
Şirket içi PPS...
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Şirket içi PPS maillerin yasaklanması

5 Yazılar
3 Üyeler
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512 Görüntüleme
Gönderiler: 812
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Şirketimde son zamanlarda çok fazla pps trafiği olmaya başladı. Tamam dışardan gelenleri veya içeriden dışarıya atılanları GFI mail security ile yasakladım fakat şirket içi çalışanlarının kendi aralarında pps maillerinin atılmasını nasıl engelleyebilirim.

Exchange 2003 Server Stnd.
GFI Mail security

gibi yazılımlar mevcut.


Gönderildi : 17/04/2009 18:59

Gönderiler: 3204
Illustrious Member Yönetici

Gönderiler: 812
Noble Member
Konu başlatıcı

Eser Hocam teşekkür ederim dokuman için fakat ekranlarımız farklı gelen PPS 'deki sunum ile.

Mode dan mı kaynaklanıyor bilemiyorum ama çözemedim.


Gönderildi : 17/04/2009 19:35

Gönderiler: 812
Noble Member
Konu başlatıcı

GFI ile görüştüm GFI üzerinden yapamayacağımı söylediler. Başka bir yöntem var mı acaba.

Gönderildi : 17/04/2009 20:49

Gönderiler: 16309
Illustrious Member Yönetici


Exchange Server 2003 direkt olarak mail attachment bloklamasını desteklemez. bunun için ya third party yazılımlar kullanacaksınız yada scriptlerle hallediceksiniz. örnek McAfee GroupShield bu yazılımla attachmentları engelleyebilirsiniz. ayrıca aşağıdaki makalede detaylı ürünler var onları da inceleyebilirsiniz.

ayrıca  makalede de anlatıldığı gibi uzantıları düzenleyebilirsiniz. makalede outlook kurallarının blokladığı bilgileri veriyor.

bunun için ;

  1. Open the Registry Editor and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\Security.
  2. Select New -> String Value from the Registry Editor's Edit menu.
  3. Create a new string value named Level1Add (this is case sensitive).
  4. Then assign the string a value corresponding to the file extension that you want to block. For example, if you wanted to block Word documents, you would assign the value .DOC. (You can enter multiple extensions by separating them with a semicolon.)

diğer bir yöntem OWA üzerinden erişimlerde kısıtlamadır ki ;

yukarıdaki makaledede OWA ile ilgili bilgiler verilmektedir.

yada scriptlerle bu işi halledebilirsiniz.

bir örnek script :

set shell = createobject("")
domainname = ""
strValueName = "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation\ActiveTimeBias"
minTimeOffset = shell.regread(strValueName)
toffset = datediff("h",DateAdd("n", minTimeOffset, now()),now())
set conn1 = createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fname = "c:\" & wscript.arguments(0) & ".csv"
set wfile = fso.opentextfile(fname,2,true)
     wfile.writeline("File Group,File Type,File Extension,File Name, File Size, Email Location,Message Subject,Sent From,Date Sent")
public exlist
public maxsize
public datefrom
public dateto
maxsize = wscript.arguments(1)
datefrom = wscript.arguments(2) & "T00:00:00Z"
dateto = wscript.arguments(3) & "T00:00:00Z"
exlist = ","
strConnString = "Data Provider=NONE; Provider=MSDataShape"
conn1.Open strConnString  
set objParentRS = createobject("adodb.recordset")
set objChildRS = createobject("adodb.recordset")
set objgrandchild = createobject("adodb.recordset")
           "  NEW adVarChar(255) AS RFileType, " & _
           " ((SHAPE APPEND  " & _
           "      NEW adVarChar(255) AS CFileext, " & _
           "     NEW adVarChar(255) AS CFileType, " & _
           "     NEW adVarChar(255) AS CFileDesc, " & _
           " ((SHAPE APPEND  " & _
    "      NEW adVarChar(255) AS GCFileext, " & _
    "      NEW adVarChar(255) AS GCFilename, " & _
    "      NEW adVarChar(255) AS GCFilesize, " & _
    "      NEW adVarChar(255) AS GCMessLocation, " & _
    "      NEW adVarChar(255) AS GCMessSubject, " & _
    "      NEW adVarChar(255) AS GCMessFrom, " & _
    "      NEW adVarChar(255) AS GCDateSent) " & _
    "   RELATE CFileext TO GCFileext) AS MOWMI" & _
    ")" & _
           "      RELATE RFileType TO CFileType) AS rsSOMO "
objParentRS.LockType = 3
objParentRS.Open strSQL, conn1
rem ******** Add Document Types
call adddoctype(objParentRS,"Microsoft Office Documents")
call adddoctype(objParentRS,"Compressed Files")
call adddoctype(objParentRS,"Acorbat Files") 
call adddoctype(objParentRS,"Executables and Installers") 
call adddoctype(objParentRS,"Sound Files")
call adddoctype(objParentRS,"Video Files")
call adddoctype(objParentRS,"Image Files")
call adddoctype(objParentRS,"Attached Email Message")
call adddoctype(objParentRS,"Unclassified Files")
***** Add Document Extensions"
Set objChildRS = objParentRS("rsSOMO").Value
call addfileexts(objChildRS)
Set objgrandchild = objChildRS("MOWMI").Value
sConnString = "file://./backofficestorage/" & domainname
sConnString = sConnString & "/mbx/" & wscript.arguments(0) & "/"
WScript.Echo sConnString
call RecurseFolder(sConnString,objChildRS,objgrandchild)

