
Explorer scripts h...
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Explorer scripts hatasi

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425 Görüntüleme
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MS 2008 r2 de Exchange server 2010 kurulu https://XXX/owa ile giris yaptigimda asagidaki hatayi aliyorum ancak CHROME ile denedigimde bu hatayi almiyor ve outlook a baglaniyorum.Neden Explorer de bu hatayi veriyor ?ne gibi bir ayar yapilmasi gerekiyor? 

To use Outlook Web App, browser settings must allow scripts to run. For information about how to allow scripts, consult the Help for your browser. If your browser doesn't support scripts, you can download Windows Internet Explorer for access to Outlook Web App.

Gönderildi : 24/09/2011 13:13

Gönderiler: 1040
Illustrious Member

Merhaba, server manager dan internet explorer security off konumuna getirmeniz gerekmekte

Gönderildi : 24/09/2011 15:39
