
exchange 2007 den 2...
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[Çözüldü] exchange 2007 den 2010 e yukseltikten sonra çıkan hatalar

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3 Üyeler
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704 Görüntüleme
Gönderiler: 239
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Merhaba Arkadaşlar,


sizlerle şuan bir türlü çözemediğim bir problemi paylaşmak istiyorum.

mevcutta  erver 2003 64-bit makine üzerinde exchange 2007 std. edition  kuruluydu.Biz bunu exchange 2010`a yukseltmek istedik.server 2008 r2 makine kurduk uzerinede exhange 2010 std. edition urununu kurduk.Bu kurulum başarı ile bitti.daha sonra exchange 2007 üzerindeki butun mailbox ları exchange 2010 makıneye tasıdım.Ortamda şuan 2007 exchange hala duruyor pasif olarak.Şuan autlook lar çalışıyor başarılı şekilde.

Sorun şu:Telefonla maillerine ulaşan activesync üzerinden bazıları mail alıp veriyor bazıları da bağlanıyor fakat hiç bir mail çekemiyor.Exhange tarafında event viewer application kısmına alttaki gibi warning veriyor.

 An exception occurred and was handled by Exchange ActiveSync. This may have been caused by an outdated or corrupted Exchange ActiveSync device partnership. This can occur if a user tries to modify the same item from multiple computers. If this is the case, Exchange ActiveSync will re-create the partnership with the device. Items will be updated at the next synchronization.

--- Exception start ---
Exception type: Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.AirSyncPermanentException
Exception message: The Exchange ActiveSync device with ID 'SEC18DD0864970A0' and  type 'SAMSUNGGTN7100' in Active Directory could not be created for user 'maya\fatihyilmaz'.
Exception level: 0
HttpStatusCode: 500
AirSyncStatusCode: 111
This request does not contain a WBXML response.
Exception stack trace:    at Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.ADDeviceManager.CreateActiveSyncDevice(GlobalInfo globalInfo, ExDateTime syncStorageCreationTime, Boolean retryIfFailed)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.Command.UpdateADDevice(GlobalInfo globalInfo)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.Command.CompleteDeviceAccessProcessing()
   at Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.Command.WorkerThread()
--- Exception end ---.

bu error değil warning olarak gözüküyor.Exchange 2007 ortamda hala pasif olarak duruyor.fakat mailbox lar çok büyük olduğu için mailbox ları tekrar taşımak istemiyorum.

 event viewer >> Application kısmında Echange ile ilgili 3 hata mevcut.

 HATA 1:

