Cancel—Cancels the modifications.

    Table 1: Active Directory or NT Domain Instance Configuration Details

    Option Function Your Action
    AD/NT Settings > General tab

    Primary Domain Controller or Active Directory

    Specifies the name or IP address for the primary domain controller or Active Directory server.

    Enter the name or IP address.

    Secondary Domain Controller or Active Directory

    Specifies the name or IP address for the backup domain controller or Active Directory server.

    Enter the name or IP address.


    Specifies the domain name of the Active Directory or Windows NT server.

    Enter the domain name of the Active Directory or Windows NT domain.

    Note: For example, if the Active Directory domain name is and you want to authenticate users who belong to the US domain, enter US as the domain.

    Allow domain to be specified as part of username

    Allows users to sign in by entering a domain name in the Username box in the format: domain\username

    Select AD/NT Settings > General > Allow domain to be specified as part of username to enable this feature.

    Allow trusted domains

    Allows users to get group information from all trusted domains within a forest.

    Select AD/NT Settings > General >Allow trusted domains to enable this feature.

    Admin Username

    Specifies an administrator username for the AD or NT server.

    Enter an administrator username for the AD or NT server.

    Admin Password

    Specifies an administrator password for the AD or NT server.

    Enter an administrator password for the AD or NT server.

    Kerberos (most secure)

    Allows the Secure Access device to send user credentials to Kerberos.

    Select AD/NT Settings > General >Kerberos (most secure) to enable this feature.

    NTLMV2 (moderately secure)

    Allows the Secure Access device to send user credentials to NTLMv2.

    Select AD/NT Settings > General >NTLMV2 (moderately secure) to enable this feature.

    NTLMV1 (least secure)

    Allows the Secure Access device to send user credentials to NTLMv1.

    Select AD/NT Settings > General >NTLMV1 (least secure) to enable this feature.

    Use LDAP to get Kerberos realm name

    Allows the Secure Access device to retrieve the Kerberos realm name from the Active Directory server using the specified administrator credentials.

    Select AD/NT Settings > General >Specify Kerberos realm name to enable this feature.

    Specify Kerberos realm name

    Specifies Kerberos realm name.

    Enter the name.

    AD/NT Settings > Advanced tab

    User may belong to Domain Local Groups across trust boundaries

    Specifies that the selected user belongs to the Domain Local Groups who honor trust relationships in the Active Directory.

    Select AD/NT Settings > Advanced > User may belong to Domain Local Groups across trust boundaries to enable this feature.

    Container Name

    Specifies the name that the Secure Access device uses to join the specified Active Directory domain as a computer.

    Enter the computer name.

    Server Catalog > Expressions tab


    Specifies a name for the user expression in the Active Directory or NT domain server user directory.

    Enter a name.


    Specifies a value for the user expression in the Active Directory or NT Domain server user directory.

    Enter a value.

    Server Catalog > Groups tab


    Specifies the name of the group

    Enter a name.


    Specifies the admin’s domain local groups information.

    Enter a name.

    AD Group

    Specifies the group that contains the administrators to enable centralized administration in an Active Directory domain.

    Enter a name.

    Gönderildi : 05/07/2010 20:38

    Gönderiler: 3061
    Illustrious Member

    Tekrar merhaba;

    aynı sayfa altında farklı bir bilgiyi paylaşmak istedim..

    Configuring a Secure Access Active Directory or NT Domain Instance (NSM Procedure)

    To configure an Active Directory or Windows NT domain server instance:

    1. In the NSM navigation tree, select Device Manager > Devices.

    2. Click the Device Tree tab, and then double-click the Secure Access device for which you want to configure an Active Directory or NT domain instance.

    3. Click the Configuration tab and select Authentication > Auth Servers. The corresponding workspace appears.


      Note: If you want to update an existing server instance, click the appropriate link in the Auth Server Name box, and perform the steps 5 through 8.


    4. Click the New button. The New dialog box appears.

    5. In the Auth Server Name list, specify a name to identify the server instance.

    6. Select AD/NT Server from the Auth Server Type list.

      • Configure the server using the settings described in Table 1.

      • Click one:

        • OK—Saves the changes.

        • Cancel—Cancels the modifications.

      Table 1: Active Directory or NT Domain Instance Configuration Details

      Option Function Your Action
      AD/NT Settings > General tab

      Primary Domain Controller or Active Directory

      Specifies the name or IP address for the primary domain controller or Active Directory server.

      Enter the name or IP address.

      Secondary Domain Controller or Active Directory

      Specifies the name or IP address for the backup domain controller or Active Directory server.

      Enter the name or IP address.


      Specifies the domain name of the Active Directory or Windows NT server.

      Enter the domain name of the Active Directory or Windows NT domain.

      Note: For example, if the Active Directory domain name is and you want to authenticate users who belong to the US domain, enter US as the domain.

      Allow domain to be specified as part of username

      Allows users to sign in by entering a domain name in the Username box in the format: domain\username

      Select AD/NT Settings > General > Allow domain to be specified as part of username to enable this feature.

      Allow trusted domains

      Allows users to get group information from all trusted domains within a forest.

      Select AD/NT Settings > General >Allow trusted domains to enable this feature.

      Domain Controller is a Windows 2008 server

      Specifies if the backend domain controller is a Windows 2008 server.

      Tip: The Windows 2008 server has several enhancements to the Active Directory server, which is now called Active Directory Domain Services.

      Select Domain Controller is a Windows 2008 server to enable this feature.

