
Websense'i (Reporte...
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Websense'i (Reporter) IIS ile nasil kullanirim?

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Merhaba Arkadaslar,


Websense Reporter i calistirmak istiyorum ve IIS kullanmam lazim, cunku 80 portunda calisan bir web site'im var, bunun altindada Virtual Directory'ler mevcut, Apache'yi kurdugumda calismiyor cunku IIS 80'i dinliyor. Eger IIS'i durdurursam o zaman Apache calismaya basliyor ama buda benim yapamayacagim birsey.. Websense Reporter'i IIS uzerine nasil ayarlicam? InstallReportingGuide da buna nazaran bir kisim goremedim.. bilen varsa yardimci olabilir mi?


Tesekkur ederim.

Gönderildi : 25/02/2009 20:31

Hakan Uzuner
Gönderiler: 33502
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burada  adım adım anlatılıyor


Explorer with Microsoft IIS Web Server
If you are using IIS, before beginning the installation, you need to know the
name of the IIS web site. You must enter the name of an existing web site
from IIS Manager in which to create the virtual directory. To create a new web
site or view existing web sites, use the Windows Internet Services Manager.
To access this tool from the Windows Start menu choose
Start>Programs>Administrative Tools>Internet Services Manager.
Explorer Access Requirements for the Temp Directory
Employees who have access to Explorer reports also need to have Modify
access rights to the system temp directory. For most servers, these rights
are automatically granted. For custom or secure server configurations, you
may need to modify access rights before employees can access Explorer
The system temp directory is defined by the configurable environment
variable %temp%, identified by default as C:\Windows\Temp.
Verifying the Temp Directory Location
Follow the next procedure to verify the location of the Temp directory.
1. Log on to the machine where Websense Enterprise Explorer is installed.
2. Locate and then right-click the My Computer icon.
3. Select Properties from the drop-down menu.
4. Click the Advanced tab.
5. Check the System variables list for the Temp entry. Usually, the value is
Verifying Temp Directory Access
Once you verify the location of the system temp directory, you will need
to verify and possibly modify access to the directory. You need to be at the
machine where Websense Enterprise Explorer is installed.
1. Use Windows Explorer to locate the Temp directory. By default, the
directory is C:\Windows\Temp.
2. Right-click the Temp folder, and then select Properties.Websense Enterprise Reporting Installation Guide  X   30
Chapter 4: Selecting the Web Server, Setting Up Users and Security
3. Verify that all users and/or Groups that should be able to access Explorer
reports are listed.
4. Click in the Modify check box associated with each user and/or group
that will be allowed to access Explorer reports. Other boxes are
automatically checked, based on your selection.
5. When you are done selecting all users and/or groups, click OK.
Using Reporter
To generate reports in Reporter, you must log on as a user with local
administrator privileges to the database machine.
Identifying Users for Reporting Tools and Utilities
As a reporting administrator, default access to Websense Reporting Tools uses
the same user ID and password you use to log on to Websense Manager. The
default user account to log on to Websense Reporting Tools is
To identify other users for all Websense Reporting Tools, you must be in
Websense Enterprise Manager, and then select the Report Administrators
option in the navigation pane. For complete configuration details, refer to the
Websense Enterprise Administrator’s Guide, Chapter 8.
Accessing Reporting Tools
‹ To access Websense Reporter, select Start > Program Files > Websense
> Websense Reporter.
‹ To access Log Server Configuration, select Start > Program Files >
Websense > Utilities > LogServer Setup.
‹ To access the Migrate Utility, select Start > Program Files > Websense
> Utilities > Migrate Utility.
‹ To access Real-time Analyzer or Websense Enterprise Explorer, select
Start > Program Files > Websense > Web Reporting Tools. Once you
log on, the Reporting Tool Portal opens, which allows you to select which
web-based reporting tool you want to use. 


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Gönderildi : 26/02/2009 00:22

Gönderiler: 12
Eminent Member
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Hocam selamlar,


Bu dokumana gore adim adim gitmeye calistim ama bir turlu yapamadim, yani bu dokumanda zaten TEMP'in ayarlari filan kontrol et diyor, onun haricinde soyle boyle kuracaksin gibi bir kisim bulamadim, buna istinaden SQL ve IIS ayarlarini manuel yapmaya calistim ancak baglanti kurarken hata veriyor.. tam olarak nerede ne yapmam gerektigini anlamadim, simdi tekrar reporter eklentilerini kaldirip sifirdan kurmaya calisacagim, ancak kurarken kendisi default apache'yi kuruyor ve ona gore de ayar yapiyor anladigim kadariyla... tavsiyen ne olur?

Gönderildi : 09/03/2009 01:52
