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SEP 11 kullanıyorum task oluşturup yerel ağda bulunan bilgisayarları istediğim zaman (wake on lan) uzaktan çalıştırıp virüs taramalarını yaptırabilirmiyim?
Gönderildi : 05/04/2012 14:32
"Using power sensitive malware scanning
This power sensitive malware scanning job lets you turn on one or multiple systems
with Wake-on-LAN and Intel vPro technologies. You can then update the content
of Symantec Endpoint Protection clients and run a scan for viruses and security
risks. The computers are then turned off after these tasks are completed.
See “Types of tasks for Symantec Endpoint Protection Integration Component”
on page 26.
To use power sensitive malware scanning
1 In the Symantec Management Console, on the Manage menu, click Jobs and
2 In the left pane, click Jobs and Tasks > System Jobs and Tasks > Symantec
Endpoint Protection Management.
3 Right-click Symantec Endpoint Protection Management, then click New >
4 On the Create New Task page, in the left pane, click Symantec Endpoint
Protection Management > Power Sensitive Malware Scanning.
Completing jobs and tasks with Symantec Endpoint Protection Integration Component
Using power sensitive malware scanning
5 On the Create New Task page, in the right pane, complete the following
Name Enter a name for the task.
Enable this option if you need to update content, for
example virus definition files.
Choose the malware scan type that you need the task
to run.
Select scan type
Select Intel vPro if your client computers are Intel
vPro computers with AMT enabled. Select
Wake-on-LAN if your client computers are
Wake-on-LAN enabled. You can select Both if your
targeted computers contain a combination of both
Select power management
6 Click OK.
7 In the left pane, click Jobs and Tasks > System Jobs and Tasks > Symantec
Endpoint Protection Management, and then click your task.
8 In the right pane, click New Schedule to schedule the task. On this page,
configure the connection profile.
See “Configuring a connection profile for Symantec Endpoint Protection
Integration Component tasks” on page 35.
9 On New Schedule page, select the targeted computers that you want to roll
out the job.
10 Click on schedule to run a task.
11 In the TaskManagement page, you can view the status of the scheduled task."
yapılabilir görünüyor tabi önce clientlarınızın WOL durumunu tespit, test etmelisiniz.
'balık vermez, nasıl tutulabildiğine yönlendirir'
Probleminiz Çözüldüğünde Sonucu Burada Paylaşırsanız. Sizde Aynı Problemi Yaşayanlar İçin Yardım Etmiş Olursunuz. Eğer sorununuz çözüldü ise lütfen "çözüldü" olarak işaretlerseniz diğer üyeler için çok büyük kolaylık sağlayacaktır.
Gönderildi : 05/04/2012 16:56