
exchange 2010 onlin...
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exchange 2010 online arşivleme ve spam aktif etme

4 Yazılar
2 Üyeler
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423 Görüntüleme
Gönderiler: 1607
Noble Member
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merhaba Exchange Server 2010 Online Arsivleme makalesini okudum merak ettiğim sey kullanıcının posta kutusuna lımıt verdım 500 mb 450 mb doldu dıyelım ve 450 mb maıllerı arsıve atacam burda arsıve atacam yerı nerde tutuyor serverdamı yoksa client tarafındamı saklıyor exchange 2007 spam aktıf ede bılıyorduk shellde 2010 daki komut nasıl yazamak gerekıyor acaba

Gönderildi : 20/12/2009 03:53

Gönderiler: 5088
Illustrious Member

Server de kullanıcı mailbox database inde tutuyor tabi.

antispam agent ları aktif hale getirmek için, 

 %system drive%/Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts klasörine gelip aşağıda ki komutu kullanıyorsun


Restart-Service MSExchangeTransport

Gönderildi : 20/12/2009 07:52

Gönderiler: 1607
Noble Member
Konu başlatıcı


[PS] C:\>cd "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v14\Scripts"
[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v14\Scripts>./install-AntispamAgents.ps1
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
WARNING: Please exit Windows PowerShell to complete the installation.
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport

Identity                                           Enabled         Priority
--------                                           -------         --------
Connection Filtering Agent                         True            9
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
WARNING: Please exit Windows PowerShell to complete the installation.
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
Content Filter Agent                               True            9
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
WARNING: Please exit Windows PowerShell to complete the installation.
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
Sender Id Agent                                    True            9
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
WARNING: Please exit Windows PowerShell to complete the installation.
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
Sender Filter Agent                                True            9
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
WARNING: Please exit Windows PowerShell to complete the installation.
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
Recipient Filter Agent                             True            9
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
WARNING: Please exit Windows PowerShell to complete the installation.
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
Protocol Analysis Agent                            True            9

WARNING: The agents listed above have been installed. Please restart Microsoft Exchange Transport service for changes
to take effect.
WARNING: You must enable Microsoft Update on your Exchange server to receive anti-spam updates.

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v14\Scripts>

hocam hup trasport baktıgımda antı spam secenegı geldı ama sadece 2 adet olusum yapmış

ip aloww list

ip block list

sizce normalmi

Gönderildi : 20/12/2009 19:00

Gönderiler: 1607
Noble Member
Konu başlatıcı

server config te bakmısım hocam ,organizitain baktıgımda spam aktıf hale gelmıs hocam tsk ederım. bu konu için birde kamut olarak v14 eklenmıs hocam


Gönderildi : 20/12/2009 19:20