Performance counter updating error. Counter name is Items Moved to Dumpster/sec., category name is MSExchange Middle-Tier Storage. Optional code: 1. Exception: The exception thrown is : System.InvalidOperationException: The requested Performance Counter is not a custom counter, it has to be initialized as ReadOnly.
   at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.Initialize()
   at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.IncrementBy(Int64 value)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.ExPerformanceCounter.IncrementBy(Int64 incrementValue)
Last worker process info : System.ArgumentException: Process with an Id of 26552 is not running.
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(Int32 processId, String machineName)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.ExPerformanceCounter.GetLastWorkerProcessInfo()
Processes running while Performance counter failed to update:
21548 cmd
1720 jrun
24560 postgres
1712 jrun
416 smss
5156 conhost
6016 MSExchangeMailboxAssistants
43020 w3wp
38976 TranscodingService
16688 w3wp
6436 Microsoft.Exchange.RpcClientAccess.Service
5140 k2index
7720 sqlservr
3840 conhost
1684 jrunsvc
33576 csrss
4136 dfsrs
17196 TrustedInstaller
30552 svchost
26240 java
14168 vmware-usbarbitrator64
32264 explorer
800 svchost
23208 WUDFHost
1656 jrunsvc
4240 PresentationFontCache
37240 postgres
8540 svchost
10560 postgres
3796 Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring
6380 msexchangerepl
25772 uTorrent
11548 postgres
32664 postgres
4924 conhost
19132 Microsoft.Exchange.EdgeSyncSvc
14128 vmnetdhcp
2920 conhost
11188 Microsoft.Exchange.Search.ExSearch
42456 w3wp
1624 spoolsv
25756 MtxHotPlugService
28772 winlogon
17564 postgres
6580 mad
2476 bedbg
2904 swstrtr
45140 wuauclt
10228 VivaldiFramework
8072 SMSvcHost
720 svchost
34792 conhost
8500 svchost
25792 wsc
30388 vds
10328 Apache
7200 conhost
32196 dwm
10644 postgres
3744 svchost
43328 InetMgr
7188 EdgeTransport
21408 postgres
43812 postgres
280 svchost
276 svchost
4580 postgres
33024 mmc
696 lsm
264 svchost
7776 fdlauncher
35528 postgres
688 lsass
8876 postgres
4996 MsDtsSrvr
11528 postgres
9732 Microsoft.Exchange.AddressBook.Service
680 services
26108 postgres
27400 firefox
2256 svchost
8864 postgres
8432 sqlwriter
9724 MsExchangeFDS
4120 MSExchangeTransportLogSearch
31700 mmc
17472 msdtc
20488 mmc
4540 Microsoft.Exchange.Pop3Service
2384 k2admin
26088 postgres
2640 java
9700 dfssvc
3664 Microsoft.Exchange.Pop3
35124 cmd
7108 MSExchangeTransport
18448 Microsoft.Exchange.ProtectedServiceHost
1760 jrun
2284 beremote
11476 javaw
10972 conhost
27768 iashost
2772 swagent
9236 conhost
8804 postgres
8372 conhost
1044 svchost
39040 plugin-container
7696 msftesql
9228 fdhost
10520 Apache
9656 Apache
24740 postgres
11448 vmware-authd
5772 MSExchangeMailSubmission
10512 Apache
11508 postgres
26484 inetinfo
22720 mmc
11364 conhost
34000 postgres
584 wininit
8340 postgres
4460 k2server
5752 MSExchangeADTopologyService
37752 msftefd
8764 TeamViewer_Service
6608 Microsoft.Exchange.ServiceHost
2724 CFDotNetsvc
44960 sppsvc
21024 postgres
9180 wbserver
34392 dllhost
26028 conhost
4000 pg_ctl
14324 postgres
980 svchost
14340 postgres
1728 jrunsvc
12648 postgres
18216 exfba
11308 cmd
1768 conhost
9148 svchost
9576 Apache
524 csrss
2240 sqlbrowser
2912 swsoc
7836 postgres
38104 WmiPrvSE
9988 Microsoft.Exchange.AntispamUpdateSvc
41448 w3wp
2656 conhost
10844 Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4
1792 armsvc
9116 vmnat
11344 conhost
14284 postgres
1784 conhost
44880 conhost
9536 Apache
10828 MSExchangeMailboxReplication
1776 conhost
7808 sqlservr
25908 postgres
6940 MSExchangeThrottling
31932 taskhost
468 w3wp
25896 vmware-tray
896 svchost
34508 w3wp
30628 svchost
9508 wlcollector
10368 Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4Service
35796 conhost
23292 store
2596 solr
30608 svchost
4 System
0 Idle
Performance Counters Layout information: FileMappingNotFoundException for category MSExchange Middle-Tier Storage : Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.FileMappingNotFoundException: Cound not open File mapping for name : Global\netfxcustomperfcounters.1.0msexchange middle-tier storage
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.FileMapping.OpenFileMapping(String name, Boolean writable)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.FileMapping..ctor(String name, Boolean writable)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterMemoryMappedFile.Initialize(String fileMappingName, Boolean writable)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.ExPerformanceCounter.GetAllInstancesLayout(String categoryName)

 HATA 2 :dns üzerinde gerekli dns kayıtları olmasına rağmen bu hata mesajı mevcut.

Process MSEXCHANGEADTOPOLOGY (PID=5752). The site monitor API was unable to verify the site name for this Exchange computer - Call=DsctxGetContext Error code=8007077f. Make sure that Exchange server is correctly registered on the DNS server.




Process MSEXCHANGEADTOPOLOGY (PID=5752). When updating security for a remote procedure call (RPC) access for the Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology service, Exchange could not retrieve the security descriptor for Exchange server object ERPSERVER - Error code=8007077f.
 The Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology service will continue starting with limited permissions.


 arkadaşlar bu problemi nasıl çözebilirim.Bu konuda deneyimlerinizi paylaşırsanız çok sevinirim.Teşekkrüler.



Gönderildi : 02/12/2013 17:26

Gönderiler: 5718
Illustrious Member

Tum mbxlari, pf ve  offline adresbooku tasidiysaniz yonlendirmeleri yeni sunucu uzerine alin. Daha sonra eski exc. Sunucuyu kapatip, durumu gozlemleyin. 

Gönderildi : 02/12/2013 23:56

Gönderiler: 239
Reputable Member
Konu başlatıcı

ufuk bey,

bu dediklerinizin hepsini yaptım.Fakat aynı hataları almaya devam ediyorum.

Gönderildi : 03/12/2013 00:12

Gönderiler: 1893

Ebubekir bey,

Bu kullanıcı hesabını control ettiğinizde bir mobil device görebiliyormusunuz varsa bir veya birden fazla mobil cihaz bunların hepsini silip tekrar baglanmayı deneyebilirmisiniz?