Do While Not objParentRS.EOF
     wscript.echo objParentRS(0)
     Set objChildRS = objParentRS("rsSOMO").Value
     Do While Not objChildRS.EOF
 Set objgrandchild = objChildRS("MOWMI").Value
 if objgrandchild.recordcount <> 0 then
  wscript.echo " " & objChildRS(1) & "  " & objChildRS(2)
  wfile.writeline(objChildRS(1) & "," & objChildRS(2))
 end if
 Do While Not objgrandchild.EOF
  wscript.echo "  " & objgrandchild(1) & "  " & objgrandchild(2) & "  " & objgrandchild(3) & "  "  & objgrandchild(4) & "  "
  wfile.writeline(",," & objgrandchild(0) & "," & objgrandchild(1) & "," & objgrandchild(2) & "," & objgrandchild(3) & ","  & objgrandchild(4) & "," & objgrandchild(5) & "," & objgrandchild(6))

Public Sub RecurseFolder(sConnString,objChildRS,objgrandchild)
   sSQL = "SELECT "" "", "
   sSQL = sSQL & """DAV:href"", "
   sSQL = sSQL & """DAV:hassubs"" "
   sSQL = sSQL & """') WHERE ""DAV:isfolder"" = true"
   Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
   oConn.Provider = "Exoledb.DataSource"
   oConn.Open sConnString
   Set oRecSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
   oRecSet.CursorLocation = 3
   oRecSet.Open sSQL, oConn.ConnectionString
   While oRecSet.EOF <> True
      call  procfolder(oRecSet.Fields("DAV:HREF") & "/",objgrandchild,objChildRS)
      If oRecSet.Fields.Item("DAV:hassubs") = True then
         call RecurseFolder(oRecSet.Fields.Item("DAV:href"),objChildRS,objgrandchild)
      End If
   Set oRecSet = Nothing
   Set oConn = Nothing
End Sub

sub procfolder(folderurl,objgrandchild,objChildRS)
rem ********Mailbox Section
WScript.Echo folderurl
Set Rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
set Rec = CreateObject("ADODB.Record")
Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Provider = "ExOLEDB.DataSource"
Rec.Open folderurl, ,3
SSql = "SELECT ""DAV:href"", ""DAV:contentclass"" FROM scope('shallow traversal of """ & folderurl & """') "
SSql = SSql & " Where ""DAV:isfolder"" = false AND ""urn:schemas:httpmail:hasattachment"" = true AND ""DAV:ishidden"" = false "          
SSql = SSql & "AND ""urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived"" > CAST(""" & datefrom & """ as 'dateTime') " _
& "AND ""urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived"" < CAST(""" & dateto & """ as 'dateTime')" 
Rs.CursorLocation = 3 'adUseServer = 2, adUseClient = 3
Rs.CursorType = 3
i = 1 SSql, rec.ActiveConnection, 3
if Rs.recordcount <> 0 then
while not rs.eof
 call procmail(Rs.Fields("DAV:href").Value,objgrandchild,objChildRS)
end if
end sub

