
public folder yeni ...
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public folder yeni mail uyarısı

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Public folder altında teknik adı altında bir folder oluşturdum mail enable yaptım ancak folder a düşen mail için ne uyarı görünüyor ne de teknik klasörü nde herhangi bir belirti yapımızda exchange 2007 var teknik klasörüne mail düştüğünde bildirimin çıkmasını ve teknik klasöründe okunmamış sayısının görünmesini nasıl sağlayabilirim

Gönderildi : 28/09/2009 14:30

Gönderiler: 16309
Illustrious Member Yönetici


öncelikle Public Folder'larinizi Favorites Folder'lar altina ekleyip denermisiniz. eger o sekilde olmazsa (ki olmasi gerekir) asagidaki adimlari takip edermisiniz.

Step by Step Workaround


1.       Download MAPI Editor onto an Outlook box from n" href="">

2.       You will need to be able to logon to a mailbox for a user that has Owner permissions to the public folder. By default in HMC, the org’s Admins are only given Publishing Editor permissions, which is not sufficient. You will need to configure an Outlook profile to logon to this Owner mailbox.

3.       Make sure Outlook is closed and run MFCMapi.exe from the download. Click OK to dismiss the Help screen.

4.       On the Session menu, choose Logon and Display Store Table. You will be prompted to choose a profile, choose the profile you configured to connect to the public folder’s Owner’s mailbox.

5.       Enter credentials if prompted. Double-click Public Folders to open the Public Folder tree.

6.       Expand Public Root and then expand IPM_SUBTREE. Continue to expand the tree to find the public folder you want to modify.

7.       Select the public folder to modify. In the right-hand pane a list of properties will appear.

8.       Look for a property with the Property Name 0x36DA0102.

a.       If it is not present, then the public folder should be currently displaying the count of unread items.

b.       If it is present, then double-click it to check the value. It will be a series of digits, like 010402000000. The important digit is the 6th digit. If it is 1, then the public folder will display the count of unread items. If it is 2, then it will display the total number of items.

9.       To change the behavior:

a.       If the property is not present, go to the Property Pane menu and choose Modify ‘Extra’ Properties. Click Add and enter 0x36da0102 for the Property Tag, then click OK. A new item will appear in the list of properties with the Property Name 0x36DA0102. Double-click this to edit it and enter 010401000000 to display count of unread, or enter 010402000000 to display total number of items.

b.       If the property is present, then double-click it to edit it. Modify the 6th digit to be 1 for count of unread, or 2 for total number of items.

10.   Close all MFCMapi windows.



Gönderildi : 28/09/2009 19:19
