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Windows 7 de Uygulamalarınızı XP deymiş gibi çalıştırın

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Advanced Integration of Virtual PC 7 / XP Mode

Free Download: (Version 0.9)

VMLauncher allows you to open any file or folder from your local host system in a specified Virtual Machine.
This improves the integration of Windows Virtual PC.
There is no need anymore to open the Virtual Machine in Desktop Mode to install a new application!
You can open any program, file or folder directly from your Windows 7 Desktop.
right click on the application, file or folder and select the “Open in
Virtual Machine” and it will open in the selected Virtual Machine but
will run directly on your Windows 7 Desktop.

Example: You want to install a new program in XP Mode (Virtual Machine).
Just right click onto the Setup file and select "Open in XP Mode".
The setup will start directly in the XP Mode Virtual Machine but will run on the Windows 7 Desktop.


For example you can create your own Sandbox OS.
Just enable Undo Disk on your XP Mode PC and you can install any software right from the Windows 7 Context Menu.
If you get tired of the software just clear the undo disk.


Requirements – Host System

  • Windows 7
  • Windows Virtual PC 7 RC
  • .NET Framework 3.5 SP1

Requirements – Guest System

  • Integration Features installed
  • Integration Features activated
  • Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime
  • MSXML 3.0

Installation – Host System

  • Extract the files to any folder with write permission on your pc
  • Run the VMLauncher.exe

Installation – Guest System

  • Copy the VMLauncher.exe from the Client folder to any folder in the Virtual Machine
  • Run the VMLauncher.exe in the Virtual Machine
  • Answer the appearing messagebox with yes to install the software

How to use

  • Open the VMLauncher.exe on the host system
  • Check the Virtual Machines in the list on the left side which should appear in the context menu
  • Click Apply to update the context menu

you can right click on any file in Windows Explorer and select "Open in
xxxxxx" and the file will open in the selected Virtual Machine.

Function description

will refresh the list of available Virtual Machines. All VMs with
VMLauncher.exe from the Client folder installed will appear in this

Create Launchfile

This allows you to
create a custom launch file. With the custom launch file you can start
any application in a specific Virtual Machine.
To create a launch file
- select the Virtual Machine in which the program should from the list above
- enter the full application path into the input dialog (e.g. C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe)
- save the launch file where you can easily access it (e.g. your Desktop or Startmenu)
To run the program in the VM just double click the Launchfile.

Keep Launchfiles
This will keep all the launchfiles created through “Open in xxxxx” in the application folder.
Normally a launchfile gets deleted after it has been executed.
This function is indended for debug reasons only.
Custom created launchfiles (created with the Create Launchfile button) will never be deleted!

Show VMs in folder context menus
This will add the "Open in xxxxxx" context menu entries for the selected VMs also in the context menus of folders.
With this function enabled you can right click any folder and select "Open in xxxx" to open it with the VM’s Windows Explorer.

Always Mount Network Drive
this option is enabled VMLauncher will always connect a network drive
to the host system and open the file through the mounted path. You
should use this function if some setup applications do not work (see
Mount Network Drive for these filetypes)

Mount Network Drive for these filetypes
VMLauncher will mount a network drive to the host if one of the specified filetypes should be opened in a VM.
For example .msi files will create an error if they are launched through a RDP share (e.g. \\tsclient\C\setup.msi).
you add .msi to the list of filetypes the msi file will be launched
from the mounted drive and run normally without any error (e.g.

Discard & Close
Closes the configuration window without saving the changes

This will apply the changes and leave the window open
An UAC window will appear - you need to allow it to make the changes

Save & Close
This will apply the changes and close the configuration window
An UAC window will appear - you need to allow it to make the changes

Uninstall – Host System

  • Run VMLauncher.exe
  • Uncheck all VMs from the list and click Save & Close
  • Delete the program

Uninstall – Guest System

  • Run the VMLauncher.exe with the argument UNINSTALL

VMLauncher.exe UNINSTALL

  • Click Yes
  • Delete VMLauncher.exe

Free Download: (Version 0.9)!9E6927A42561030E!1198.entry

Gönderildi : 15/10/2009 17:18

Gönderiler: 1560
Noble Member


Hocam çok güzel bir uygulama zaten böyle bir tool  lazımdı.


Gönderildi : 15/10/2009 18:34
