Konsol bağlantısının yapıldığına emin misiniz? Firmware de problem olsa bile mulaka presetup kısmında ekrana bişeylerin gelmesi lazım.
Evet. Defalarca kontrol ettim. Farklı farklı PC'lerde de denedim.
Com2 olduğuna eminsin değil mi ?
Birde Hyperterminal ile erişmeyi dener misin ?
Hyperterminal de sırasıyla bağlantının aşağıdaki gibi olması gerek.
8 bits
no parity
1 stop bit
9600 baud
Flow Control = None
Hyperterminal ile de aynı sonucu aldım hocam.
Backup varsa onu geri dönünüz
Backup varsa onu geri dönünüz
İşte sorun orda zaten. Ben hiçbir şekilde hiçbir menuye ulasamıyorum. İlk açılan ekranda bunları görüyorum ve hiçbir şekilde müdahale edemiyorum 🙂
Connecting to the console
When connecting to the console, you need:
• a computer with an available serial (communications) port
• a null modem cable or RJ-45 to DB-9 cable (whichever is correct for your FortiAnalyzer
• terminal emulation software, such as HyperTerminal for Windows.
See your FortiAnalyzer install guide to verify which cable is correct for your FortiAnalyzer model.
The following procedure describes a console connection using terminal emulator Windows HyperTerminal; steps may vary with other terminal emulators.To connect to the console of a FortiAnalyzer unit
1 Connect the FortiAnalyzer unit’s console port to the communications port on your management computer using the null modem or RJ-45 to DB-9 cable.
2 Verify that the FortiAnalyzer unit is powered on.
3 On your management computer, start HyperTerminal.
4 Cancel any dialogs requesting phone or modem information such as area codes or tone dialing.
5 On Connection Description, enter a Name for the connection, and select OK.
6 Cancel any dialogs requesting phone or modem information such as area codes or tone dialing.
7 On Connect To, from Connect using, select the communications port where you connected the FortiAnalyzer unit.This is usually COM1 for DB-9 cable connections, and TCP/IP for RJ-45 cable connections.
8 Select OK.
9 Select the following Port settings and select OK.
10 Press Enter to connect to the FortiAnalyzer CLI.A prompt appears.
11 Type a valid administrator name and press Enter.
12 Type the password for this administrator and press Enter.
You can now enter CLI commands.
Note: If too many incorrect login or password attempts occur in a row, you will be disconnected. You must reconnect to attempt the login again.