sub procmail(murl,objgrandchild,objChildRS)
rem on error resume next
set msg = createobject("cdo.message") murl
lcMaloc = mid(msg.fields("Dav:parentname").value,instr(msg.fields("Dav:parentname").value,"/mbx/")+5,len(msg.fields("Dav:parentname").value))
stSenttime = msg.fields("urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived").value
fnFromName =  msg.fields("urn:schemas:httpmail:fromname").value
feFromEmail =  replace(replace(msg.fields("urn:schemas:httpmail:fromemail").value,"<",""),">","")
toToEmail = msg.fields("urn:schemas:mailheader:to").value
sjSubject = msg.Subject
i = 1
set objattachments = msg.attachments
for each objattachment in objattachments
if objAttachment.ContentMediaType = "message/rfc822" then
 set msg1 = createobject("cdo.message")
 msg1.datasource.OpenObject objattachment, "ibodypart"
 fnFileName = msg1.subject & "(" & i & ")" & ".eml"
 set stm = msg1.getstream
 fnFileName = objattachment.filename
 set stm = objAttachment.GetDecodedContentStream
end if
if fnFileName <> "" and clng(stm.size/1024) > clng(maxsize) then
 wscript.echo fnFileName
 fatt1 = len(fnFileName)
 fatt2 = fatt1 - 2
 rtime = formatdatetime(stSenttime)
 attname = UCASE(fnFileName)
 objgrandchild("GCFileext") = mid(attname,fatt2,3)
 objgrandchild("GCFilename") = right(replace(fnFileName,",",""),255)
 objgrandchild("GCFilesize") = right(replace(formatnumber(stm.size/1024,2),",",""),255)
 objgrandchild("GCMessLocation") = right(replace(lcMaloc,",",""),255)
 objgrandchild("GCMessSubject") = right(replace(sjSubject,",",""),255)
 objgrandchild("GCMessFrom") = feFromEmail
 objgrandchild("GCDateSent") = rtime
 elistchk = "," & mid(attname,fatt2,3) & ","
 if instr(exlist,elistchk) = 0 then
  call adddocext(objChildRS,"Unclassified Files",mid(attname,fatt2,3),"Unknown") 
 end if
end if
i = i + 1
set msg = nothing

end sub

sub adddoctype(objParentRS,doctype)

objParentRS("RFileType") = doctype

end sub

sub adddocext(objChildRS,doctype,ext,fdesc)

objChildRS("CFileType") = doctype
objChildRS("CFileext") = ext
objChildRS("CFileDesc") = fdesc
exlist = exlist & "," & ext & ","

end sub

sub addfileexts(objChildRS)
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Microsoft Office Documents","DOC","Microsoft Word Document")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Microsoft Office Documents","DOT","Microsoft Word Template")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Microsoft Office Documents","XLS","Microsoft Excel Spreedsheet")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Microsoft Office Documents","PPT","Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Microsoft Office Documents","PPS","Microsoft Powerpoint Slide Show")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Microsoft Office Documents","MDB","Microsoft Access Database")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Microsoft Office Documents","ADP","Microsoft Access Project")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Microsoft Office Documents","VSD","Microsoft Visio Diagram")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Microsoft Office Documents","ONE","Microsoft OneNote Note")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Microsoft Office Documents","RTF","Rich Text Format file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Microsoft Office Documents","TXT","Text File")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Microsoft Office Documents","CSV","Comma seperated File")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Compressed Files","ZIP","Zip Compressed  File")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Compressed Files","TAR","nix Tar Compressed File")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Compressed Files","ARG","Arg Compressed  File")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Compressed Files","RAR","RAR Compressed File")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Compressed Files","ACE","ACE Compressed File")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Compressed Files","BHX","Binary Hex Compressed File")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Acorbat Files","PDF","Adobe Acrobat File")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Executables and Installers","EXE","Executable File")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Executables and Installers","MSI","Windows Installer")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Sound Files","WAV","Wave File")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Sound Files","MP3","MPeg3 Sound file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Sound Files","WMA","Windows Media file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Sound Files","WMV","Windows Media file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Sound Files","SND","Windows Sound File")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Sound Files",".AU","AU Sound File")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Sound Files","RPM","Real Audio Sound File")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Sound Files","MID","MIDI Audio Sound File")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Sound Files",".RM","Real Audio Sound File")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Sound Files",".RA","Real Audio Sound File")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Sound Files","ASF","Advanced Streaming format File")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Video Files","AVI","AVI Video format file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Video Files","MPG","MPG Video format file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Video Files","MOV","MOV Video format file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Video Files","IVX","DIVX Video format file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Video Files","PG4","MPG4 Video format file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Video Files","SWF","Shockwave format file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Image Files","JPG","JPG picture file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Image Files","BMP","Bit Map picture file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Image Files","GIF","Gif picture file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Image Files","PNG","Portable Network graphics picture file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Image Files","TIF","Tag Image picture file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Image Files","IFF","Tag Image picture file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Image Files","WMF","Windows Metafile file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Image Files","EMF","Enhanced Metafile file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Image Files","PEG","Enhanced Metafile file")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Attached Email Message","EML","Attached Email Message")
call adddocext(objChildRS,"Attached Email Message","ICS","Attached Calendar file")

end sub

exchange 2007 için ise ;  

kolay gelsin

Gönderildi : 18/04/2009 16:54
