Microsoft Exchange Routing Engine Servisi çalışmıyor.Sistem yolu bulamadı gibi bir hata veriyor acaba bu servisi tekrar nasıl yüklerim.?
Exchange serverin ihtiyaç duymuş olduğu IIS servisi üzerinde gatalar oluşmuş olabilir.
Aşağıda ki makalede hata event' lar ve çözümleri ile ilgili yönlendirmeler bulunmaktadır.
The Microsoft Exchange Routing Engine service does not start and logs events 116, 953, or 7023
if (!loadTOCNode) {var loadTOCNode = function(){}}
On This Page
var sectionFilter = "type != 'notice' && type != 'securedata' && type != 'querywords'";
var tocArrow = "/library/images/support/kbgraphics/public/en-us/downarrow.gif";
var depthLimit = 10;
var depth3Limit = 10;
var depth4Limit = 5;
var depth5Limit = 3;
var tocEntryMinimum = 1;
In Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and in Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server, the Mic...
loadTOCNode(1, 'symptoms');
Event 1
loadTOCNode(2, 'symptoms');
Event Type: Error
Event Source: RESVC
Event Category: None
Event ID: 116
Computer: Computer Name
Description: The service metabase path '/LM/RESVC/' could not be opened. The data is the error code.
Data: 0000: 03 00 00 00 ....
Event 2
loadTOCNode(2, 'symptoms');
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: MSExchangeTransport
Event Category: Routing Engine/Service
Event ID: 953
Computer: Computer Name
Description: Following client routing node failed to connect to its resvc C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
Additionally, the following error may be logged in the system event log:
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Service Control Manager
Event Category: None
Event ID: 7023
Computer: Computer Name
Description: The Microsoft Exchange Routing Engine service terminated with the following error: The system cannot find the path specified.
This issue may occur if the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) metaba...
loadTOCNode(1, 'cause');
To confirm that this is the issue, follow these steps on the Exchange computer:
- Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
- Type cd\Inetpub\AdminScripts, and then press ENTER.
- Type cscript adsutil.vbs ENUM_ALL resvc, and then press ENTER.
If you are experiencing this issue, you receive the following error message:
Path not found
ErrNumber: -2147024893 (0x80070003)
Error Trying To ENUM the Object (GetObject Failed): resvc
To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods. Method 1If you have a r...
loadTOCNode(1, 'resolution');
Method 1
loadTOCNode(2, 'resolution');
If you have a recent backup of the IIS metabase from some time after you installed Exchange, restore the metabase from the backup. For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Method 2
loadTOCNode(2, 'resolution');
If no backup of the metabase exists, you can run the Exchange Setup program with the /reinstall switch. This will cause the Exchange Setup program to copy all the Exchange Server files and to replace missing entries in the metabase. You must also reapply any service packs and hotfixes.
If you have not recently removed IIS, it may be a good idea to try to determine the cause of the metabase corruption. If other IIS services are affected and will not start, you may have to remove and reinstall IIS before you complete the reinstallation of Exchange. Possible causes of metabase corruption include write caching, virus scanning, or editing of the metabase.bin file in an unsupported manner. A power failure or other type of system problem may also be the root cause.
Sorunun cevabını buldum sanırım.Teşekkürler.
Bu sorun mevcut IIS üzerinde tanımlı olan Exchange SMTP'nin devreye girememesinden kaynaklanan bir sorundur. Sorun oluşmasının nedeni Exchange kurulu olduğu halde IIS'in sistemden kaldırılması ve yeniden kurulmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Çözüm yolu ise exchange'i recovery yapmaktır. Bunun için microsoft'tun çözüm önerisinden yararlanabilirsiniz.
İşleme başlamadan önce yedekleme yapmayı unutmayın ki olası felaketlerlere karşı hazırlı olun. Gerçi recovery durumlarında postalara bişi olmaz ama ihtimallerle yolu çıkmaktansa garantiyi elden bırakmayın. Aşağıdaki link bu işlemin nasıl yapılacağı konusunda bilgi vermektedir.
Geçmiş olsun ve kolay gelsin. Geri bildirim yapmayı unutmayın.