Sbs 2008 standart uzerindeki exchange 2007 Standart database sınırı
Database Storage Limit | 16 TB per database mıdır |
16 TB değildir. desteklenen değer okadardır. limit sp ile 250 GB'tır.
What are the limits for the Exchange store?
Essentially there are no limits to the Exchange Server 2007 Standard Edition database size. By default, Exchange 2007 SP1 sets a limit of 250 GB that can be changed if needed. Also note that you can have up to 5 storage groups with a maximum of 1 database per group, meaning that you can have up to 5 databases. In SBS 2008 we use 2 storage groups (2 databases) by default. Realistically, database performance is dependent on number of processors; amount of RAM, speed of your I/O backplane and storage array configuration, so proper mailbox management policies should be in place to prevent creating back-pressure situations that would affect the server's performance
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tesekkur ederim mumin hocam exchange 2003 de ki gibi registery ayarı gerekıyormu exchange 2007 de sp den sonra