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Exchange hardware bilgi komutu

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Exchange Server 2007 de organizasyonda ki tüm exchange serverların ne kadar ram kullandığını,hangi işletim sistemini kullandığını,kaç adet storage group olduğunu hangi komutla görüyorduk bilenlerden biran önce cvp bekliyorum.



Gönderildi : 12/08/2010 00:36

Hakan Uzuner
Gönderiler: 33501
Illustrious Member Yönetici


Get-StorageGroup ile storage groupları görebilirsiniz. Get-ExchangeServer ile Exchange Server sunucu detaylarını görebilirsiniz ama burada RAM ve işletim sistemi detayı bulamazsınız.

RAM ve CPU kullanımı için ise ayrı iir power shell komutu bulunmaktadır

Create the Script

So, first we are going to create a folder
that is going to have the script that displays the information. I have
used c:\utils.

You are going to create a new file in that
folder, CheckMemoryCpu.bat in c:\utils.

do this, open notepad, press WinKey + R, type
, and press Enter.

windows 7 Notepad Monitor CPU and Memory Usage with Just One Click
 in Windows 7 [How To]

the following text to that file.

@echo off

Powershell -command "&{Get-WmiObject -Query 'Select * from
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process '| Select Name,
@{Name='CPU(p)';Expression={$_.PercentProcessorTime}} | where
{$_.'CPU(p)' -gt 0 } |Sort 'CPU(p)' -descending | Format-Table
Powershell -command "&{Get-Process | Select Name,
@{Name='CPU(s)';Expression={$_.CPU}} | sort 'CPU(s)' -Descending |
Select -First 5| Format-Table -AutoSize;}"
Powershell -noexit
-command "&{Get-WmiObject -Query 'Select * from
Win32_OperatingSystem' | Select FreePhysicalMemory | Format-Table

It’s not the intention of the
article to explain every part of this script.

Windows 7 Notepad CheckMemoryCPU Monitor CPU and Memory Usage with
 Just One Click in Windows 7 [How To]

Save it as c:\utils\CheckMemoryCPU.bat:

Windows 7 CUtilsCheckMemoryCPU Monitor CPU and Memory Usage with 
Just One Click in Windows 7 [How To]

If you don’t use the hyphens it will create a text
file, with the txt extension.

Relax, take a breath. You have done
the more complicated part. Now we are going to pin the utility to the
Windows 7 Taskbar.

Pin the Script to the Taskbar

We cannot
pin the recent created file to the Taskbar directly, therefore we have
to use a trick.

To do this we create a new shortcut.

click on a folder or over the Desktop and select New > Shortcut.

Windows 7 New Shorcut Monitor CPU and Memory Usage with Just One 
Click in Windows 7 [How To]

cmd /
and click Next.

Windows 7 Create Shortcut Cmdcutilscheckmemorycpur Monitor CPU and
 Memory Usage with Just One Click in Windows 7 [How To]

Windows asks for a name, I have used CheckMemoryCPU
but you can use other if you prefer. Click Finish.

change the icon right click over the shortcut and click Properties.

Click Change

Windows 7 ShorCut ChangeICon Monitor CPU and Memory Usage with 
Just One Click in Windows 7 [How To]

Windows has several files full of very detailed
icons. One I like is located in c:\windows\system32\imageres.dll.

you find the file you can use the icon you prefer.

Windows 7 Icon Chip Monitor CPU and Memory Usage with Just One 
Click in Windows 7 [How To]

that you have your shortcut created you only have to move to the

Windows 7 Pin ShortCut To Taskbar Monitor CPU and Memory Usage 
with Just One Click in Windows 7 [How To]

And this is it. Just click it for a quick glance and
what is slowing down your PC.



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Gönderildi : 13/08/2010 18:51