      Admin Username

      Specifies an administrator username for the AD or NT server.

      Enter an administrator username for the AD or NT server.

      Admin Password

      Specifies an administrator password for the AD or NT server.

      Enter an administrator password for the AD or NT server.

      Kerberos (most secure)

      Allows the Secure Access device to send user credentials to Kerberos.

      Select AD/NT Settings > General >Kerberos (most secure) to enable this feature.

      NTLMV2 (moderately secure)

      Allows the Secure Access device to send user credentials to NTLMv2.

      Select AD/NT Settings > General >NTLMV2 (moderately secure) to enable this feature.

      NTLMV1 (least secure)

      Allows the Secure Access device to send user credentials to NTLMv1.

      Select AD/NT Settings > General >NTLMV1 (least secure) to enable this feature.

      Use LDAP to get Kerberos realm name

      Allows the Secure Access device to retrieve the Kerberos realm name from the Active Directory server using the specified administrator credentials.

      Select AD/NT Settings > General >Specify Kerberos realm name to enable this feature.

      Specify Kerberos realm name

      Specifies Kerberos realm name.

      Enter the name.

      AD/NT Settings > Advanced tab

      User may belong to Domain Local Groups across trust boundaries

      Specifies that the selected user belongs to the Domain Local Groups who honor trust relationships in the Active Directory.

      Select AD/NT Settings > Advanced > User may belong to Domain Local Groups across trust boundaries to enable this feature.

      Container Name

      Specifies the name that the Secure Access device uses to join the specified Active Directory domain as a computer.

      Enter the computer name.

      Server Catalog > Expressions tab


      Specifies a name for the user expression in the Active Directory or NT domain server user directory.

      Enter a name.


      Specifies a value for the user expression in the Active Directory or NT Domain server user directory.

      Enter a value.

      Server Catalog > Groups tab


      Specifies the name of the group

      Enter a name.


      Specifies the admin’s domain local groups information.

      Enter a name.

      AD Group

      Specifies the group that contains the administrators to enable centralized administration in an Active Directory domain.

      Enter a name.

      Gönderildi : 05/07/2010 20:40

      Gönderiler: 23
      Eminent Member
      Konu başlatıcı

      Çok teşekkürler. NSM kullanılmıyor fakat web veya cli yönteminide bulurum sanırsam.


      Gönderildi : 05/07/2010 20:53

      Gönderiler: 3061
      Illustrious Member

      Kolay gelsin...

      Gönderildi : 05/07/2010 20:56

      Gönderiler: 1164
      Noble Member


      Buradaki makaleyi denyebilirsin. Ben test ettim problem yok. Çalışıyor



      Gönderildi : 06/07/2010 13:17

      Gönderiler: 23
      Eminent Member
      Konu başlatıcı


      Buradaki makaleyi denyebilirsin. Ben test ettim problem yok. Çalışıyor


      Teşekkürler. Peki bu yöntem ile kullanıcıları authenticate ettikten sonra, kullanıcısına göre farklı web filteringler uygulayabilirmiyim?

      Gönderildi : 07/07/2010 17:31

      Gönderiler: 1164
      Noble Member

      Evet uygulabilirsin.

      Gönderildi : 07/07/2010 18:14

      Gönderiler: 7890

      Evet uygulabilirsin.


      hocam bunla ilgili ( gerci adres verdigin yerde var zaten ama ingizlizce) turkce bir dokuman istesek senden cokmu sey istemis oluruz

      ayrı kullanıcı gruplarını ayrı policy'ler icerisinde kullanamadım ben

      eger mumkun ise şimdiden minnettar kalırım hocam


      Gönderildi : 14/07/2010 16:32

      Gönderiler: 1164
      Noble Member

      Mümkündür tabi de ben, ssg 5 i satışa çıkardım eğer yakın bir zamanda satılmaz ise hazırlarım, satılırsa uğraşabileceğim bir ssg im kalmıyor

      Gönderildi : 14/07/2010 19:15

      Gönderiler: 3820

      Sen merak etme Murat Hocam o satılmaz ha satılırsa bende var SSG evde duruyor bir türlü seninle karşılılık VPN v.s. tesleri gerçekleştiremedik biliyorsun ikimizde çok yoğun çalışıyoruz. Ama istersen benim evdeki SSG remote ile kullanabilirsin.

      Gönderildi : 14/07/2010 19:44

      Gönderiler: 1164
      Noble Member

      Eyvallah Rafetim, sen merak etme, ssg yoksa srx var. Onunla yaparız vpn i 🙂

      Gönderildi : 14/07/2010 20:00

      Gönderiler: 13
      Eminent Member

      Hocam ben sızın onerınızı denedım fakat calısmıyor ınternetı kesıyor dırek DOmaın olsun olması hepsını kesıyor

      Gönderildi : 07/09/2010 12:06

      Gönderiler: 36
      Trusted Member

      Yalnız Juniperin bendenedıgımde sureklı kullanıcı adı sıfre soruyor kullanıcı adı sıfre dogru ıse gırıyor du sıfresız olmuyormu bu*?

      Gönderildi : 05/03/2011 08:38

      Gönderiler: 1164
      Noble Member

      LDAP la entegre çalışmıyor.  Onun için bir kimlik doğrulama sayfası gelmek zorunda.

      Linkteki uygulamda LDAP a sorgu atıyor. Böyle bir kullanıcı varmıdır diye. Var ise kimlik doğrulamdan geçiyor.





      Gönderildi : 05/03/2011 12:40