Probleminiz çözüldüğünde sonucu burada paylaşırsanız,
sizin ile aynı problemi yaşayanlar için yardım etmiş olursunuz.
Eğer sorununuz çözüldü ise "çözüldü" olarak işaretlerseniz
diğer üyeler için çok büyük kolaylık sağlayacaktır.

Gönderildi : 03/12/2013 11:12

Gönderiler: 239
Reputable Member
Konu başlatıcı

Recep Bey,

bir den fazla cihaz tanımlı olduğunu nereden görebilirim.Giremiyenlerden birinde samsung node 2 telefon var.Exchange 2007 de başarılı şekilde maillerini alıyordu exhange 2010 kurunca mail almamaya başladı.Ve telefondan yeni bir hesap eklemeye çalıştığında bağlanıyor fakat mail çekemiyor.

Gönderildi : 03/12/2013 13:53

Gönderiler: 239
Reputable Member
Konu başlatıcı

Tum mbxlari, pf ve  offline adresbooku tasidiysaniz yonlendirmeleri yeni sunucu uzerine alin. Daha sonra eski exc. Sunucuyu kapatip, durumu gozlemleyin. 


ufuk bey,


makineyi şimdi yine kapattım.Event viewer da gördüğüm hata


An exception occurred and was handled by Exchange ActiveSync. This may have been caused by an outdated or corrupted Exchange ActiveSync device partnership. This can occur if a user tries to modify the same item from multiple computers. If this is the case, Exchange ActiveSync will re-create the partnership with the device. Items will be updated at the next synchronization.

--- Exception start ---
Exception type: Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.AirSyncPermanentException
Exception message: The Exchange ActiveSync device with ID 'SEC18DD0864970A0' and  type 'SAMSUNGGTN7100' in Active Directory could not be created for user 'maya\fatihyilmaz'.
Exception level: 0
HttpStatusCode: 500
AirSyncStatusCode: 111
This request does not contain a WBXML response.
Exception stack trace:    at Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.ADDeviceManager.CreateActiveSyncDevice(GlobalInfo globalInfo, ExDateTime syncStorageCreationTime, Boolean retryIfFailed)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.Command.UpdateADDevice(GlobalInfo globalInfo)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.Command.CompleteDeviceAccessProcessing()
   at Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.Command.WorkerThread()
--- Exception end ---.


ikinci hata

Process MSEXCHANGEADTOPOLOGY (PID=5844). The site monitor API was unable to verify the site name for this Exchange computer - Call=DsctxGetContext Error code=8007077f. Make sure that Exchange server is correctly registered on the DNS server.

Gönderildi : 03/12/2013 14:00

Gönderiler: 5718
Illustrious Member

Tum mbxlari, pf ve  offline adresbooku tasidiysaniz yonlendirmeleri yeni sunucu uzerine alin. Daha sonra eski exc. Sunucuyu kapatip, durumu gozlemleyin. 


ufuk bey,


makineyi şimdi yine kapattım.Event viewer da gördüğüm hata


An exception occurred and was handled by Exchange ActiveSync. This may have been caused by an outdated or corrupted Exchange ActiveSync device partnership. This can occur if a user tries to modify the same item from multiple computers. If this is the case, Exchange ActiveSync will re-create the partnership with the device. Items will be updated at the next synchronization.

--- Exception start ---
Exception type: Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.AirSyncPermanentException
Exception message: The Exchange ActiveSync device with ID 'SEC18DD0864970A0' and  type 'SAMSUNGGTN7100' in Active Directory could not be created for user 'maya\fatihyilmaz'.
Exception level: 0
HttpStatusCode: 500
AirSyncStatusCode: 111
This request does not contain a WBXML response.
Exception stack trace:    at Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.ADDeviceManager.CreateActiveSyncDevice(GlobalInfo globalInfo, ExDateTime syncStorageCreationTime, Boolean retryIfFailed)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.Command.UpdateADDevice(GlobalInfo globalInfo)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.Command.CompleteDeviceAccessProcessing()
   at Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.Command.WorkerThread()
--- Exception end ---.


ikinci hata

Process MSEXCHANGEADTOPOLOGY (PID=5844). The site monitor API was unable to verify the site name for this Exchange computer - Call=DsctxGetContext Error code=8007077f. Make sure that Exchange server is correctly registered on the DNS server.


1. Open "Active Directory Users and Computers" (dsa.msc).
2. Go to "View" and make sure "Advanced Features" is checked, if it isn't - check it.
3. Find the problematic user and open its "Properties" (right click --> Properties).
4. Go to the "Security" tab and click on the "Advanced" button.
5. Verify that the "Include inheritable permissions from this object's
parent" checkbox is checked. If it is, you may try to reset the user's
permissions by clicking on the "Restore defaults" button.

Gönderildi : 03/12/2013 14:03
