Arkadaşlar selamlar
Hp 2610 uzerınden aynı cisco 2960 da oldugu gıbı port bazlı mac adresı fıltreleme yapmak ıstıyorum yanı mesela ben 1 portu bır mac adresıne tanımlama yapıcam baskası o porta takarsa shutdown veya trafıgı kesıcek bunu nasıl yapabılırım Hp tarafında tesekkurler
Arkadaşlar selamlar
Hp 2610 uzerınden aynı cisco 2960 da oldugu gıbı port bazlı mac adresı fıltreleme yapmak ıstıyorum yanı mesela ben 1 portu bır mac adresıne tanımlama yapıcam baskası o porta takarsa shutdown veya trafıgı kesıcek bunu nasıl yapabılırım Hp tarafında tesekkurler
Aşağıdaki ekran alıntısında gösterildiği şekilde yapabilirsin.
komut şu şekilde
config)#port-security 1-10 learn-mode static address-limit 1 action send-disable
bu komut ile 1 ile 10 numaralı portlara şunu demiş oluyorsun..
learn-mode ;üzerine bağlı mac adreslerini öğren
address-limit 1;sadece 1 mac adresine izin ver
action send-disable;başka mac adresi bağlandığında portu kapat
static;ilk mac öğrenimden sonra switch kapansada bu mac i unutma
daha farklı versiyonları da aşağıda
[no] port-security [ethernet] PORT-LIST
[learn-mode <continuous|static|configured|
[address-limit <1-32>]
[mac-address MAC-ADDR [MAC-ADDR ...]]
[action <none|send-alarm|send-disable>]
Description: Set the port-security operation(s) for each port in port list.
o learn-mode <continuous|static|configured|limited-continuous|port-access>
If 'continuous' is specified, the port continually learns new
addresses on the port. If 'static' is specified, the user
can configure addresses that are authorized to use on that port
and let the switch learn the remaining addresses up to the
specified address-limit. If 'configured' is specified, up
to address-limit configured addresses are authorized. Use the
'address-limit' parameter to specify the maximum number of
static addresses for the port.
The 'port-access' instructs the device to learn only the MAC
addresses authorized by 802.1X or Web/MAC authentication
subsystem. After a MAC address is authorized, only traffic
from the authorized MAC address is allowed.
If 'limited-continuous' is specified, the first
'address-limit' source MAC addresses heard on this
port become the authorized addresses. When new authorized
addresses are learned, they are stored in a table. When
the table has reached its 'address-limit', any
new source MAC addresses received on the port
constitutes an intrusion. The authorized addresses in
this mode will age out of the system, therefore the
list of authorized addresses can be dynamic over time.
o address-limit <1-N> - This parameter is valid only when the learn-mode
is static, configured, or limited-continuous.
It defines the number of MAC address that the table for the
given port will hold. For static and configured N is equal
to 8. For limited-continuous N is equal to 32.
o mac-address MAC-ADDR ... - This 12-hex digit parameter is only valid
when the learn-mode is static. The parameter is used to configure
the addresses that are authorized to use the port. The maximum
number of authorized addresses that may be configured and
learned is 8. If the number of configured addresses is less
than the address-limit, the switch will learn the remaining
number of addresses. Several addresses can be specified in
one command line.
Üstad merhaba,
komutu yazdığımda invalid input hatası alıyorum 2510G kullanıyorum ve yapmak istediğim 9 nolu port ta takılı cihazın statik olarak 802.1x e takılmadan iç networkle haberleşmesi