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microsoft exchange transport servis calismiyor

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Servisi calisdirmaya calisdigimda asagidakli hatayi aliyorum

the microsoft exchange transport service on EXCHANGE started and then stopped some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs


nette bunun cozumu olarak her yer

To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Open the ADSIEdit tool, and connect to the configuration context.
  2. Locate the Exchange Administrative Group object.
  3. Open Properties for the Exchange Routing Group object, and copy the distinguishedName value.
  4. Locate the Servers object in Exchange Administrative Group.
  5. Select Properties for the Exchange 2007 Hub server, and find the msExchHomeRoutingGroup attribute
  6. Open the msExchHomeRoutingGroup attribute, and enter the distinguishedName value that you copied in step 3 for the Exchange 2007 Routing Group.
  7. Verify that the Exchange 2007 server is visible in the Exchange Routing Group in Exchange System Manager.
  8. Restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service on the Exchange 2007 Hub server.

seceneklerini yaparak duzeltecegimi soyluyor fakat msExchHomeRoutingGroup adinda bi tab bulamiyorum boyle bir sekmenin nerede oldugunu bilen var mi acaba ?

Gönderildi : 16/11/2009 17:21

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Illustrious Member Yönetici


Exchange Serverın diğer servisleri ne durumdadır? ayrıca Exchange Server sürümünüz nedir?

sisteminiz hakkında biraz daha detaylı bilgi aktarırsanız seviniriz. 

kolay gelsin

Gönderildi : 16/11/2009 17:31

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diger servisler calisiyor

 2007 kurulu sistemde

Gönderildi : 16/11/2009 17:42
